Use of asbestos-cement pipes: pressure, non-pressure

For many years, asbestos-cement pipes were a common sight in infrastructure and building projects. These pipes are employed in many different applications and are renowned for their strength and adaptability. Because of their affordability and durability, asbestos-cement pipes continue to be widely used despite asbestos-related concerns.

Pressure asbestos-cement pipes are perfect for irrigation and water supply systems because they are made to withstand high pressure. Their extended service life with low maintenance requirements is guaranteed by their resistance to corrosion and pressure changes. They are therefore a popular option for numerous large-scale projects.

On the other hand, drainage and sewer systems frequently use asbestos-cement pipes that are not under pressure. These pipes offer a dependable wastewater management solution by efficiently handling low pressure situations. Their versatility in construction projects is further enhanced by their lightweight design and simplicity of installation.

Choosing the appropriate asbestos-cement pipe for your project can be aided by being aware of the distinct applications and advantages of both pressure- and non-pressure versions. Asbestos-cement pipes provide a workable and affordable solution for high-pressure water transport or a dependable drainage system.

Type Usage
Pressure Asbestos-Cement Pipes Used for water supply and irrigation systems where high pressure is needed. Durable and long-lasting, these pipes can handle significant water pressure.
Non-Pressure Asbestos-Cement Pipes Typically used for drainage, sewage, and ventilation systems. They are ideal for areas where there is no need to withstand high pressure.

GOST 1839-80

Using asbestos-cement pipes, liquid working media are gravitationally transported. Both the wall thickness and pipe diameters for asbestos-cement are expressed in millimeters.

The specific characteristics and application areas of a grade are outlined in GOST 1839-80.

Necessities that asbestos pipes without pressure need to fulfill:

  • Ability to withstand pressure up to 4-6 atmospheres (the exact indicator depends on the class of the product)
  • Resistance to longitudinal compression – the pressure level is determined by the diameter
  • Homogeneity of the structure of the material itself – no delamination, cracks, chips
  • Exact correspondence of the geometric dimensions of the product to the values ​​​​specified in the passport documentation

You should pay close attention to the following factors when selecting a pipe:

Pipes are laid using specific couplings during installation. Pipes can be used for more than just installing different gravity-flow liquid systems. They can be sawed along the axis to make gutters, or they can be used to make decorative fences, pillars, columns, flower beds, and chimneys.

Certificate of Conformity

Among other uses for cement-asbestos pipes is the pumping of drinking water, which needs to be done in accordance with modern hygienic and technical standards. Products used in pipeline assembly and installation are those for which a certificate of conformity has been granted. The pipe must have natural material in it that has an acceptable level of radionuclides, per the requirements.

It is guaranteed by the certificate that the asbestos-cement pipe is radiation-safe. After conducting research on the content of hazardous elements with radioactive influence, the document was released. They draw conclusions about the material’s safety for use by people and the environment because of specialized testing and inspection technology.

Expert investigations into asbestos-cement pipes are conducted in accredited laboratories, and upon completion of the study, a certificate containing a comprehensive summary of the research findings and conclusion is issued. The pipes’ quality and safety are guaranteed by the certificate and the supporting documentation.

Technical characteristics of the pipes

The pipes made of asbestos-cement can be used for gas, water, or sewer. The product’s operating mode will determine whether the pipes are non-pressure or pressure. They can vary in internal and external diameter, wall thickness, weight, withstandable loads, etc. depending on the brand.

Examine the certificate of conformity and any other supporting documentation carefully before making your decision because a mismatch between the pipe and the designated brand and its characteristics could require network repairs or a total overhaul of the communications. Therefore, where high mechanical strength is required and heavy loads are anticipated, non-pressure cement pipes cannot be installed.

It’s important to thoroughly research the features of asbestos-cement pipes before making a purchase and installing them because they can have wildly varied diameters, weights, and loads.

Pipe types and specifications:

– can tolerate operating water pressures of six and nine atmospheres, respectively. 100–500 millimeters is the internal size, 9–43 millimeters is the wall thickness, 4-5 meters is the length, and 110–623 kilograms is the weight.

– have an internal diameter of 100–500 millimeters, a maximum length of 4-5 meters, and a weight of 26-390 kg.

Standard dimensions are length (mm), internal diameter (100–500 mm), and wall thickness (11–36 mm). Gas communications with excess pressure up to five atmospheres are installed using these pipes.

An asbestos pipeline is much lighter and costs two to four times less than a comparable steel pipeline. Additionally, these pipes operate with far better qualities; they typically function well in situations where stray currents are present and do not mind moisture, alkalis, or slightly acidic environments.

Because asbestos communications have a substantially lower surface coefficient of friction than comparable metal products, pumping a liquid carrier requires a lot less energy. The length of an asbestos-cement pipeline increases by just 0.4 millimeters when heated to +100C, which is 12 times less than the length of a comparable steel pipe. This indicates that asbestos-cement pipeline has a low coefficient of expansion at temperature.

As asbestos pipes have 140 times lower thermal conductivity than other materials, they can be used to assemble systems at shallower depths without freezing. Thermal insulation and deep trench excavation can be completed much more quickly, cheaply, and with less effort when asbestos drainage pipes are installed. Thus, there are additional benefits when installing heating systems using these pipes.

Price per meter

Asbestos-cement pipes offer good performance qualities at comparatively low costs. Prices are within a reasonable range, though they may differ based on the manufacturer, brand, and selling location.

You can save money on asbestos-cement pipes both during the installation process and on the cost of the products themselves.

When steel pipes need to be installed with specific equipment, insulated, or laid at a specific depth, asbestos products suggest less complicated requirements that save time, money, and effort.

Because of their affordability and longevity, asbestos-cement pipes are utilized in many different pressure- and non-pressure-related applications. Because of their strength and capacity to tolerate high pressure, pressure pipes are frequently used in irrigation and water supply systems, whereas non-pressure pipes are perfect for sewage and drainage systems where durability is crucial but high pressure is not an issue. Despite the fact that these pipes are widely used, it’s crucial to handle and install them carefully to reduce the health risks of asbestos exposure.

Types of pipes

Asbestos-cement pipes serve a range of purposes in the construction industry. The ability to tolerate large water loads separates two primary product types: those where the liquid flows under pressure or by gravity, which imply entirely different conditions. This factor allows for the distinction between pressure and non-pressure pipes.Additionally, ventilation pipes used in the construction of fences, chimneys, etc., can be identified using these pipes.


Extremely common in contemporary building. They are resistant to corrosion, have a low specific gravity, and cannot be exposed to extreme heat or cold for extended periods of time. They are not frightened of stray currents and can accumulate a variety of materials that come into contact with their surface.

It takes very little time or effort to install, and no additional thermal insulation needs to be laid. Pipelines have the ability to withstand fire, shock waves, and can even become stronger when submerged in water.


When there is a high water pressure, the pressure type is utilized. They are typically employed in the installation of water pipes, heating mains, and sewage systems. Additionally applicable to the installation of collectors and ventilation systems, you can use them to construct a stove chimney.

Pressure pipe requirements:

  • Conical end treatment
  • Passing studies to determine the ability to withstand a certain pressure, water permeability
  • The presence of appropriate couplings, thanks to which it is possible to create a quick-release and durable connection

Subtypes of asbestos-cement products

Depending on their intended use, asbestos-cement pipes come in a variety of forms. Because of this, grades that can withstand high temperatures are frequently used to make chimney systems. Products made of asbestos cement are available for setting up cable installations, foundations, drainage systems, garbage chutes, and ventilation.

Fence pipes are utilized as boundary columns to which any lattice material can be clamped and have a long lifespan. When building pile foundations or casing wells, asbestos cement pipes can be employed as casing pipes.

It is imperative to consider the operational requirements and features when making a selection, as elements made of asbestos cement do not guarantee universality, and those intended for sewerage installation are not appropriate for use in a chimney, for example.


The range of length variation is 3.95 to 5 meters. The millimeters that the flow value can be: 100, 150, 200, 250, as well as 300, 400, and 500. Consideration must be given to their two primary types prior to determining the diameter.

There are two categories for the installation of asbestos cement pipes and couplings: non-pressure for sewage (production governed by GOST 1839–48) and pressure for water supply (has to adhere to GOST 539–59). Wall thickness and inner and outer diameters are measured in millimeters.

Tables are used to present the data:

How much do pipes weigh?

The weight in the GOST conformance tables is theoretical. When performing computations and installing systems, keep in mind that the theoretical data are given under the assumption of 15% material humidity; under other circumstances, the weight may vary and deviate from the norm.

The table displays all of the data:

Pressure and non-pressure asbestos-cement pipes are still widely used in a variety of building and infrastructure projects. They are a sensible option for a variety of applications, including irrigation, cable protection, drainage systems, and water supply due to their affordability, durability, and corrosion resistance.

Pressure asbestos-cement pipes are appropriate for water distribution and other pressurized systems because they are made to withstand high internal pressures. Their extended service life is guaranteed by their resistance to chemical and biological deterioration, offering a dependable option for both industries and municipalities.

Conversely, non-pressure asbestos-cement pipes are perfect for uses where high pressure is not an issue. They are frequently utilized in ventilation, drainage, and sewage systems. Their ease of installation and lightweight design contribute to a reduction in labor costs and construction time.

Although the use of asbestos in building materials has given rise to health and environmental concerns, contemporary methods of handling and manufacturing work to reduce hazards. Asbestos-cement pipes must be installed and maintained properly to guarantee their safe and efficient use.

All things considered, asbestos-cement pipes provide a flexible and affordable solution for a range of infrastructure requirements. They can offer dependable performance and longevity in both pressure- and non-pressure-related applications with the right safeguards and adherence to safety regulations.

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Anna Vasilieva

Journalist with a technical education, specializing in construction topics. I can explain complex technical topics in simple and accessible language.

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