Why is liquid glass added to the solution and in what proportion?

Liquid glass is just one of many additives used in concrete that have specific functions. Liquid glass, also referred to as sodium silicate, is frequently added to concrete mixtures due to its special qualities that improve performance and durability. This transparent, viscous material strengthens the bond and increases resistance to different environmental factors by reacting chemically with the ingredients in concrete.

The amount of liquid glass that is added to a concrete mix is important and is determined by a number of variables, such as the concrete’s intended use, setting time, and strength. It is usually added in small amounts in relation to the mix’s total volume. This guarantees that the chemical reactions it starts will not interfere with the concrete’s setting process, but will instead improve its final characteristics.

The capacity of liquid glass to fortify concrete against water penetration is one of the main justifications for its addition to the mixture. Liquid glass lowers permeability by plugging tiny pores and capillaries in the concrete matrix, preventing water and other dangerous materials from soaking deeply into the building. This property is especially useful in situations where the concrete is subjected to harsh chemicals or moisture.

Liquid glass not only makes concrete more water resistant, but it also makes it more durable overall. It makes the material more cohesive and durable by fortifying the bond between aggregates and cement particles. Concrete structures’ lifespans can be greatly increased by this strength enhancement, which eventually lowers maintenance costs.

In conclusion, because liquid glass can strengthen the concrete matrix, increase water resistance, and improve durability, it is a useful addition to concrete mixtures. It improves the longevity and performance of concrete structures when applied in the right amounts, strengthening their resistance to environmental stresses and lengthening their service life. Its significance in contemporary construction practices is highlighted by understanding its function and application in concrete mixtures.

Why is liquid glass added to concrete?

A reasonably durable building material can be made by combining cement, sand, and crushed stone; however, in some circumstances, concrete’s chemical and physical qualities are insufficient. Glass, plasticizing additives, liquid soap, and other additives are added to sand-cement mortar to enhance its properties.

The following is how liquid glass affects the solution:

  • Increases moisture resistance. Therefore, glass is added when constructing structures that come into contact with moisture.

  • Accelerates the hardening process. If you prepare a solution from Portland cement M 400, sand and gravel and add an additive to it, the mixture will harden in a day (provided that the air temperature is at least +20 degrees).
  • Gives waterproofing properties to the solution. Concrete with such an additive is not susceptible to mold and fungi. This happens because liquid glass has antibacterial properties.
  • Increases resistance to abrasion.
  • Increases the elasticity of the solution (some add liquid soap for this, but it is not as effective).
  • Increases heat resistance. For comparison, ordinary concrete without any additives can withstand heating up to 200 degrees, after which it crumbles. If liquid glass (29-34%) is added to the mixture, the monolithic structure will withstand up to 1400 degrees. Therefore, this additive is most often used in the construction of stoves and fireplaces.

Silicate glue is also reasonably priced. The cost of packing (15 kg) is approximately 280 rubles.

Soluble glass generally takes the place of multiple costly plasticizers simultaneously, providing waterproofing, plasticity, water resistance, and quick hardening. These qualities cannot be "boasted" by liquid soap, slaked lime, or other inexpensive substitutes for plasticizing additives that are well-liked by certain builders. Plaster is another application for silicate glue that is applied with a brush or sprayer to a concrete base that has hardened.

The appropriate mixture proportion based on sodium silicate must be chosen depending on the type of construction.

Adding liquid glass, also called sodium silicate, to concrete mixtures accomplishes several important goals. It serves as a concrete sealer, strengthening the surface of the structure and preventing moisture penetration to increase durability. A typical addition of liquid glass is between 2% and 5% of the total weight of cement in the mixture. The ideal sealing qualities are guaranteed by this exact ratio without sacrificing the integrity of the concrete. Liquid glass binds to concrete efficiently, strengthening the surface and extending its life by protecting it from chemicals and environmental abrasion.

Proportions of liquid glass

Finding out how long it takes for the mixture to "set" in its final form is first and foremost important. To assist you with this, refer to the following table.

It is not recommended by experts to add more than 25% soluble glass to the solution because this will cause a concrete scattering a few days after filling.

Think about the typical proportions of cement, sand, and silicate glue:

  • If you use a silicate to increase the waterproofing properties of the structure, then 1 liter of water, 400 g of glass will be required.
  • If you want to get a universal plasticizer, then you need to mix 1 part of the cement, 3 parts of sand and a silicate mixture in a volume of 1/5 of the total mass.
  • If you want to cook waterproof plaster, then for 1 part of the cement, take 2.5 parts of the sand and add 15% silicate glue and water to the mixture.
  • To process the plastered concrete surface, mix water and soluble glass in a ratio of 5: 1.

The following subtleties need to be considered when adding liquid glass to concrete for pouring foundations, provided that acidic groundwater is present in the area:

  1. It is not recommended to add more than 3% of liquid glass to the solution.
  2. The foundation must be insulated with additional waterproofing materials.

Naturally, you must correctly mix the additive into the solution.

How to properly prepare a concrete solution with liquid glass

To make such a concoction, do the following:

  1. Take a bucket of clean drinking water (without salts and other impurities). Technical water cannot be used, since the inclusions contained in it can affect the reaction.
  2. Pour a glass of liquid glass into the water and thoroughly stir the mixture until the silicate glue is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into a trough or basin.
  4. While stirring the liquid, add concrete and sand to it in the right proportion.
  5. Whip the concrete solution using a construction mixer or a drill with an attachment until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  6. Pour the concrete into the formwork.

When formulating the solution, it is crucial to take into account the following advice:

  • Soluble glass, under no circumstances, can be added to a cement-sand mixture without first dissolving the additive in water. The same applies to water – it can be added to the mixture only after it has been mixed with glue.
  • Most packages with liquid glass have instructions, if you add a foundation additive (as described above), then you need to use no more than 3% silicate glue; in all other cases, follow the information from the manufacturer.
  • Since the additive significantly reduces the hardening time of concrete, it is better to prepare the solution in small portions. If you use a concrete mixer for this, the mixture will set even before mixing is complete. Also keep in mind that you will have to work very quickly.
  • After adding silicate glue, you must thoroughly wash all tools and hands.
  • Although liquid glass is not toxic, do not allow splashes of silicate glue to get on exposed areas of skin or in the eyes. Work in a well-ventilated area, away from sources that could create a spark.

Liquid glass, sometimes referred to as sodium silicate, is added to concrete mixtures for a number of crucial engineering and construction applications. Its capacity to extend the life and durability of concrete structures is a significant advantage. As a concrete densifier, sodium silicate permeates the material’s pores and, upon reaction with calcium hydroxide, forms calcium silicate hydrate, which gradually fortifies the concrete.

The fact that liquid glass increases concrete’s resistance to different environmental factors is another important justification for using it in concrete. Sodium silicate helps concrete resist abrasion, chemical attacks, and water penetration by decreasing permeability. As a result, buildings are less vulnerable to harm from harmful substances that could jeopardize their integrity, such as freeze-thaw cycles and chloride intrusion.

Usually, the amount of liquid glass added to concrete mixtures is determined by taking into account the desired characteristics of the finished product. A number of factors, including the particular application, the surrounding environment, and the necessary strength and durability of the concrete, are carefully taken into account by engineers and contractors. In general, the dosage should be between 2% and 5% of the cement weight; however, this can change based on the specifications of the project and regional building codes.

While sodium silicate improves many aspects of concrete performance, it’s important to remember that proper application and mixing techniques are essential for best outcomes. In order to guarantee proper dispersion and activation of liquid glass within the concrete matrix, contractors must adhere to manufacturer guidelines. By paying close attention to the little things, concrete structures made of sodium silicate become more durable and sustainable.

To sum up, adding liquid glass to concrete mixtures is a calculated decision meant to increase the material’s strength, resilience, and resistance to external influences. Sodium silicate contributes significantly to the building of durable infrastructure that can successfully handle the demands of contemporary environments by strengthening these qualities.

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Why is liquid glass added to the solution?


Liquid glass. Strengthening concrete.

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Andrey Ivanov

Experienced civil engineer with more than 20 years of experience. Specializing in the construction of industrial and civil facilities. Author of many publications in professional journals.

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