Which is better: aerated concrete or ceramic blocks – a comparative review of building materials

Selecting the appropriate materials is essential for any construction project, including building a new home. Aerated concrete and ceramic blocks are two common choices. Each has a unique set of benefits and drawbacks, so the decision is based on the particular requirements and circumstances.

Extremely hot climates frequently favor aerated concrete because of its exceptional thermal insulation qualities and lightweight nature. It can greatly shorten the time needed for construction and is simple to work with. Its comparatively low strength, though, might be a disadvantage for some constructions.

Conversely, ceramic blocks are praised for their robustness and longevity. They are very fire resistant and offer superior sound insulation. Many builders prefer them because of their robustness, even though they may be heavier and more difficult to handle.

We will examine the salient features of ceramic blocks and aerated concrete in this review and comparison. You can choose the material that best meets your construction needs by being aware of its advantages and disadvantages.

Feature Aerated Concrete Ceramic Blocks
Thermal Insulation Excellent Good
Strength Moderate High
Weight Light Heavy
Ease of Installation Easy Moderate
Cost Lower Higher
Sound Insulation Moderate Excellent
Durability Good Excellent
Environmental Impact Low Moderate
Fire Resistance High High
Water Absorption High Low

Brief characteristics of aerated concrete

Because of its unique qualities, aerated concrete has gained popularity. The producers made a sincere effort, and they came very close to accomplishing their goal of making the material flawless. We will now discover which quality indicators were absent.

Basic properties of the material, classification of products

Let’s start by taking a look at a table that graphically depicts a number of the technical, mechanical, and physical characteristics of various products.

Table 1 lists the primary aerated concrete quality indicators:

Name of the indicator Value
Thermal conductivity On average – 0.12-0.14, depends on density
Strength kg/cm2 25-50
Density Average — 500
Frost resistance 35-150
Environmental friendliness 2
Shrinkage 0.3 mm/ m2
Recommended wall thickness Minimum – 400 cm

You have to admit that these are very desirable indicators for a variety of materials. It is important to note, though, that the precise composition, manufacturing process, and other variables all directly affect the properties of aerated concrete. For this reason, it is pertinent to think about the primary product classifications and their range of applications at this time.

Depending on the method of hardening, aerated concrete can be:

  • Autoclaved, or synthetic hardening;
  • Non-autoclave, or hydration hardening.

In the first instance, high pressure and temperature are used to force the hardening process inside specialized machinery called an autoclave. This type of material offers improved strength properties, more accurate geometry, and a quicker manufacturing process.

Concrete that has not been autoclaved hardens in the environment. The process can occasionally be somewhat sped up, for instance, by heating to a temperature of up to 100 degrees.

Aerated concrete is differentiated based on the density indicator:

  • Heat-insulating;
  • Structural and heat-insulating;
  • Structural.

  • Heat-insulating aerated concrete has the lowest density and thermal conductivity coefficient. The first indicator varies between 300 and 400. It is used as a heat-insulating material.
  • It is not possible to build walls from it, since the blocks cannot withstand any load, except for their own weight.
  • The second type of aerated concrete is the most common among developers. The density of products ranges from 500-800 kg / m3. The thermal conductivity of the block is quite good, but the coefficient is higher than that of the previous type. The material is used in the construction of load -bearing walls and partitions.
  • Structural aerated concrete has a density of 900-1200 kg/m3. But at the same time, his thermal conductivity is much worse. Products can withstand significant loads.

The kind of siliceous component is the basis for another classification, as per GOST.

Aerated concrete is unique in this sense:

  • On the sand, most often quartz;
  • On the ash;
  • On other secondary waste industry.

They differentiate based on the type of binder:

  1. Material on cement knitting;
  2. On lime;
  3. On ash;
  4. On mixed;
  5. On slag.

Within each species, 15–50% of the primary material is present. Additionally, based on the accuracy category, you can highlight the classification.

Accordingly, the following types of aerated concrete blocks can be:

  1. First category. Geometric deviations are minimal and should not exceed more than 1.5 mm in size;
  2. Blocks of the second category they differ in slightly larger deviations in geometry, in accordance with GOST, they can reach up to 2 mm in size and 3 mm diagonally. Broken corners are also allowed.
  3. Third category accuracy is characterized by the presence of the largest deviations. Broken corners can reach 1 cm, deviations in size – 4 mm. They, unlike the two previous types, are placed exclusively on the solution. And this in turn means an increase in cold bridges.

These blocks are typically utilized in the construction of sheds, garages, and other outbuildings.

Advantages and disadvantages

Aerated concrete has advantages and disadvantages just like any other material. Which one will developers find more convincing? Let’s find out.

The primary benefits consist of:

  1. Lightness of the material, which significantly reduces the load on the foundation;
  2. Relatively large sizes of products allow to significantly increase the speed of construction;
  3. Good geometry of the block, which is especially characteristic of autoclave aerated concrete;
  4. The material is environmentally friendly, it does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. If we compare it with wood, the latter has an index of 1, while aerated concrete has an index of 2;
  5. Fire resistance, aerated concrete does not interact with fire;
  6. Ease of processing. Aerated concrete is easy to saw, cut, products can be given almost any shape;
  7. High frost resistance. Some manufacturers guarantee that the material can withstand up to 100-150 freeze-thaw cycles;
  8. The ability to vapor permeability helps to establish the most favorable microclimate in the room. Aerated concrete tends to absorb excess moisture and give it off when the air is excessively dry.
  9. Aerated concrete is strong enough to build a multi-story house;
  10. Low thermal conductivity allows you to save on insulation, and subsequently on heating;
  11. Another advantage is the ability to produce products with your own hands. For this, you will only need instructions, some equipment and raw materials. However, this only applies to non-autoclaved aerated concrete.
  12. The price is relatively low, especially when compared to the cost of bricks.
  13. A large selection of manufacturers and sizes can also be attributed to the advantages.

Its inability to achieve perfection in the material has resulted in multiple notable drawbacks.

  1. The main one is the notorious porosity, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The fact is that aerated concrete tends to absorb moisture. During the prevalence of negative temperatures, it can crystallize, and thereby cause irreparable damage to the structure of the block.

It’s also important to take note of the open pore structure that distinguishes aerated concrete. This plays a major role in raising the amount of moisture absorption.

  1. Fragility of the material. It does not tolerate mechanical impact at all. When transporting, you should be extremely careful. During construction work, as a result, a certain number of broken and broken products appear.
  2. A less significant drawback is the problem associated with fixing the fasteners. For aerated concrete it is necessary to purchase specialized elements. And, if it is necessary to fix the heaviest structures that have a high level of tearing, fastening points should be planned in advance and strengthened using, for example, metal plates, bricks.
  3. The question of the level of shrinkage of aerated concrete is somewhat controversial. If we compare with most wall materials, then, in principle, the products are subject to small shrinkage, this figure is 0.3 mm per 1 m2. However, sometimes cracks may appear.

Most likely, that is all. There are no longer any drawbacks to aerated concrete. And there are several ways to level up the aforementioned.

Be aware that proper internal and external finishing can help shield aerated concrete from moisture. The fact that they are technically compatible is what matters most. In other words, the walls must be hermetically finished from the inside out if there is no ventilation available through the house’s facade. This will prevent any humid air vapor from penetrating into the space between the wall and the cladding.

What are ceramic blocks

It’s also important to closely examine the features and attributes of ceramic blocks in order to determine which is preferable: aerated concrete or ceramic block.

Analysis of the main characteristics

Because of their superior performance and superior material quality, ceramic blocks have gained widespread recognition. Its durability, strength, and heat conductivity are all rather high.

There is a wide variety of sizes. Both large and more compact products are available for the consumer to select. I want to talk about the block’s dimensions separately.

The measurements could be:

  • 51, 39.8, 38 and 35 cm – in length;
  • 25.5, 25 and 18 cm – in width;
  • 219, 188 and 14 mm – by thickness.

The designation assigned to each module is determined by comparing its volume to that of a standard brick using a comparative indicator. The primary unit of measurement is one block, which has dimensions of 250 * 120 * 65 = 1NF.

A large-format product measures 510 * 250 * 219 mm and has an indicator of 14.3 NF. To put it simply, this number shows how many regular bricks of the aforementioned size can be substituted with a single block.

Kindly take note! Not every manufacturer uses this particular TU, and that’s okay. As per GOST, these material’s dimensional values are standard.

Faceted and ordinary ceramic blocks can be used, depending on the intended use.

  • Ordinary blocks have a smooth or ribbed surface, they are made of clay with a minimum amount of modified additives.
  • Facing blocks can have a smooth or textured surface texture. During their production, coloring pigments can be added to the composition in order to obtain colored specimens.
  • Products can be manufactured, in accordance with GOST, in a hollow and solid version. Voids are through, and they can have different geometries. They can also have rectangular and square holes, which provide ease of grip during construction work. The block itself, in shape, resembles a parallelepiped.
  • Ceramic blocks are characterized by the presence of micropores, which are created during molding and during subsequent firing. These micropores are formed in places where additives (organic) burn out. As a result, the product becomes porous.

GOST 530 2012 lists the distinct components of stone:

  • Bed – the face with the largest area;
  • Head – the shortest side face;
  • Spoon – long side edge.

Let’s use a table to examine the primary markers of a ceramic block’s characteristics.

Table 2. Ceramic block characteristics:

Characteristic (indicator) name Value and comments
Thermal conductivity 0.1-0.2
Frost resistance From 50 cycles
Wall thickness From 0.6 m
Water absorption No more than 10%
Strength grade 75

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Among the material’s benefits are:

  1. High installation speed. Since the blocks are quite large in size, the process of erecting walls is significantly accelerated due to this.
  2. The relatively low weight of the products is not capable of putting a serious load on the foundation of the building.
  3. Economical installation. The tongue and groove joint does not need to be filled.
  4. The durability of the block is at a height. The minimum service life is 50 years.
  5. The material has soundproofing properties due to the presence of technical voids.
  6. Ecological friendliness of the material. No toxic or harmful materials for health and the environment are used in the production of ceramic blocks.
  7. Fire resistance. The products do not support the combustion process.
  8. Thermal conductivity of the material is another advantage. The products are able to retain temperature well.
  9. Ceramic blocks are also characterized by thermal inertia, which undoubtedly makes the products the most competitive.
  10. The variety of sizes allows any developer to choose the most suitable option for themselves.
  11. The products are quite resistant to moisture. Water absorption does not exceed 10%.

The following are the drawbacks:

  • The price of the material is very high. A cottage built from these products can safely be called golden. If you use blocks with a density of 830-900 kg/m3 when building a house in central Russia, in order to maintain acceptable thermal conductivity of the walls, you will need to build a wall with a thickness of 70 cm. If you use blocks with a density of 750 kg/m3, the wall can be much thinner, but the price for such blocks is higher.
  • One of the main disadvantages is that ceramic blocks, in accordance with the requirements of GOST, can differ in height by up to 4 mm. Because of this, there is a shift in the joint and, as a consequence, an increase in the thickness of the seam. As a result, the number of cold bridges increases, and the ability to retain heat of the building decreases. Although individually, the products have a low coefficient.
  • Any manufacturer of ceramic blocks tries to convince their potential customers that their products are characterized by maximum accuracy of the tongue-and-groove connection. However, let"s figure out: is this so?

GOST states that there can be differences between blocks of up to 10 mm in length and 3 to 5 mm in width. And no matter which manufacturer, these differences will always occur. The vertical seams will need to be filled because the developer will still be unable to choose the product dimensions precisely. Consequently, there was a rise in material consumption.

  • Blocks are problematic to process. They are difficult to drill, groove. To prepare the additional element, it is necessary to use pendulum, saber or electric saws. It is no secret that with the help of these tools, it is quite difficult to achieve extreme accuracy.
  • Products are relatively fragile. Transportation and loading and unloading operations must be carried out with caution.
  • Another disadvantage is very controversial. Manufacturers claim that the material is absolutely environmentally friendly, since it is made only from natural materials.

Everything appears to be as it is. However, the location of clay quarries and adherence to technological procedures have a significant impact on the outcome of environmental friendliness. This is the extent of the drawbacks. As you can see, the benefits nearly balance them out.

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Comparison of the properties of both materials

Since selecting the best material is our primary goal, let’s carefully consider the functional and practical aspects of each material to determine which is preferable: aerated concrete or ceramic blocks.

Table 3: Technical and practical properties of materials compared:

Characteristic name Comments: ceramic block or aerated concrete
Construction speed The dimensions of both products are characterized by fairly large dimensions, which allows you to erect a building quickly. However, as it turned out, the process of processing a ceramic block is somewhat complicated. But, in general, both materials are at a high level in this regard.
Thermal conductivity This indicator is good for both materials. However, since ceramics are characterized by a higher density, it is still slightly inferior in this characteristic to its competitor – aerated concrete.
Strength, density But in terms of strength and density, the palm in the competition "ceramic block or aerated concrete" goes, as already mentioned, to the first.
Thickness of walls In order for the walls of the house made of both materials to have the same thermal conductivity coefficient, their thickness for the ceramic block should be greater.
Need for subsequent finishing Aerated concrete in any case needs finishing both inside and outside the building. This is justified not only by technological requirements, but also by a simple aesthetic component. Facing ceramic block does not need finishing outside.
Water absorption Aerated concrete has a high rate of water absorption, the material is porous and, at the same time, the pore structure is open. The ceramic block is less susceptible to the harmful effects of moisture.
Shrinkage More typical for aerated concrete.
Composition The composition of both materials is different. Ceramic blocks are a completely organic material, the main component of which is clay, and aerated concrete is an artificially created material, which is a type of cellular concrete.
Popularity and scope of application Both materials are used for the construction of walls and partitions. The only difference is that aerated concrete cannot be used as a facing material that does not require subsequent finishing. Ceramic block – on the contrary, has facing products in its classification.
Price category Aerated concrete is much cheaper, ceramic block is a fairly expensive material, and not all developers can afford it.
Complexity of production Ceramic block is more difficult to manufacture. It is impossible to produce in the conditions of handicraft production. But non-autoclaved aerated concrete can be made even at home.

Making a decision is still challenging because each material has pros and cons of its own, even after taking into account the key attributes. Certain indicators favor aerated concrete, while others favor ceramic blocks.

Selecting the winning criteria will be much simpler if you try to ascertain which ones are most crucial. For instance, go for aerated concrete if you want to save money, and go for a ceramic block if you want strength and moisture resistance.

A lot also depends on the intended use and functionality of the future structure.

Calculation of the composition of the mortar for masonry work

Aerated concrete and ceramic blocks are two options for your building project; it’s important to take cost, durability, and insulation into account. In addition to being lightweight and providing superior thermal insulation, aerated concrete is also easier to handle. Conversely, ceramic blocks offer greater strength and longevity, extending the life of your building. This comparative analysis will assist you in comprehending the salient features, merits, and possible demerits of every material, thereby empowering you to make an informed choice for your construction requirements.

Features of masonry work

The steps involved in building an aerated concrete wall are as follows:

  1. The first blocks are laid at the corners, they will subsequently serve as a guide for the entire row;
  2. If the wall is too long, it is recommended to install additional beacon blocks;
  3. A construction thread is stretched between them;
  4. The first row is laid out completely on the mortar for better adhesion to the base;
  5. The evenness is controlled using a building level and a rubber hammer;

Kindly take note! Since the solution sets quickly, it makes sense to adjust the blocks as soon as possible. There is no way to take down the wall in the future.

  1. If there is a gap in the wall that is not equal to the size of the block, it should be cut. You can use a hacksaw or any other suitable tool;
  2. The second and subsequent rows are laid on glue, which is applied in a thin layer using a trowel;
  3. Reinforcement must be done every 4 rows to improve the strength characteristics of the structure;
  4. After the completion of the wall, the blocks need to be reinforced.

When placing ceramic blocks, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • It is best to lay them in the warm season, when the air temperature does not drop below 5 degrees. Experts say that the use of anti-freeze additives entails a decrease in the compressive strength of the ceramic block.
  • When sawing it, it is better to use an alligator saw or a band saw. It is recommended to use an electric jigsaw only if the laying specialist has experience.
  • Correction of masonry should be done with a rubber hammer. If used correctly, it will not cause mechanical damage to the products.
  • According to experts, it is not necessary to reinforce the masonry when using a ceramic block, but such an action will not be superfluous. You can strengthen the part of the structure on which heavy reinforced concrete products will rest.

The following steps are involved in the masonry process:

  • The base must be level. If there are any defects, it is leveled with mortar. Control is carried out using a level or level.
  • It is imperative to lay a layer of waterproofing.
  • Masonry, as in the case of gas blocks, begins from the corners.
  • Before work, it is recommended to wet the ceramic blocks so that they do not absorb moisture from the mortar, otherwise, it will set quickly enough and it will be impossible to correct the masonry.
  • Each of the corners is raised by three rows and a thread is pulled between them.
  • It is recommended to use an adhesive composition, it allows you to make the seams as thin as possible, and thereby reduce cold bridges.
  • Since ceramic blocks are connected using a tongue-and-groove system, there is no need to make vertical seams, but horizontal ones should be approached with full responsibility.
  • The glue is applied to the already laid blocks with a trowel.
  • First, the blocks are connected to the grooves of the already laid elements, and then they are pressed onto the solution.
  • Each subsequent row must be laid offset. That is, the junction of blocks of one row falls in the middle of the product of the second.

The steps involved in building walls out of both materials are explained in more detail in the article’s video.

The decision you make between ceramic blocks and aerated concrete will rely on your priorities and unique needs. Because each material has particular advantages and disadvantages, it can be used for a variety of projects.

In addition to being lightweight and simple to work with, aerated concrete provides superior thermal insulation. It’s an excellent option for people who want to build fast and effectively while keeping energy costs low. Nevertheless, more finishing work might be necessary to get the right strength and look.

Conversely, ceramic blocks are renowned for their resilience to moisture, strength, and sound absorption. They are perfect for buildings that have to be stable for an extended period of time and can endure severe weather. For some builders, the heavier weight and more difficult installation procedure may be a disadvantage, but these difficulties are frequently outweighed by the advantages.

The choice ultimately boils down to your personal preferences, your budget, and the particular requirements of your project. Aerated concrete and ceramic blocks can both offer a sturdy base for your building requirements, so carefully weigh the pros and cons of each material before selecting one.

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Dmitry Sokolov

Chief engineer in a large construction company. I have extensive experience in managing construction projects and implementing modern technologies.

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