What is the thermal conductivity of arbolite

Arbolite, a lightweight and eco-friendly building material, has gained popularity for its impressive thermal insulation properties. Combining wood chips and cement, arbolite blocks offer a unique blend of strength and insulation, making them ideal for various construction projects. But what exactly is the thermal conductivity of arbolite, and why is it an important factor to consider?

The ability of a material to conduct heat is determined by its thermal conductivity. It establishes how well a structure can stay cool in the summer and retain heat in the winter, in relation to building materials. Arbolite is especially good at insulating buildings because of its low thermal conductivity, which lessens the need for supplemental heating and cooling systems.

This article investigates arbolite’s thermal conductivity and offers comparisons to other building materials to better understand how well it performs. Builders and homeowners can use arbolite more wisely in their construction projects by being aware of these properties, which will ultimately result in more comfortable and energy-efficient living areas.

Because of its low thermal conductivity, arbolite—a lightweight concrete made of cement and organic materials like wood chips—offers exceptional thermal insulation qualities. This implies that arbolite can efficiently lower energy consumption and expenses by keeping buildings cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Because of its special composition, which balances strength and insulation, it’s a popular material for energy- and environmentally-conscious building projects.

What is arbolite

You should probably look to the technology used in its production as well as the raw materials itself to determine how high-quality the material is. The final product’s functionality and longevity rely on how well the production and technological specifications are fulfilled, as well as how well the component quality is maintained.

Arbolite is classified as a lightweight concrete with a large-cell structure in the building materials classification. It is a composite material made up of a solution and a monolithic filler. In this instance, the filler is particularly important, just like in other forms of lightweight concrete.

To make these goods, utilize:

  • wood shavings and chips;
  • seed husks;
  • waste resulting from flax production;
  • rice straw;
  • pine needles;
  • cotton stalks;
  • other organic waste.

The most popular filler added to this type of concrete is wood chips, which should not be bigger than 4 x 1 x 0.5 cm. The raw material must not come into even the slightest contact with water in order to increase its durability. Furthermore, unique compounds are applied as an additional treatment to wood chips.

Generally, the filler is treated with a slaked lime solution when making such wall material on one’s own, but buying specialty compounds is preferable. Because these additives increase the durability of the final products, their high cost will more than be recouped.

The lack of processing will cause the shavings to become saturated with moisture, which will eventually cause the cement to mix with water. This will lead to the block starting to rot and decay.

It is best to let wood materials stand in the open for more than three months before working with them. Simultaneously, the chips must be adequately shielded from moisture. The curing time may be cut in half if it’s a dry and hot day.

Additionally, additives are added directly into the concrete:

  • calcium chloride;
  • aluminum chloride;
  • aluminum sulfate.

As a binder, only Portland cement or sulfate-resistant cement with a minimum grade of M400 D0 is utilized. The use ofpozzolanic cements is strongly discouraged.

Characteristics of arbolite blocks

What characteristics therefore do the constituents of arbolite products possess?

Thermal conductivity

Heat capacity, or the capacity of a wall material to hold and accumulate heated air, is one of its most valuable attributes. Arbolite is one such material. Thermal conductivity, an indicator that describes a material’s capacity to release heat into the outer environment, is given particular consideration. Furthermore, the interior of the building gets warmer the smaller it gets.

The wood fillers in the blocks, which are excellent insulators in and of themselves, increase these indicators. Let us now compare the various wall materials’ thermal conductivity indicators.

These indicators only work under optimal circumstances, that is, at the lowest possible humidity and exclusively in a dry state. Since actual building conditions are not perfect, these indicators will rise along with the value of thermal conductivity. As a result, the qualities shall decline.

This most important indicator has a very decent value when compared to other materials, but it is not enough to build an uninsulated house. Insulation is necessary to lower thermal conductivity and increase the longevity of such wall blocks.

In light of this, walls constructed of the materials mentioned above in the central and northern regions of Russia also need to be insulated.

Perlite warm plaster systems are typically used to insulate newly constructed walls.A layer no thicker than two centimeters is applied to the walls. In order to save money, they lay on the edge of the block if it is assumed that the premises will be constructed with intermittent heating.

Walls are constructed using products with varying densities for different uses. Depending on its value, the thermal conductivity index will also change.


The table shows that arbolite’s thermal conductivity increases with decreasing density. It is important to remember, though, that density also has an impact on strength and, consequently, bearing capacity. The strength characteristics decrease with a lower index. As a result, exercise caution and buy goods with a denser composition that is both adequate to support all bearing loads and maximize heat retention.

Generally, blocks with a class higher than B 0.1 are used for building main walls, which should not be higher than three meters. The brands listed below have products that are perfect for insulating a building from heat. Blocks with classes B 2.0 and B 2.5 can be used to build two- and three-story structures.

It’s also important to note that arbolite has a strong resistance—up to 10 MPa—to destructive loads applied during bending. Thus, there is absolutely no risk associated with arbolite block cracking. However, this is the primary issue with alternative cellular concretes. Like any other lightweight concrete, its bending strength is somewhat lacking, but it is still more than adequate for building a modest private home when constructed correctly.

Water absorption

One notable feature of these products is their water absorption level, which varies between 75 and 85%. intriguing worth. However, how is this possible? It is preferable to go back to the composition of arbolite blocks, which are made of solid wood chips, in order to address this query. The arrangement of its particles is utterly chaotic in relation to one another. As a result, water will just flow through a block if it is wetted, and the product will dry out quickly. Arbolite is incredibly popular among those who enjoy designing bathrooms because of this special quality.

Arbolite facades must be finished, even though this material dries quickly. Many developers choose to insulate the facade during this process. Typically, an insulated layer of mineral wool is covered with curtain wall systems or ordinary plastering. Particular hydrophobic impregnations are used to reduce the likelihood of water absorption.

Frost resistance

Frost resistance is a feature that builds on the previous one and indicates how long-lasting the blocks are. It stands for the products’ maximum defense against deterioration brought on by the expansion and contraction of the moisture that they were saturated in during the warm season. These variations cause the internal structure to become covered in microcracks, which ultimately results in the blocks being destroyed fatally.

The blocks’ frost resistance indicator matches the typical F50 brand.

He is not at all in danger of being destroyed quickly thanks to arbolite’s unusual ability to absorb water, but this is only true if the blocks are of high quality. As mentioned above, exterior decoration must be applied to the walls as soon as possible to maximize their protection from water supply. It will shield the walls from damaging atmospheric phenomena in addition to lowering this indicator.

Execution of combustion

When you think about any material that contains wood rock elements, you can’t help but wonder how quickly it will burn. However, such ideas are wholly irrelevant to the arbolite blocks. They are categorized as low-flammable, flame-retardant, and low-smoke materials because of their weak susceptibility to fire. Amazing, given the amount of wood chips that are still present in the concrete "body."

Property Description
Thermal Conductivity Arbolite has a thermal conductivity of about 0.08-0.14 W/(m·K), which makes it a good insulating material.
Comparison Compared to other materials, arbolite"s thermal conductivity is lower than concrete but higher than traditional insulation materials.
Impact on Energy Efficiency Using arbolite in construction helps improve the energy efficiency of buildings by reducing heat loss.
Temperature Regulation Arbolite helps maintain a stable indoor temperature, making buildings warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

The revolutionary building material known as Arbolite combines the best qualities of concrete and wood. Because of its special makeup, it provides exceptional thermal insulation, which makes it a great material for energy-efficient building. Builders can greatly lower their heating and cooling expenses by utilizing arbolite, which promotes more environmentally friendly and sustainable building practices.

Because arbolite has a very low thermal conductivity, it effectively retains heat in the winter and cools interior spaces in the summer. This characteristic is essential for preserving a cozy interior climate all year round without significantly depending on artificial heating or cooling systems. Materials such as arbolite provide both developers and homeowners with an affordable option in light of the ongoing rise in energy costs.

Arbolite’s strength and durability also complement its thermal performance. Its ability to support substantial structural loads in spite of its lightweight nature makes it adaptable to a wide range of construction uses. Its appeal as a dependable and secure building material is further enhanced by its resistance to fire and pests.

All things considered, arbolite’s low heat conductivity, along with its favorable effects on the environment and sturdy performance, make it an appealing choice for contemporary building. Its use is expected to increase as more homeowners and builders become aware of this material’s benefits, opening the door for more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient construction.

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Andrey Ivanov

Experienced civil engineer with more than 20 years of experience. Specializing in the construction of industrial and civil facilities. Author of many publications in professional journals.

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