What is a plasticizer for concrete for, making it yourself, composition, types

Although plasticizers and other additives can improve the properties of concrete, the material is still widely used in construction. Concrete is more workable with a plasticizer, which facilitates mixing, pouring, and finishing. For projects requiring complex formwork or high-strength concrete, this additive is extremely helpful.

Gaining an understanding of plasticizers and their benefits for concrete will help you complete construction projects more successfully. You can also make your own plasticizer at home with the correct ingredients and techniques. For those working on smaller projects or do-it-yourself tasks, this can be an affordable solution.

Chemicals that lower the amount of water required in a concrete mix are commonly found in plasticizer compositions, which produce concrete that is stronger and more durable. Plasticizers come in various varieties, each appropriate for use with particular concrete mixtures and applications. Understanding which type to use can have a big impact on the caliber of your construction project.

Topic Details
What is a plasticizer? A plasticizer is an additive that makes concrete easier to work with and improves its flowability.
Purpose Plasticizers enhance the workability and strength of concrete, reduce water content, and improve durability.
DIY Plasticizer To make a plasticizer at home, you can use household items like liquid soap or detergent mixed with water.
Composition Plasticizers typically contain chemicals like lignosulfonates, polycarboxylates, or melamine formaldehyde.
Types There are various types of plasticizers, including superplasticizers, mid-range plasticizers, and traditional plasticizers.

Hydration reaction and water-cement ratio

You should become knowledgeable about the characteristics and composition of the material if you’re curious about what a plasticizer is. This is an ingredient that is combined with concrete mortar. Its goal is to enhance the final mixture’s qualities.

Concrete plasticizers improve the cement’s mobility by raising its plasticity, one measure of the material’s quality. As a result, the service life of the structure made of this material increases along with resistance to external factors.

The hydration reaction is responsible for the desired outcome: the composition starts to harden when multiple ingredients (cement, water, sand, and additives) are mixed together. The mixture eventually solidifies into a sturdy cement stone. The capacity of anhydrous clinker minerals to form calcium hydrosilicates is what initiates the hydration reaction. Concrete cannot be allowed to harden without this.

The quality of the reaction described determines the finished material’s resistance to external factors. Furthermore, concrete that strengthens over a number of years has the best qualities. The amount of water used has an impact on the properties of the solution. 0.4 is the ideal liquid to cement ratio.

The increased density of such a solution makes it challenging to work with, so more water is added to alter the proportions.

It is best to concentrate on the material’s structure. Moderate fluidity is the ideal quality for concrete. To fill the formwork, a more liquid solution is utilized.

Strength decreases when the ratio of cement to water is changed. Such concrete is not strong enough to support long-lasting structures. You should research the properties of plasticizers if you’re curious about why concrete needs them.

Even when the water proportions are altered, the addition strengthens the reinforced concrete’s qualities. Consequently, the material gains the necessary strength.


Features that the plasticizer offers:

  • increase in the fluidity of the solution, which allows maintaining the properties of concrete when changing the proportions of water and cement, and also improves workability;
  • additives save cement (up to 15%), while the strength does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases significantly (up to 25%);
  • due to the increased fluidity, it became possible to use concrete pumps, as a result, the speed of construction has increased significantly;
  • facilitation of pouring formwork in cases where frequent placement of reinforcing bars is envisaged;
  • self-compacting compositions are created;
  • there is a need to improve the properties of cement mortar in conditions where it is not possible to change the brand of cement to a more suitable option;
  • if there is no vibration equipment, the additives in question are used.


In large-scale construction, a plasticizer is added to the concrete mixture. It is not practical to calculate an adequate amount of material and prepare additives yourself if a minimum amount of cement mortar is required for repair work. You can purchase a ready-made mixture in this situation, but it’s not always possible to find the necessary amount of packaging for sale.

Even the best plasticizer for concrete, despite its many benefits, is not a necessary ingredient when preparing a solution. But using it is the better option.

Simultaneously, the properties are greatly enhanced, construction work is simplified, and cement costs are decreased. From a financial and technical standpoint, it is therefore advised to use additives of this kind.

You should use plasticizing additives in accordance with the following instructions to preserve the characteristics of concrete:

  1. Additives are used in accordance with the manufacturer"s recommendations. It is important to follow the dosage indicated on the packaging.
  2. The plasticizer is introduced in dissolved form simultaneously with water.
  3. The work is carried out at a temperature above 0°C.
  4. If you plan to make plasticizers for concrete with your own hands, 100-150 g of dry matter or 200-250 g of liquid additive is considered sufficient for 1 bag of cement.
  5. The area where construction work is carried out must be dry. Thoroughly dried containers are used to mix the solution.
  6. Considering that bulk components are used in the process of preparing the mixture, it is recommended to wear a protective mask. Dry compositions should not get on exposed areas of the body.
  7. It is not recommended to smoke while preparing the cement mortar. There should also be no other sources of fire nearby.
  8. It is prohibited to use materials whose expiration date has expired. They lose their properties, which means that the quality of the finished concrete will be low.


  • plasticizers;
  • water repellents;
  • accelerators and retarders of strength gain;
  • antifreeze additives;
  • sealers;
  • corrosion inhibitors;
  • stabilizers.

The first option is available for purchase as a liquid concentrate, ready-to-use solution, and powder. We already covered the characteristics of this type of additive. Air bubbles are drawn into the mixture’s structure by the use of water repellents. When the material’s structure changes and it becomes more malleable, this kind of action makes it possible to lessen the intensity of surface tension.

Additives that stabilize allow the structure to remain homogeneous. As a result, when the material is laid and pumped, its properties are maintained throughout the thickness of the layer. It maintains its strength, flexibility, and mobility.

As implied by the name, another additive, a compacter, is added to the material to increase its density. It is possible to decrease the size of the concrete pore by using these additives. This aids in lessening the cement mortar’s intensity of moisture absorption. Consequently, this improves the material’s resistance to the development of cracks.

The accelerator of the set of strength

The additive’s primary effect is to speed up the setting of cement mortar; nevertheless, strength setting happens three times more quickly.

  • improvement of strength characteristics by 15%, while the grade strength increases by 70%;
  • the level of mobility of the finished concrete also increases, the material moves from group P1 to group P3, such changes in the properties of the solution make it possible to avoid the destruction of the structure under the influence of external factors (vibrations, precipitation, etc.);
  • the heat of hydration increases;
  • the intensity of water separation from the structure of the finished concrete is reduced.

Liquid hardening accelerator is available for purchase. When it is not feasible to wait for the concrete to naturally gain strength, this kind of additive is used.

  • carbonate salts;
  • sulfate salts;
  • ammonium salts;
  • chlorides;
  • nitrates.

But the majority of the time, compounds with chlorides are employed. They are reasonably priced and very effective.

Strength gain retarder

Compared to the additives covered above, the component is utilized less frequently. This is because lowering the rate of strength gain is the primary goal of using such additives. When substantial work is done while taking breaks, it is evident that such a reaction is necessary.

Additionally, the material’s setting must be slowed down during transportation. This will enable you to stop working seams from forming later on. Because of the uneven concrete structure in these areas, destruction occurs more quickly.

This kind of additive works on the basis of its influence on the hydration process. The mixture gains strength over a much longer period of time as a result. Both chemical and physical slowdowns exist. In the first instance, a film covering the cement grains aids in slowing the rate of strength growth.

The dependability of concrete is impacted by this process. Chemical slowing agents necessitate precise dosage calculations. Their influence causes the concrete crystal lattice’s natural growth process to slow down.

Antorozoic additives

Obtainable in liquid form. These additives allow concrete to maintain its qualities even in extremely cold weather—down to -20 °C. Here, the hydration process decelerates, contributing to a slower rate of heat release from the concrete layer.

If the final product is going to be used on the street (for example, to install garden paths or make foam and slag blocks to build the object’s external walls), then it is best to use these additives. Remember that the antifreeze additive is only added to the mixture when the temperature is below zero.

Corrosion inhibitors

When building reinforced concrete structures is planned, the use of such additives is advised. It is impossible to stop the process of metal corroding and rusting, for example, on the area where damage to steel rods in concrete has caused it to open. It will grow in the resilient material’s thickness. You can, however, alert it to the use of corrosion inhibitors.

Such additions inhibit the oxidative reaction that would otherwise occur in the metal’s structure. The addition lessens the severity of the harmful effects in the event that the corrosion inhibitor is unable to halt this process.

  • sodium brahromate and potassium;
  • a mixture of nitrite and calcium nitrate;
  • Nitrite sodium.

The corrosion inhibitor creates a film-like appearance on the metal’s surface. It keeps the rods in the concrete’s thickness from oxidizing.

Complex additives

Include a variety of additives that enhance the final composition’s qualities. Complex additives are taken into consideration in certain situations when deciding what to use in place of the plasticizer in concrete. Superplasticizers is another term used to describe these materials.

They are employed when there will be frequent exposure of the completed structure to adverse elements. Complex additives are far more expensive than additives with a single function.


There are a lot of different types of plasticizing additives available. Prices in Moscow might be marginally different from those in the surrounding areas. The material’s composition and qualities are considered when making a decision.

The environment in which the material will be used is also taken into consideration. This is taken into consideration when determining the necessary set of properties for the additive.

  • TechnoNIKOL;
  • Hard Plast;
  • Superplast;
  • Doc Plast, etc.

Muraplast FK 63

This is a concrete mixture water repellent. Both stressed and unstressed reinforced concrete structures can use the additive. It is made using a polymer of polycarboxylate ethers as its foundation. characteristics of the material

  • the composition provides the effect of delayed absorption;
  • the process of electrostatic repulsion is activated;
  • due to such an additive, the strength at different stages of setting increases;
  • it is possible to switch to low grades of cement, using a water repellent of this type, but the strength of the finished solution does not decrease;
  • increase in the service life of a concrete structure based on such an additive;
  • in the absence of vibration equipment, self-compacting concrete is obtained;
  • the period during which the mobility of the mixture is maintained increases.

It’s critical to accurately calculate an additive’s dosage. The solution needs to be prepared in forced-action concrete mixers in order to improve the properties. It is advised to apply a stabilizing additive at the same time as this kind of water repellent if self-compacting concrete is to be prepared.

This kind of additive makes up 0.2-2.5% of the mass of cement powder overall, and its quantity is expressed as a percentage.

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The material is applied to enhance the characteristics of different structures. It is employed in the construction of reinforced concrete structures as well as in the mixing of mortar during concrete preparation. The material is advertised as being hyperplasticizer-like.

A material is made using polycarboxylates. This additive slows down the process of losing solution mobility while simultaneously increasing strength.

This is a versatile material that can be utilized to create concrete mixtures for a range of applications. Qualities:

  • ensuring a water-reducing effect;
  • dilution of the concrete mixture to the required limits without loss of strength;
  • mobility increases from level P1 to P5;
  • the connection between the components is maintained;
  • the duration of the period of molding concrete products, the effect of vibration on the mixture is reduced.

C 3

This superplasticizer is made in the country. able to take the place of foreign equivalents. Plasticizer usage in concrete is minimal, accounting for no more than 0.7% of the cement mass. The substance makes the mixture more fluid. You can prepare self-compacting compositions with its assistance.

Concurrently, there is a reduction in the requirement for water and a decrease in the usage of cement. Under the influence of both high and low temperatures, the superplasticizer maintains its properties.

For anyone working in construction, it is essential to comprehend the function and advantages of plasticizers in concrete. Plasticizers make concrete stronger and more workable, which facilitates mixing, pouring, and setting. This improvement results in longer-lasting and higher-quality construction.

If you follow the correct measurements and ingredients, you can make your own plasticizer. Water-reducing agents and other additives that aid in achieving the required performance and consistency are common components. For small projects or situations where commercial plasticizers are not easily accessible, it’s an affordable option.

Plasticizers come in a variety of forms, each ideal for a particular use. The specifications of the project, the local climate, and the qualities required in the final concrete all play a role in selecting the appropriate type. There is a plasticizer for every purpose, be it to increase flow, decrease water content, or increase durability.

You can greatly improve the quality of your concrete work by being aware of and using plasticizers appropriately. With this knowledge, you can improve the outcomes of your construction projects, make well-informed decisions, and make the most use of your resources.

An additive called a plasticizer is added to concrete to make it more workable and fluid, allowing for easier pouring and shaping without the need for additional water that could weaken the finished product. Using common household chemicals or simple ingredients like soap, you can make your own plasticizer. The performance and durability of concrete in a variety of construction projects can be improved by using different types of plasticizers, each of which is appropriate for a particular set of requirements and uses.

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Marina Petrova

Candidate of Technical Sciences and teacher of the Faculty of Construction. In my articles, I talk about the latest scientific discoveries and innovations in the field of cement and concrete technologies.

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