What is a gun for installing electrical wiring on concrete: types, best models

Although installing electrical wiring on concrete can be difficult, it can be made much simpler with the right tools. A gun made especially for securing wire to concrete surfaces is among the best instruments for this task. With the aid of this specialized tool, wiring can be fastened and securely, guaranteeing a tidy and polished finish.

For installing electrical wiring on concrete, there are several gun types available, each with unique benefits. While powered models offer speed and efficiency, manual models offer simplicity and dependability. Your personal preferences and the particular requirements of your project will determine which kind of gun is best for you.

It’s critical to take into account aspects like durability, usability, and the kind of fasteners the model supports when choosing the best one. The best models available are well-known for their dependability and performance, which makes them popular options for both professionals and do-it-yourselfers.

This post will discuss the various kinds of concrete electrical wiring guns, showcase some of the top models, and offer advice on selecting the best tool for the job. The correct gun can make all the difference, whether you’re working on a big commercial installation or a small home project.

What does the concept mean?

A pneumatic, gas, or electric tool called a "gun" is used to mount electrical wiring on concrete. It is intended to firmly hold staples or clips in place while cable products are being fastened to building structures’ surfaces.

With this device, hammering hardware only needs to be done once, eliminating the need for a screwdriver, hammer, and hammer drill to create holes and insert plastic dowels. This greatly simplifies electrical installation work.

This tool lowers the cost of work by saving time and money on labor expenses when installing utility networks.

Characteristics of the device for fastening cables

The tool is similar to a pneumatic jackhammer used for road construction or disassembly. A unique intermediate chamber is filled with compressed air or heated gas, which creates pressure and propels the piston mechanism forward quickly.

With an impact force of 50 to 120 J, the piston’s contact plane takes hold of a single nail from the gun magazine and propels it through the barrel and into the concrete structure’s body, thoroughly submerging the steel hardware.


This gadget has a straightforward design with the following functional components:

  • A gun barrel with a piston, which is driven by gas or compressed air and strikes the hardware to drive it in.
  • A magazine for loading concrete nails (usually tape or drum type).
  • A handle, which is designed for comfortable use of the device by the master.
  • Trigger – a key located at the base of the handle, which sets the tool in action.
  • A reservoir for installing a replaceable gas cylinder with compressed air or a flammable substance. In some cases, such guns can be connected to a compressor that pumps compressed air.
  • A battery or power cable for supplying electricity to the controls.

The gun may have mode control controls, depending on how it was modified. To make working with the cable on the ceiling easier, the tool can have two handles: one primary and one auxiliary.

Differences from other types

Compared to other similar tools, a gun for mounting electrical wiring on concrete differs significantly in several ways:

  • This tool does not involve the use of powder cartridges, since when driving in fasteners to secure cable clips, an impact force of no more than 100 J is required.
  • A gun for cable wiring does not have a clearly defined barrel, which simplifies work on the ceiling.
  • The weight of the tool, as a rule, does not exceed 3.5 kg, while the weight of professional guns for dowels on concrete can be more than 5 kg.
  • The gas combustion chamber is designed in such a way as to ensure continuous driving of nails into concrete up to 100 units between breaks for cooling the device.

The most common application for a mounting gun for electrical wiring is the installation of cable products on the ceiling, beneath plasterboard or other suspended ceiling materials. This means that a tool with a low weight on its own and an independent power source is essential, as these features will make the tool much easier to use.


The market offers a large selection of gas and pneumatic guns for installing electrical wiring on concrete. The features that determine which categories the tool falls into are detailed in more detail below.

By type of impact

Electrical installation guns are divided into various categories based on the kind of impact they produce.

  • Pneumatic – the source of pulse energy is compressed air, which is supplied either from a compressor or from a compact cylinder located in the handle of the tool. A portion of compressed air fills the working chamber, and the strength of the impulse transmitted to the piston depends on the dosage.
  • Gas – when driving nails into concrete, the gas of the air mixture, which enters a special chamber, is supposed to ignite. With a sharp expansion of the bonds between molecules, a detonation of the substance occurs, which causes a shock pulse sufficient to drive a nail and fix the wiring.

It is not advised to use a different mounting gun that is loaded with powder cartridges to drive nails into concrete because the high impact force (200 J or more) can damage plastic cable clamps.

By power source

Guns of this type fall into two categories based on the mechanical components and power source of the device:

  • Cable devices – assume the presence of a conductive core, which is connected to a 220 or 380 V network. Such devices, as a rule, are equipped with additional cooling fans with an electric drive, which reduces the risk of overheating of the tool.
  • Devices with a Li Ion battery with a capacity of 1200 – 1500 mAh and more. Compact devices do not require an electrical network, allow you to carry out installation work in any conditions, including outdoors.

Although a cable power tool is incredibly dependable and strong, it can be very awkward to use in a large space, particularly when doing tasks on the ceiling.

How to choose correctly?

When selecting a mounting gun from the assortment of items on the market, it’s critical to consider several significant factors:

  • Type of pulse energy source – compressed air or gas.
  • Tool power, which depends on the length of the hardware and the class of the concrete structure.
  • Rate of fire – the maximum number of nails that must be driven in per unit of time.
  • Type of electric drive – cable or battery.
  • Gun body material – steel or impact-resistant plastic.
  • Availability, dimensions and design of a floating stop for precise positioning of the gun before driving in a nail.
  • Ability to adjust power, switch tool modes.
  • Price of the device, as well as the cost of its maintenance, replacement of consumables (for example, gas cylinders).

Further details regarding the choice’s attributes in the video:

The availability of online reviews for the brand’s products, along with factors like country of origin, brand recognition, and company reputation, are crucial when selecting a dependable and high-quality tool for electrical wiring installation.

Top 5 models

The top five gun models for installing electrical wiring on concrete structures are ranked below, along with information on the product’s main attributes, manufacturer, and features.

Toua GSN50E

A strong gas cannon that makes it simple to install a power cable on a load-bearing wall or reinforced concrete floor in any kind of building.

China is the manufacturer’s country of origin.

Features of the design:

  • shockproof plastic body;
  • rubberized handle, spring trigger;
  • aluminum rail for the gun stop, ensuring the accuracy of driving the fastener into concrete.

Modes of operation:

  1. single or cyclic operation;
  2. adjustment of gas supply to the combustion chamber;
  3. stepless performance switch.

Technical details:

  • maximum impulse impact – up to 100 J;
  • length of the fastener for immersion in concrete – up to 40 mm;
  • shop capacity – up to 30 nails;
  • magazine type – rack;
  • equipment weight – 4.3 kg.


  1. reliable professional tool;
  2. ability to work up to 90 minutes without interruption;
  3. built-in cooler for cooling the combustion chamber.


  • large own weight;
  • difficulty of working on the ceiling;
  • high retail price;
  • increased gas consumption.

Retail price range: 30,000–34,000 rubles on average.


This semi-professional nail gun runs on a battery, so you can use it even when there’s no external power source available.

Maker and nation of origin: DEWALT, USA.

Features of the design:

  1. yellow plastic case characteristic of this brand;
  2. convenient location of the battery in the lower part of the handle;
  3. thin nose for hammering nails in corners, or between the guides of a suspended ceiling.

Modes of operation:

  • the ability to adjust the power to change the pulse strength;
  • single work when driving in nails.

Technical details:

  1. maximum impulse impact – up to 48 J;
  2. length of the fastener for immersion in concrete – up to 40 mm;
  3. magazine capacity – up to 30 nails;
  4. magazine type – rack, equipment weight – 3.2 kg.


  • warranty period 2 years;
  • high build quality;
  • increased productivity;
  • does not require a large number of consumables.


  1. too high cost for a battery gun;
  2. requires frequent charging.

Retail price range: 50,000–54,000 rubles on average.

Fixpistols FGT-95

For use in confined spaces, a gas mounting gun featuring a rod piston and narrow barrel is available. Due to its powerful output and small size, even inexperienced users can operate this tool.

Manufacturer: Fixpistols; origin: China, Germany.

Design Elements:

  • extensive combustion chamber;
  • reliably protected by a thick layer of impact-resistant plastic housing;
  • the handle is rigidly fixed to the stop bar, forms a closed figure, which significantly increases the reliability and durability of the tool even during intensive work.

Modes of operation:

  1. is a full-fledged counterparty of Toua GSN50E;
  2. equipped with a stepless gas supply power switch.


  1. maximum impulse impact – up to 90 J;
  2. length of hardware for immersion in concrete – up to 40 mm;
  3. magazine capacity – up to 40 nails;
  4. magazine type – rack and pinion;
  5. equipment weight – 3.4 kg;
  6. rate of fire – up to 60 beats per minute.


  • high performance;
  • convenience of working on large objects;
  • professional equipment is designed for installation of long cables to high-class concrete on granite crushed stone.


  1. increased consumption of the pulse source;
  2. risk of overheating if safety precautions are not followed.

Average retail cost: between 28,000 and 31,000 rubles.

Fubag S1216

The lightest and most compact device in this rating. refers to lower-priced tools meant for a single use when attaching cable products to walls and ceilings.

Manufacturer: Fubag; Germany is the country of origin.

Design Elements:

  • simple tool;
  • fits easily into the hand thanks to the ergonomic handle;
  • no unnecessary parts; at the back of the handle there is a fitting for connecting an external compressor to pump compressed air.

Operating modes: after each actuation, the piston returns in a single driving mode for the device.


  1. maximum impulse impact – up to 55 J;
  2. length of hardware for immersion in concrete – up to 40 m;
  3. magazine capacity – up to 60 nails;
  4. magazine type – rack and pinion, equipment weight – 2.7 kg.


  • light weight;
  • ease of use;
  • low retail price;
  • easy maintenance.


  1. insufficient power;
  2. may quickly fail during intensive work.

Average retail cost: between 4,000 and 6,000 rubles.

Makita DPT353RFE

Among the strongest cordless concrete nail guns available for purchase. The impact pulse force can be adjusted in a number of operating modes, greatly broadening the range of applications.

Japan is the manufacturer and the country of origin.

Features of the design:

  1. massive gun;
  2. the center of gravity of which falls on the handle, which eliminates rapid fatigue of the master when fastening cable products to the ceiling.
  3. the trigger of the gun has a smooth stroke, and the piston is equipped with an automatic return function.

Modes of operation:

  • adjustment of the impulse effect;
  • change of the angle of inclination of the piston head due to the adjustable stop.

Technical details:

  1. maximum impulse impact – up to 60 J;
  2. length of hardware for immersion in concrete – up to 35 mm;
  3. magazine capacity – up to 20 nails;
  4. magazine type – rack and pinion, equipment weight – 3.8 kg.


  • manufacturer"s warranty 3 years;
  • the most reliable manufacturer in the class under consideration.


  1. insufficient battery capacity;
  2. requires frequent recharging;
  3. It is recommended to purchase 2 batteries at once for continuous operation.

Average retail cost: between 32,000 and 35,000 rubles.

Based on actual customer reviews of these products posted on unbiased internet forums, the rating above was calculated. TOP cannot be interpreted as a clear recommendation to buy a product because it is arbitrary, non-advertising, and subjective.

Features of application for electrical installation

Depending on the tool’s category, considerations for installing wiring on concrete with guns may include the following specific characteristics of each kind of device:

  1. Pneumatic:
  2. Before use, it is necessary to connect an impulse source – a compressor or a can of compressed air.
  3. If the driving force drops, it is necessary to replace the air cylinder, since the pressure in the tank gradually decreases.
  4. This device does not imply detonation with a sharp increase in temperature, which simultaneously makes it as safe as possible for the user, but reduces the impact force.
  5. Gas:
  6. They are considered a professional tool, since the impact force can exceed 100 J.
  7. With prolonged use, it is necessary to clean the barrel nozzles due to the formation of carbon deposits.
  8. Require compliance with safety precautions and the use of personal protective equipment.
  9. With prolonged downtime without intensive use, it is recommended to store the cylinder with flammable gas separately from the gun.

To fully grasp the tool’s capabilities, beginners are advised to set the desired settings and try multiple trial nailings into concrete structures before beginning work.

Possible difficulties and malfunctions

Those who use guns for electrical wiring on concrete frequently run into the following common issues:

  • Insufficient power for full immersion of hardware in high-grade concrete. Almost every tool in this category has a mode and power regulator, which allows you to set the desired impact force.
  • Fast discharge of the Li-Ion battery – so that the battery does not lose capacity, it is recommended to charge it only after complete discharge.
  • Depressurization of the gas chamber, leakage of the energy source – the problem is solved by replacing the gasket that ensures the sealing of this tank inside the gun.
  • Overheating of the chamber, which causes malfunctions – the device should work for no more than 30 – 60 minutes, after which it requires a break and cooling.
  • Deformation of hardware when trying to drive it in. To exclude such problems, it is recommended to initially purchase ribbons with alloy steel nails, which are designed to immerse in heavy concrete on a granite filler.

It is not advised to fix the device yourself in the event that it breaks because doing so could void the warranty. To avoid issues, you should take the tool to a reputable service center right away for expert maintenance at the first indication of malfunction.

Advantages and disadvantages

Professionals use installation tools to install cable products on walls and ceilings made of reinforced concrete because they offer several benefits.

  • High speed of work.
  • No need to use a hammer drill or screwdriver.
  • Creates a reliable fastening of the wire to the concrete.
  • Reduces the cost of production work.
  • Possibility of changing the operating modes of the device, which ensures cyclic repetition of production operations.
  • Simple re-equipment of the device.
  • It is loaded into the store at once from 20 to 100 nails on concrete, which allows you to mount the electrical wiring in the entire room on the same download.

However, in addition to their many benefits, these devices have a number of noteworthy drawbacks, including:

  • High cost of equipment.
  • Need to purchase a gas cylinder and other consumables.
  • Operation of the device is associated with increased danger for the user.
  • Nails in concrete are held solely by friction, and not by mechanical hooks, unlike the use of standard dowel nails, which can cause partial delamination of the junction with the building structure.
  • To perform the work correctly, it is necessary to involve professionals.

These drawbacks are often overlooked by users, and when wires and other electrical products are installed using this method, consumer demand is unaffected.

Type Best Models
Powder-Actuated Tools Hilti DX 5, Ramset XT540
Electric Nail Guns DeWalt DCN890, Milwaukee M12

Installing electrical wiring on concrete can be made much simpler and faster by using a gun. These instruments are made to firmly secure conduits and wires to concrete surfaces, guaranteeing a polished appearance.

Guns come in different varieties, such as battery-operated, gas-operated, and powder-actuated models. Each type has advantages of its own based on the particular needs of your project.

A few of the top models available right now are the DEWALT DCN890P2, Ramset Cobra+, and Hilti DX 2. These models are excellent options for both professionals and do-it-yourselfers due to their reputation for dependability, simplicity of use, and potent performance.

Take into account variables like the type of concrete, installation requirements, and frequency of use when choosing a gun for your wiring project. The effectiveness and caliber of your work can be significantly improved by making a quality tool purchase.

Often referred to as a cable stapler or concrete nail gun, an electrical wiring gun is a useful instrument that makes attaching electrical cables to concrete surfaces easier and faster. There are several varieties, each with unique benefits, such as manual, gas-powered, and battery-operated models. The best model to choose will depend on a number of factors, including your project’s size, budget, and ease of use. Popular models offer a good mix of power, durability, and efficiency.

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Dmitry Sokolov

Chief engineer in a large construction company. I have extensive experience in managing construction projects and implementing modern technologies.

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