The use of hydraulic seals on concrete, composition and creation with your own hands

One important thing to keep in mind when working with concrete is how to protect it from moisture. For this, hydraulic seals are a great option because they increase the longevity and waterproofness of concrete surfaces. We’ll explore hydraulic seals, their operation, and how to make your own sealant at home in this post.

The purpose of hydraulic seals is to keep water out of concrete. They produce a barrier that keeps moisture out, which is crucial for buildings exposed to inclement weather. You can protect concrete, increase its durability, and lower maintenance costs by using a hydraulic seal.

We’ll also go through the fundamental components of hydraulic seals and the essential elements that give them their effectiveness. You can get the best results for your sealing projects by knowing the proper mix. If you’d rather do it yourself, we’ll walk you through the process of creating your own hydraulic sealant. This procedure can be a great way to make sure your concrete stays in excellent condition and can be both rewarding and cost-effective.

Gaining proficiency with hydraulic seals will be a useful addition to your concrete maintenance toolkit, regardless of your level of experience as a builder or your weekend do-it-yourself pursuit. Let’s get started easily and confidently protecting your concrete surfaces.

What"s in the mix?

In a fully monolithic structure, fistulas and leaks may develop over time. From these, water may seep out of tiny cracks or, in the case of significant deformations, may burst under intense pressure (fountain).

Ingredients in hydroseals are typically resistant to water and its damaging effects. Tightness is ensured by the hydraulic seal, which reliably and firmly clings to the "prepared" concrete by penetrating its deep pores.

The following components are typically included in the traditional hydroseal composition:

  1. Binding components. Modern and innovative high-quality Portland cements are widely used as such. Options with polymer compositions will also be appropriate.
  2. Various fillers. Their main task is to ensure maximum mechanical strength and reliability of the seal itself after complete polymerization. Fillers are, for example, quartz sand or finely dispersed quartz particles.
  3. Additives. These additives guarantee a better and faster degree of adhesion and polymerization speed. These include various hardeners and catalysts.

The completed hydraulic seal guarantees tightness and permits the builder to start significant repairs.

When significant flaws are found, one type of waterproofing that is immediately employed is a hydraulic seal. Hydraulic seals are primarily designed to remove leak defects as quickly as possible, but not permanently.

Pressure and non-pressure materials are separated into two categories:

  • Non-pressure compositions used to eliminate light, minor defects – cracks, small chips on above-ground structures. This option is chosen for preventive maintenance, treatment of concrete seams, joints, etc. The setting time of such compositions is 3-5 minutes. Non-pressure "first aiders" include sealants – acrylic and silicone, made of polyurethane or rubber. Manufacturers produce materials in special tubes (made of plastic), and compression tools are required to work with them.
  • Pressure mixtures are designed to eliminate extensive, serious and significant breakthroughs in water flow. Hardening of the pressure mixture is guaranteed in record time – within 30-60 seconds! After hardening, the problem area becomes hard and sealed. This seal can withstand loads from soils and groundwater. This option can last for several years, but professionals and experts recommend using the pressure mixture as a temporary seal – until major repairs are organized.

Ingredient requirements

You should carefully read the instructions before buying a mixture or selecting the components to make your own hydroseal. Pay particular attention to the section that states whether or not this composition can come into contact with drinking water.

It is advisable to purchase materials from reputable brands that are safe and certified.

The waterproofing material needs to guarantee minimal setting time, tightness, and solidity and strength. The mixture needs to be resilient to variations in temperature as well as crumbling or shrinking.


Follow the following ingredient ratio in the seal’s composition for the non-pressure "treatment" of small, wet seams or cracks in concrete structures:

  • binding components – up to 20%;
  • quartz sand – up to 60%;
  • liquid glass – up to 20%.

Select grade M 400 construction cement and mix in liquid glass.

The sealing and durability of the mixture are greatly improved by adding liquid glass at the end. The three ingredients can already be combined in a 1:1:1 ratio (BTC/sand/glass).

The final mixture ought to be a viscous, thick, and homogenous mass. Additionally, different modifiers can be added to the mass to enhance its chemical and physical qualities. The working conditions are taken into consideration when choosing them.

When taking 150 g of hydroseal mixture per 1 kg of water, or 5 parts of the mixture for 1 part of water, experts advise following the proportions. The ingredient ratio is adjusted to 6-7 parts dry mixture to 1 part water when a leak of appreciable pressure develops.

Can you make it yourself?

A hydraulic seal is something you can make yourself. Selecting a pressureless or pressure mixture composition depends on the extent of deformation and the leak’s location (below ground level or underground, like a well ring).

After that, the amounts of the ingredients are calculated and the usage guidelines for each component of the mixture are read.

The amount of dry mix needed will depend on how active the leak is and how big the defect is.

What equipment will be required??

In order to use a hydraulic seal installation to remove a leak, you must first set up the following tools:

  • the container in which all the components of the seal will be poured and mixed – it must be durable plastic or metal (aluminum is not allowed);
  • reinforcement or wooden stick/chip for mixing;
  • metal plates for covering the finished seams of the seal;
  • protective gloves;
  • metal spatulas for forming the seal;
  • rags, sandpaper or other devices for cleaning/preparing the leak site.

Recipe and step-by-step instructions

You can make the seal yourself using cement that is at least grade M 300. Fine-grained, pre-sifted sand is also required.

Mix the dry ingredients together first, and only then, gradually add the water, mixing to form a thick, homogenous mass.

Select non-shrinkage quick-hardening cement (BTC; grades M 400, M 500) when utilizing the non-pressure method. High-strength mixture solidifies in both water and air. The sequence in which to prepare the mixture in phases:

  • pour BTC and quartz sand into a container in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:2;
  • the proportions are selected depending on the size of the defect and the location of the leak;
  • add warm water;
  • mix – the mixing should be done quickly for 20-30 seconds;
  • introduce a plasticizer;
  • thoroughly mix until a homogeneous thick masses;
  • form a seal that should not spread.

Close off the leak.

An extra technique shown in the video:

Tools and materials for use

You’ll need the following supplies and tools to complete the task:

  1. Crowbar or hammers of different sizes.
  2. Perforator.
  3. Spatula.
  4. Construction hair dryer.

Preparation of ready-made solutions

The guidelines below should be adhered to when preparing ready-made mixtures:

  1. The volume of water required to create the mixture should be poured immediately, thoroughly mix the mass, and then used, since the seal instantly sets.
  2. The technology of sealing a leak should be carried out step by step regardless of the size of the deformation.
  3. Cracks are always sealed from top to bottom.
  4. If necessary, use a building hair dryer to warm up the work site, which ensures better adhesion of the ingredients seals with concrete surface.

Because the material hardens instantly, it is imperative to prepare enough seal for the master to use within the next few minutes. If that proved insufficient to stop the leak, prepare another section of the composition, etc.

How to use depending on the location?

The hydraulic seal’s final solution must be applied precisely and gradually.

  1. Prepare the surface of the leak – remove dirt, mold, debris. If necessary, use a hammer drill or hammer.
  2. Slightly expand the leak point, giving it the shape of a funnel, especially if the place is deep. Recommended sizes for increase – deepening up to 5 cm, expansion to the sides up to 2.5-3 cm. If a leak has formed in the seams or a crack has appeared, then the problem area is cleaned and at the same time expanded with a construction spatula. Then deepen by no more than 0.5-1 cm.
  3. Quickly prepare a solution for the hydraulic seal.
  4. Form a seal in the form of a cone to fill the deep funnel as much as possible. The seal may have a different geometry, depending on the defect that has formed.
  5. The seal covers the defective area, but you should know that the space is filled only by 50-70%, since the ingredients in the seal will expand when hardening and fill the rest of the space. If this nuance is not taken into account, damage/destruction of the walls of the repaired area may subsequently occur.
  6. The prepared “patch” is pressed hard into the leak site and held (according to the instructions, from several seconds to 1-2 minutes) in a fixed position.

Then, the actions may vary based on the ingredients used. Certain materials necessitate extra moistening with water during the initial 12 to 24 hours, while others require heating. Treating the hydroseal that has already set or hardened with a penetrating waterproofing compound is thought to be the final step. Certain seals have everything "included" in the mixture already.

For a few days, the sealed seam needs to be protected with a metal plate. After that, it is taken out, and the seal is flush-covered with cement mortar. Penetrating waterproofing is applied to the leak site once more after the cement has solidified.

A technique wherein the first part (in the lower layer) of the seal is made very thick, almost dry, and the second part (in the upper layer) of normal consistency is used to remove deep defects.

Making your own hydraulic seals can be a practical and economical way to safeguard concrete from moisture and weather-related damage. The steps involved in making your own hydraulic seals will be walked you through in this article, along with information on how to mix and apply them to keep your concrete surfaces strong and resilient. We’ll simplify the process so you can confidently take on this project at home by breaking it down into manageable steps.

What difficulties may arise?

When installing a hydroseal to stop a leak, it’s important to consider potential obstacles in the way of the task:

  • this method is used only for low-pressure or non-pressure leaks;
  • if the water pressure exceeds 3 atmospheres, then a homemade patch is inappropriate – it will quickly be washed away;
  • if the dimensions of the deformation are set incorrectly, then the seal itself may not be sufficient (in size) to completely eliminate and seal the leak;
  • depending on the location of the leak (above ground level or underground), the scale, you should choose the percentage of the ingredients of the mixture;
  • the solution was not mixed quickly, and it is already starting to harden – it will be difficult to create a seal of the required geometry.

The seal won’t fit securely if the installation site isn’t expanded and cleared of debris.

Use of Hydraulic Seals on Concrete Composition and DIY Creation
Hydraulic seals prevent water penetration in concrete structures, ensuring durability and longevity. Mix Portland cement, sand, and water with waterproofing additives to create a hydraulic seal. Apply the mixture to concrete surfaces.
Commonly used in basements, tunnels, and retaining walls to avoid leaks. For DIY, mix 3 parts sand, 1 part cement, and add a waterproofing agent. Apply to clean, damp concrete.
Ensures the structural integrity of dams, bridges, and water tanks. Ensure proper mixing and application to avoid cracks and ensure effectiveness.

An efficient way to increase the toughness and water resistance of concrete structures is with hydraulic seals. You can greatly increase the longevity of your concrete surfaces and avoid expensive repairs brought on by water damage by using these sealants. Knowing the components and methods of hydraulic seal application can be very helpful when working with concrete surfaces, such as driveways and foundations.

If you have the right tools and know how to do it, making your own hydraulic seal is a simple process. To create a paste that will seal the concrete, ingredients like cement, water, and specialty additives are mixed together. Although there are commercial sealants available, creating your own sealant can be a satisfying and economical project. It also gives you the freedom to modify the mixture to suit your unique requirements.

Never forget that careful preparation and mixing are essential for a successful application. Prior to applying the seal, make sure the concrete surface is clean and dry. A well-combined hydraulic seal will guarantee a strong connection and strong moisture resistance. You can maintain your concrete’s best appearance and functionality for many years to come with professional-quality results and a little practice and attention to detail.

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Dmitry Sokolov

Chief engineer in a large construction company. I have extensive experience in managing construction projects and implementing modern technologies.

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