Strip foundation for a fence: choice of materials and step-by-step instructions for construction

A strong foundation is usually the first step in building a fence, and strip foundations are a common choice for fences. This kind of foundation guarantees the stability of your fence for many years by offering a strong base to support the fence posts. We’ll go over the fundamentals of selecting the appropriate materials for a strip foundation in this guide, along with providing you with detailed instructions to ensure a quality finish.

Let’s talk about materials first. The type of soil and fence height are two examples of the variables that will determine the best option. Generally speaking, you’ll need gravel, concrete, and maybe some reinforcing materials like steel bars. We’ll go over each component and how it works to make a strong strip foundation.

After preparing your materials, the construction process begins. From trench digging to concrete pouring and post setting, we’ll walk you through every step. You can make sure that your fence is sturdy and weather-resistant by following these easy instructions.

This guide will assist you in confidently building a sturdy strip foundation for your fence, regardless of your level of experience with do-it-yourself projects or desire to learn more about the procedure. Together, let’s tackle completing your fencing project successfully!

Material Description
Concrete Strong and durable, ideal for creating a solid foundation.
Rebar Reinforces the concrete, providing additional strength to handle pressure.
Gravel Used for drainage, ensuring that water does not collect under the foundation.
Formwork Wood or metal structures that shape and hold the concrete in place until it sets.
Steps 1. Dig the trench to the required depth. 2. Place gravel at the bottom for drainage. 3. Set up formwork to shape the concrete. 4. Position rebar within the formwork. 5. Pour concrete into the formwork. 6. Smooth the surface and let it cure properly.

The stability and longevity of your fence construction project can be greatly impacted by selecting the appropriate materials and adhering to the proper strip foundation installation procedures. This post will walk you through the process of choosing the best materials for a strip foundation and provide you clear, detailed instructions on how to build a sturdy foundation for your fence. These useful suggestions will help make sure your fence lasts for many years, whether you’re a do-it-yourself enthusiast or just trying to upgrade your fence.

Options for strip foundations for a fence

Two varieties of strip foundations exist:

When building a structure, minor modifications to the design specifications are permitted when using a prefabricated foundation. Natural or artificial stone building blocks are used to construct the foundation. Strength and moisture resistance are requirements for the material.

A solid structure filled with liquid concrete mortar is called a monolithic foundation. This kind of foundation requires construction knowledge and expertise to build.

Materials for construction

Either monolithic concrete or rubble concrete can be used to equip a strip foundation for a fence. In terms of technology, the second building material is more sophisticated. Although building with rubble concrete is less expensive, you can do some of the labor yourself and use improvised materials like large pebbles, stones, and brick fragments from old walls.

Granite and basalt are suggested materials for backfill. Using limestone and other soft rocks is not advised.

Width and depth of strip foundation

The width of the concrete strip is greater than the width of the fence wall that will be built there:

  • under a brick fence 250 mm wide, a foundation 300 mm wide is made;
  • a 250 mm wide base is installed under a fence made of 200 mm wide concrete blocks.

The width of the base is chosen for construction materials (such as pile-screw support pillars, abutment elements, etc.) that are used in the fence structure at different widths.

Every fence structure’s strip foundation is laid at the exact same depth, without exception. It ought to be higher than the depth at which this area’s soil freezes.

The use of monolithic concrete

Utilizing a monolith made of cement-sand mortar is an expensive and technologically advanced construction method. The concrete grade is chosen based on the weight of the structure that will exert pressure on the foundation. Additionally, the height and construction material of the fence affect its mass.

It is advised to use concrete B25 for a brick fence’s foundation base. Furthermore, you can use concrete B20 under lighter structures.

Fundamental specifications needed to install concrete tape:

  • the solution and finished concrete base must not be freezed;
  • work is recommended to be performed in the warm season;
  • It is not recommended to use frost -resistant supplements in the concrete mixture, they worsen the strength of the building material;
  • When pouring, concrete must be well compacted in order to prevent the formation of air plugs in the material;
  • the foundation cannot be allowed to quickly dry.

It is advised to cover the concrete tape with polyethylene and moisturize if concreting is done during a hot spell so that the drying process takes three to four days.

The use of missile concrete

The trench is filled with a substantial filler, which is how the button foundation is constructed differently from a monolithic structure. Stone, shattered brick, and other readily available building materials can be used. Next, add a liquid cement and sand mixture. The majority of the time, private home construction uses this foundation arrangement technology.

Characteristics of the work:

  • filling the trench 30 cm with stone;
  • pouring concrete mortar above the level of filling with stone.

Make sure the mixture fills the spaces created between the backfill when pouring. Once the work is finished, the foundation needs to be shielded from freezing and drying out quickly.

Arrangement of a trench and soil base

A ditch is dug beneath the foundation to a depth of one foot plus an additional 15 centimeters beneath the sand cushion. The ground beneath the foundation shouldn’t be exposed to subterranean sources or allowed to freeze.

Medium-sized sand is required to set up a sand cushion. It is necessary to tamp the trench thoroughly after filling it in. The bottom trench’s width is 200–300 mm wider than the foundation’s width.

This is required to lay the cushion and arrange the formwork. Formwork can be skipped when setting up a rubble concrete foundation on dense soils.

Features of the grillage device

An easy foundation to construct for a lightweight building material fence is a grillage. It is necessary to pour the foundations for screw posts (columns) up to the freezing point of the earth.

Conditions for pouring concrete at a location to create a beam:

  • depth of laying – 0.5-0.75 m;
  • thickness of the cushion under the sole of the support – 25-30 cm;
  • width of the side cushion – 15-20 cm.

With this design, the primary load can be distributed across the supports, preventing ground heaving during the freezing season and safeguarding the grillage components.

Building a grillage out of concrete rubble is not advised as it prevents the foundation from being reinforced. Additionally, concrete needs to be the structure’s grillage and supporting elements at the same time.


The foundation can be reinforced further to prevent deformation. The process is advised but not required.

Detailed guidelines for reinforcement:

  • reinforcement is performed in 2 belts;
  • material – reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm;
  • the step between the transverse elements is 10-15 cm;
  • longitudinal elements are connected with transverse ones every 0.35 m.

The center of the grillage, where its components touch the columnar foundation, is where reinforcement is applied.


Water damage to concrete means that waterproofing needs to be installed on the foundation. You can omit the waterproof coating on a stone fence if the base is not in contact with groundwater.

Waterproofing vertically is required. You can use hydroisol, roofing felt, and other materials with comparable compositions as a material.

Although it is possible to waterproof in one layer, it is advised to do so in two. Bitumen mastic is applied to surfaces before the material is laid.

For stability and longevity, building a strip foundation for your fence is a sensible decision. You can build a solid foundation that will support your fence for many years to come by carefully following the step-by-step instructions and choosing the appropriate materials. This kind of foundation can support the weight of different fence styles and is especially well-suited for a variety of soil types.

As you work on your project, keep in mind that planning is essential. The outcome can be greatly altered by selecting high-quality materials and properly preparing the ground. Make sure the concrete is mixed and poured precisely, and that the trench has been dug appropriately. By following the instructions exactly, you can avoid common pitfalls and build a solid, dependable foundation.

Ultimately, a well-built strip foundation raises the value of your home in addition to extending the lifespan of your fence. You can have a fence that is both aesthetically pleasing and sturdy with proper planning and installation. Have fun constructing!

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Marina Petrova

Candidate of Technical Sciences and teacher of the Faculty of Construction. In my articles, I talk about the latest scientific discoveries and innovations in the field of cement and concrete technologies.

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