Primer and putty: what is the difference (what is the difference), application, types

Primers and putties have different but equally important functions when it comes to preparing surfaces for painting or finishing materials. Comprehending these distinctions can significantly impact the caliber of your ultimate output. Putty and primer both contribute to the creation of a level, smooth surface, but they do so in different ways.

Prior to painting, primer is a preparatory coating that is applied. Its primary function is to increase paint adhesion, which ensures that the paint adheres better and endures longer. It also aids in stain blocking and even priming the surface so paint applies more easily.

Contrarily, putty is used to seal holes, cracks, and gaps. It facilitates surface restoration and smoothing, preparing them for final touches. Primers prepare the surface for paint, while putty fills in any flaws that could ruin the finished product.

Aspect Primer Putty
Purpose Prepares the surface for painting by sealing and improving adhesion. Fills in holes and imperfections on surfaces to create a smooth finish.
Application Applied to bare or new surfaces before painting. Applied after primer and before painting to smooth out surfaces.
Types Water-based, oil-based, and shellac-based. Wood putty, wall putty, and epoxy putty.


The mixture is applied to the surface as a base for finishing works prior to painting, finishing, etc.

  • promotes better adhesion (adhesion) to the surface;
  • strengthens the base;
  • prevents mold, mildew.

The primer-treated surface has corrosion resistance. Applying this mixture enables you to use paints and decorative plaster at a reasonable cost.


A thin layer of construction primer, which has a liquid consistency, is applied to the surface prior to finishing to enhance the adhesion of subsequent coatings to the base. The finishing layer will become less appealing over time if you skip this step when making repairs.

  • resins;
  • antiseptics;
  • pigments;
  • fillers;
  • film-forming substances.

The construction market offers a variety of mixtures for both internal and external work.


Designed for the purpose of processing wood and then applying different coatings. When used with finishing mixtures, this primer helps to enhance the surface’s adhesion qualities. The layer that has been applied needs 10 to 15 hours to dry at +25ºC.

Possesses a high penetration rate and is applied to a variety of surfaces. Odorless liquid that dries in five hours and applies nicely to loose surfaces.

Is employed in dry rooms for interior work. When applied to metal, it is toxic and takes an hour to dry. Although it is poisonous, perchlorovinyl liquid is utilized outside. Paints are applied first, and a synthetic polyvinyl acetate mixture that contains latex and dries in 30 minutes is used.

Made to fit a variety of surfaces. Plaster and wood are treated with a polystyrene mixture. It has hazardous solvents in it.


Water is added to dry primer in accordance with the instructions.

  • metal;
  • brick;
  • expanded clay;
  • plasterboard;
  • wood;
  • concrete blocks.

, made of gypsum, cement, and lime, and used to coat brick and concrete structures.

The distinction between putty and primer is crucial to know when working on concrete surfaces. In order to improve adhesion and guarantee a smooth finish, primer is used to prepare and seal the surface. Contrarily, putty hides flaws and creates a level, smooth surface that is ready for painting or other finishing touches. Understanding which product to use and when to use it can have a significant impact on the longevity and quality of your work.


Prior to finishing, this construction mixture is used for leveling. Putty is made in two forms: paste and powder, and its components and uses vary.

Composition and types

Utilized for minor surface leveling and discrepancies larger than 0.5 cm. The quick hardening of this kind of material is its defining feature. It is best to apply with extreme caution as the surface becomes difficult to treat with abrasives once it has dried.

Is utilized for finishing; once leveled with an abrasive, the surface is prepared for painting. Cement putty is used in highly humid rooms or for exterior work. This compound is simple to use, doesn’t need to be ground, holds its strength, and is resistant to outside influences.

Is hygroscopic, making it inappropriate for usage in humid environments. Following application, decorative finishing techniques such as painting and wallpapering can be employed. The final processing step involves applying a 1 mm layer of acrylic putty, which lets you create a gloss.

Features of use

Using a wide spatula (the selection of which is based on the area to be treated), the base composition is applied. A tiny tool is used to apply finishing mixtures. Sand-filled putties are used to remove imperfections and irregularities. Although they are challenging to work with, mixtures without sand let you build smooth walls.

Understanding the difference between primer and putty is essential for any concrete project. Primers prepare the surface, ensuring better adhesion of subsequent coatings or treatments. They create a uniform base that helps seal the surface and improve the performance of the final layer.

Putty, on the other hand, is used to cover up imperfections, cracks, and gaps. It produces an even, smooth surface that is prepared for painting or other finishing touches. Putty, in contrast to primers, focuses more on repairing surface imperfections than it does on priming the surface for subsequent steps.

The outcome of your project can vary significantly depending on the product you select. To achieve a flawless finish on a well-prepared surface, apply putty after using a quality primer. This method guarantees the longevity of your concrete work as well as a polished appearance.

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Andrey Ivanov

Experienced civil engineer with more than 20 years of experience. Specializing in the construction of industrial and civil facilities. Author of many publications in professional journals.

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