Plaster on penoplex outside and inside the house with your own hands

Penoplex, sometimes referred to as extruded polystyrene foam, is a common material for home walls, both inside and out. By combining the long-lasting plaster finish with the superior insulating qualities of penoplex, this method offers both visual appeal and energy efficiency. Knowing how to do this yourself can be rewarding and economical, whether your goal is to improve the insulation in your house or just give your walls a new look.

Plastering over penoplex in outdoor applications gives the insulation a polished, clean look while shielding it from the elements. It’s especially helpful for enhancing your home’s thermal efficiency, which keeps it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This technique can assist in creating smooth, appealing, and functionally and aesthetically pleasing walls inside the home.

Although doing this task yourself might seem difficult at first, it is doable with the right resources and a little perseverance. To achieve a durable finish, you must carefully prepare the surface, select the appropriate plaster, and apply it. You can improve the comfort and appearance of your home with a professional-looking finish if you follow some advice.

Polystyrene foam and penoplex: what is the difference

On the basis of polystyrene, penoplex and polystyrene foam (foam plastic) are manufactured. Building insulation materials vary in terms of their technical properties and manufacturing processes.

Granules of polystyrene are processed with steam and then pressed to create foam plastic. The granules enlarge, adhere to one another, and form dense blocks or layers. The material has a shelf life of ten to forty years. It is possible to use foam plastic at temperatures between -60 and +80 degrees Celsius.

A construction knife can be used to cut the material when applying insulation to interior walls or the facade. Penoplex is made from a mass of molten polymers. After heating, a mixture containing gas-forming catalysts and modifying ingredients is extruded and pressed. The toughened foam exhibits greater strength and pores as small as 1 mm. Cut sheets are used to install insulation.

At temperatures between -50 and +75 °C, the technoplex coating has a minimum 50-year service life. The building material’s low moisture permeability is an advantage.

Plastering on Penoplex can be a terrific do-it-yourself project for the exterior and interior of your home if you’re looking to update the appearance and increase the insulation in your home. This tutorial will help you apply plaster over Penoplex, a common insulating material, so you can improve the energy efficiency of your house and have a smooth, long-lasting finish. Whether you’re working on interior or exterior walls, you’ll find helpful advice and simple directions to help you accomplish expert results on your own.

Can penoplex be used for walls

Walls can be insulated with Penoplex. Nonetheless, one must consider the high cost of the building material. Foam plastic is more cost-effective when used for facades. Penoplex insulation is the best option for enhancing the foundation and basements’ thermal protection. The material is applied to loggias and balconies.

When using penoplex for wall insulation, professionals advise shielding the facing coating from outside forces. On polystyrene foam, a plaster mixture is applied for this purpose. Penoplex has the advantages of being lightweight, retaining heat well, and absorbing little water.

The low vapor permeability of the material must be considered when finishing walls. When installing insulation, fire safety regulations must be adhered to in order to preserve optimal ventilation.

Why do you need plastering walls for penoplex

  • leveling the base to create a monolithic coating;
  • protecting the insulation from mechanical damage, excess moisture, precipitation;
  • preparing the base for decorative finishing;
  • preventing cracking of the material, damage by ultraviolet rays;
  • adjusting the joints of penoplex sheets, cracks, chips;
  • increasing the thermal insulation of the building, etc.d.

Types of mixtures for plastering penoplex outside

You must decide how and what to plaster penoplex with when organizing the work.

  • operating conditions;
  • compatibility of the building base materials;
  • application technique;
  • tasks (leveling, decorative finishing).

  1. Leveling. Contains granules of different sizes.
  2. For puttying (fine-fraction or standard).
  3. Decorative. Used for the finishing stage.
  4. Specialized (sanitizing, waterproof, acoustic, etc.).d.).
  • for interior decoration;
  • for facade finishing;
  • universal application.
  • acrylic;
  • mineral;
  • silicate;
  • silicone.

  • adhesive;
  • multifunctional;
  • leveling.

Multifunctional tools

Plaster mixtures with multiple uses are employed to finish "wet facades." Penoplex’s plaster-adhesive composition has multiple applications such as leveling primer, wall-slab gluing, reinforcing mesh fixing over insulating sheets, and more. Plaster with multiple uses is decorated both inside and outside. The material is pricey, though.

Mineral compositions

Mineral plaster mixes are useful for leveling the foundation and enhancing the building’s thermal insulation qualities. They are also eco-friendly and simple to apply. Cement, lime, or clay powder are components of mineral compositions. Fillers include granules, thickeners, coloring pigments, etc.

  • affordable cost;
  • natural components;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • coating strength;
  • fire resistance;
  • UV resistance;
  • durability;
  • resistance to mold, etc..

It is important to remember, though, that mineral plasters do not withstand strong vibrations and harden slowly. Surface cracks occur if the drying temperature regime is not followed.

Penoplex plastering on facades does not require the use of gypsum plasters. Such material is only used for processing internal walls and partitions.

Lime, clay, and other additives are added to cement compositions to finish the polystyrene foam on the facade. To improve adhesion to the surface, a cement mixture that contains sand and a small amount of polymer filler is in demand.

Increased amounts of stabilizers and gypsum are found in plastic compositions.

  • of cement and lime;
  • clay and cement powder;
  • gypsum and clay;
  • clay powder and lime.


Plasters made of acrylic resins are used to finish areas in locations with high air humidity because of their increased plasticity. Mixtures can be applied to facades and walls that have higher mechanical loads. Materials can be purchased as ready-made solutions with or without coloring.

  • elasticity;
  • impact-resistant characteristics;
  • water resistance;
  • wide palette of shades;
  • eco-friendliness of the composition;
  • no shrinkage after drying;
  • average price category;
  • durability.

Among the drawbacks are the material’s flammability and vulnerability to ultraviolet light.


These plaster mixtures are based on silicone and stabilizing agents. After hardening, the materials are incredibly elastic, simple to use, and long-lasting. Compositions made of silicone are resilient, vapor-permeable, and water-repellent. It is imperative to consider the material’s high cost, though.

Silicone coatings are applied to improve the moisture-proof properties of facade finishing, adjust joints, and finish rooms with high relative humidity.

Silicate composition

Silicate plasters adhere well to polystyrene foam foundations and are based on liquid glass. The coating has high vapor-permeable properties, is easy to clean, and is resistant to chemical compounds. Silicate plasters are robust, long-lasting, safe for the environment, water-repellent, and resistant to mold and fungi.

The high cost of materials is one of the drawbacks. The base must be primed before silicate plaster can be applied; after that, silicate-based paints can be used. The mixtures must be applied to the surface right away because they harden quickly. On penoplex facades, silicate compounds are used for plastering, while other mixtures are used for interior decoration.

Specifics of various types of house finishing with penoplex exterior and interior work

  • Features of application (exterior or interior decoration, façade or plinth design);
  • subsequent decorative design (application of bark beetle plaster, fixing wallpaper, ceramic tiles with glue, etc.d.).

Finishing the base with plaster

Because the basement is situated on the foundation, it needs more moisture protection. It will take further action to stop cold bridges from forming.

  • the basement floor is most susceptible to mechanical damage;
  • finishing for the plinth is often combined with decorative stone tiles or dense pebble plaster.

To reinforce the base during decorative finishing with heavy materials (slabs, textured plasters), a mesh of metal alloys must be attached. For the facade, we only use Penoplex plasters.

How is it allowed to plaster penoplex indoors?

Finishing is done inside the building if penoplex is not able to insulate the facade. The rooms will be slightly smaller after the sheets are fixed. Choosing the right composition is necessary before applying penoplex indoors.

Finishing slabs and arranging a loggia with gypsum mixtures are recommended interior work. The procedure is comparable to external plastering. Nevertheless, installing a plinth profile is not necessary. Prior to plastering over reinforcing mesh, puttying will be necessary.

The work is done in a draft-free room; fans or heaters are not acceptable for drying the plaster layer because they can cause chips and cracks in the coating.

How to plaster penoplex from the outside (on the facade after thermal insulation)

Penoplex is a special façade plaster used for exterior finishing. Reinforcement can be achieved by applying adhesive mixtures; universal or façade plaster compounds are used on top of the leveling layer.

In order to increase the quality of adhesion to the surface, the reinforcing mesh must be fixed before plastering penoplex outside the house. Plaster-adhesive mixture Ceresit CT 85 is used to attach reinforced mesh plates to the wall. It is possible to use decorative mixtures for bark beetle, stone, wood, pebble compositions, etc. for the decorative finishing of insulation outside the building.

Necessary tools and materials

  • a set of metal spatulas;
  • trowel;
  • masking tape;
  • grater;
  • sandpaper;
  • construction mixer;
  • rule;
  • knife for construction work;
  • priming rollers;
  • brushes;
  • tape measure;
  • containers;
  • rags, etc.d.

Plastering compound (with a reserve of up to 20%), primer, reinforcing mesh, plastic corners, mounting foam, water, base profile, and fasteners are among the materials required.

Preparing the penoplex plane for plastering

You must prepare the surfaces before plastering penoplex both inside and outside the building for wallpaper.

  1. The surfaces are inspected, the evenness of the base is checked with a rule.
  2. The protrusions are cleaned off, the differences are leveled.
  3. Seams, deep cracks are filled with polyurethane foam.
  4. Wide seams are sealed with narrow strips of penoplex, then covered with foam.
  5. The remains of the hardened polyurethane foam are cut off.
  6. Surfaces are cleaned of dust and dirt with a damp cloth.
  7. The heads of nails and dowels that secure the sheets need to be aligned.
  8. The base is primed if necessary.
  9. The surface of the insulation is scratched with a brush or sandpaper to increase adhesion.

How to properly plaster penoplex with your own hands – technology

Plastering surfaces correctly requires working in calm weather with temperatures between +5 and +30°C. The structure is shielded from the sun and rain.

  • preparation of the base;
  • applying a primer;
  • preparation of solution;
  • covering the base with an adhesive solution;
  • fixation of reinforcing mesh;
  • grouting work;
  • creating a leveling layer;
  • preparation of decorative plaster mortar;
  • decorative finishing;
  • base painting.

Step-by-step preparation of the solution for the facade

  • pour the dry mixture into a container with water;
  • mix the mass using a mixer;
  • add water if necessary;
  • after reaching the required consistency, set the solution aside for 5 minutes;
  • mix the mixture and apply to the base

It is required to mix the composition when using pre-made solutions before applying it to the walls.

Installation and fastening of reinforcing mesh for walls

  1. Installation begins with the corner sections.
  2. Adhesive composition is applied with a spatula from the corner parts.
  3. Apply the corners, press, check with a building level.
  4. The mesh is placed on the solution, leveled, pressed with a spatula.
  5. The mesh is fixed on a flat base after reinforcing the slopes and corners. It should be placed with an overlap of 10 cm.
  6. Excess adhesive is removed with a spatula.
  7. A primer or plaster solution must be applied to the mesh.

Plastering on penoplex

Utilizing a spatula, a layer of 2-3 mm of a plaster-adhesive mixture is applied after the reinforcement mesh has been installed and fixed with a solution. Using a wide tool to complete the task is ideal. The surfaces are dried after every sheet has been evened out.

Grouting and leveling

The grouting process is completed in a day. Using a grater with fixed sandpaper, sanding is done. Circular motions with light pressure are ideal.

  • coarse-grained sandpaper is necessary for finishing before applying a structural decorative mixture;
  • fine-grained sheets are used to prepare surfaces for painting, wallpapering or applying a thin-layer decorative plaster.

Using a dry rag, dust is removed from the base following grouting and leveling.

Application of decorative plaster for external work on penoplex

Once the foam base has been leveled, you can apply a decorative solution to the surfaces. Finishing compound is an extra layer of defense. The surface must be primed before the decorative plaster composition is applied. A roller is used to apply primer, and a brush is used to treat corner areas. The layer of primer has dried.

Next, the plaster is applied using the method of choice (fur coat, wet silk, travertine, mosaic, stone effect, bark beetle pattern, etc.d.). Decorative finishing is chosen for interior or facade projects.

How to paint penoplex on the street or balcony

Planning the design requires taking into account whether plastering a penoplex for painting on a balcony or street is feasible. They also ascertain which color is acceptable for use with plaster mortar. Painting should not be done with paints or varnishes that contain benzene, gasoline, acetone, kerosene, drying oil, xylene, polyester resins, etc. For outdoor finishing, it is best to use paints that contain mineral fillers or silicate, water-based paints.

Famous manufacturers

  1. Sto AG. The company produces a line of mixtures for plastering Stolit.
  2. Henkel. The company produces Ceresit plaster compositions, which are distinguished by a wide range of textures, purposes, and colors.
  3. Ecomix. The company produces plaster materials for the design of “wet” facades.
  • Sto-Baukleber – mixtures for gluing foam sheets;
  • StolevellDuoplus – materials for gluing insulation sheets and reinforcing the base;
  • StoPutzgrund – intermediate primer mixture;
  • Sto-Strukturputz, StoMarlit – finishing mixtures.
  • BS-113 — adhesive base for mounting polystyrene foam;
  • BS-106 — plaster-adhesive mixture for reinforcement over slabs;
  • BS-707 — quartz primer mixture;
  • BS-208 — decorative bark beetle plaster for the final stage of finishing;
  • BS — pebble plaster mixture.
  • Sevener — plaster-adhesive composition;
  • Diamant — decorative mixture;
  • Decorgrund — primer composition, etc..

Topic Details
What is Penoplex? Penoplex is a type of insulation material used for both inside and outside walls. It helps keep your home warm by providing good thermal resistance.
Why Use Plaster on Penoplex? Plaster adds a protective layer and improves the look of the insulation. It also helps shield the Penoplex from damage due to weather or wear.
Materials Needed Penoplex boards, plaster, primer, a trowel, a float, a putty knife, and a mixing container.
Preparation Steps 1. Clean the Penoplex surface. 2. Apply a primer to help the plaster stick better. 3. Let the primer dry completely before applying plaster.
Applying Plaster 1. Mix the plaster according to the instructions. 2. Apply a thin coat of plaster with a trowel. 3. Smooth it out with a float. 4. Let it dry, then apply a second coat if needed.
Finishing Touches Once the plaster is dry, you can paint or add any decorative finishes you like to match your home"s style.

Plastering over Penoplex—inside or outside your home—is a project that can dramatically improve the look and insulation of your area. Even as a do-it-yourself enthusiast, you can produce results that look professional with the appropriate method and a little perseverance. Before beginning, the surface must be adequately prepared, meaning it must be clean and clear of debris. For the plaster to adhere properly and produce a smooth finish, this step is essential.

Make sure you use weather-resistant materials and exterior-appropriate plastering techniques when plastering outside. This will support the plaster’s ability to endure the weather and hold up over time. Although the procedure is a little less complicated for indoor applications, it still needs to be done carefully to guarantee a smooth and even finish. For the purpose of preventing problems like peeling or cracking, both settings gain from thorough curing and adequate ventilation.

In general, the task can be made more approachable by breaking it down into manageable steps, even though it may initially seem overwhelming. A polished, expert appearance will result from taking the time to carefully follow each step. Take pleasure in the process of makingover your area, and don’t hesitate to ask for assistance or guidance when necessary. You can get a lovely outcome that gives your house more worth and character with a little work.

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Andrey Ivanov

Experienced civil engineer with more than 20 years of experience. Specializing in the construction of industrial and civil facilities. Author of many publications in professional journals.

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