Laying expanded clay concrete blocks: preparation, step-by-step instructions, pros and cons of laying

A common option in construction, expanded clay concrete blocks are lightweight and have great insulating qualities. These blocks provide an effective and affordable way to construct walls and other structures because they are made of a mixture of cement, water, and expanded clay aggregates. It’s critical to comprehend the prerequisites and procedures before beginning the block-laying process in order to guarantee a sturdy and long-lasting structure.

There are a few important steps to take in order to get ready for the expanded clay concrete block installation. First, make sure you have all the equipment and supplies you’ll need, such as the spirit level, mortar, trowel, blocks, and measuring tape. The area needs to be leveled, cleaned, and have a strong foundation laid. Having a well-thought-out plan and taking precise measurements will help you avoid any problems when building.

For optimal results, take a step-by-step approach when laying the blocks. After covering the foundation with a layer of mortar, carefully position the first block, making sure it is level. Continue placing the blocks in a staggered pattern, filling the spaces between them with mortar, and periodically checking alignment. Use mortar to properly fill in any gaps to provide stability and insulation.

Expanded clay concrete block laying has benefits and drawbacks of its own. Positively, because these blocks are lightweight, handling them is simple and can expedite the building process. They also offer superior soundproofing and thermal insulation. Cons include the need for precise mortar application to ensure a strong bond between the blocks and the necessity for careful handling to prevent breaking.

You can successfully lay expanded clay concrete blocks and create a strong, long-lasting structure by comprehending the preparation, adhering to thorough instructions, and being aware of the advantages and disadvantages. With the aid of this guide, you can confidently and easily navigate the process, guaranteeing a high-quality outcome for your construction project.

Laying methods

The thickness of the walls of the planned structure serves as the primary criterion for selecting the best option. Laying techniques:

  1. To speed up the work, products are used whose width will be equal to the thickness of the load-bearing structure. To improve the properties of the building, it is protected from the inside with a plaster composition, and thermal insulation is performed on the outside, this type of wall construction is more suitable for a garage, warehouse.
  2. To improve the thermal insulation properties of the box, walls are erected whose thickness corresponds to the length of expanded clay concrete products, in addition to that, a plaster composition and thermal insulation material are used. The layer of the latter coating can be thinner than in the case when the first of the considered masonry methods is used, this option is suitable for the construction of small objects (bathhouse, sauna).
  3. Expanded clay concrete products are installed with dressing, while gaps are left in which the thermal insulation material will then be laid. The recommended thickness of the vertical structures of the box is 60 cm.
  4. 2 walls are erected with an air gap between them. This option is more preferable, because. . when masonry is performed using this method, heat loss is significantly reduced, and the cost of insulation is reduced. Its thickness can be minimal, but the cost of building material increases: 2 times more expanded clay concrete blocks are used for masonry.

Using the most recent technology, double masonry can be improved in a number of ways, including adding more insulation between the walls and reinforcing the structure.

Basic rules

It is important to pay attention to the material proportions when making the solution. Following the following guidelines is essential when masonry is being done:

  • after installing each block, as well as at the end of the masonry row, it is necessary to check the position of the products with a building level;
  • to strengthen the load-bearing wall, a partition made of expanded clay concrete is reinforced every 3-4 layers;
  • installation of vertical structures is carried out from the corners;
  • a grinder is used to fit the blocks;
  • the foundation must be protected from moisture;
  • the minimum thickness of the seams is 1 cm, this compensates for the presence of defects on the surface of the blocks, and additionally ensures high strength of the structure;
  • It is not recommended to use glue for laying expanded clay concrete products, t. to. blocks of this type are characterized by a porous structure, which helps to increase the absorption of the mixture.

Laying technology

Bricks and expanded clay concrete blocks are laid according to a similar principle. Nonetheless, these processes can be distinguished by a few subtleties. Owing to the large dimensions of expanded clay concrete products, the object box installation is completed more quickly. The necessary number of them is ascertained when the object’s project is designed, accounting for the chosen block laying scheme.

In this instance, the breadth of the seam joints (up to 10 mm) is considered in addition to the dimensions of expanded clay concrete products. The completed structure will have somewhat larger dimensions than specified in the project if this criterion is ignored when planning a project and estimating the necessary materials.

Preparation of tools and materials

It is important to remember that during construction, every component of the building must be constructed at the same time when using expanded clay concrete blocks. This implies that you must get the required equipment and supplies ready right away. For the task, you will require the following:

  • mallet;
  • trowel;
  • tape measure;
  • building level;
  • shovel;
  • angle grinder;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • plumb line;
  • cord that will be stretched, playing the role of a beacon-orientation during the installation of blocks.

The materials listed below are ready:

  • expanded clay concrete products;
  • components for preparing the solution: water, cement, sand;
  • reinforcement devices: masonry mesh, reinforcement;
  • plaster composition for finishing work after laying the blocks;
  • water and heat-insulating material.

Preparing the solution

Primary ingredients: sand, water, and cement. They are employed in a 1:1:3 ratio. It is advised to use high-grade cement, preferably M400, to strengthen the completed structure. Water content may differ slightly. This is because the sand that was used had varying degrees of moisture. But it’s best not to let the solution get too liquid. The end structure becomes less strong as a result.

Plasticizers are important to remember when making your own cement mixture. Because of these additives, the solution is more elastic, which strengthens it. As a result, the seams won’t deform in the face of temperature fluctuations or low temperatures.

The solution is prepared in a volume that allows the planned volume of building material to be used to complete the masonry. Overmixing the composition will cause it to harden, and frequent mixing to preserve its plasticity raises the possibility of the mixture delaminating.

Foundation waterproofing

It is advised to use materials that are extremely resilient to mechanical tensile loads for this purpose. The capacity to tolerate the effects of moisture is another crucial criterion.

The substance ought not to be hygroscopic. Bitumen compositions are taken into consideration for this purpose. A lesser degree of suitability exists for the polymer film. To. not powerful enough. Mastic is used to adhere roofing material to the base’s walls. It is advised to use multiple layers of insulation to safeguard the foundation of the home.

Installation of lighthouses

Following the foundation waterproofing preparatory work, a guideline must be established. Use the cord to accomplish this. It extends to the base of the future box on all sides. But first, you have to put the blocks at the corners of the building.

The mortar layer in these places can be up to 3 cm thick. The blocks are leveled and compacted with a mallet before being laid. Products made of corner expanded clay concrete need to be in the same plane. This will determine the overall frame’s masonry quality.

Laying the first row

Products made of expanded clay concrete start to be positioned flush with the object’s base walls. The first row of blocks is positioned in relation to a beacon, which is a stretched cord, and is further adjusted by means of a building level. The end portions of the blocks should be covered with foam plastic to prevent the creation of cold bridges; 50 mm thick sections are cut out.

They are stronger. For the installation of partitions that are exposed to less intense loads, hollow analogs are more frequently utilized. There are flaws in expanded clay concrete blocks. If any depressions are discovered when installing the first row of products on the foundation, cement mortar is used to fill them. The projecting parts are ground off using a grinder.

Laying walls

The structure is strengthened once the first row of blocks has been installed. Masonry mesh is utilized in this process. It is positioned above the blocks. Then, using cement mortar, keep laying expanded clay concrete products. Corner sections should have mesh dressing applied. The blocks are moved in the second and subsequent rows by half the expanded clay concrete product, or by 10 centimeters, with respect to the seam connection of the preceding row.

Laying door and window openings

Once a certain number of blocks have been placed consecutively, a window opening can be made. A concrete lintel is erected in the upper portion of the structure to prevent collapse in these areas. It is imperative that it rests on the masonry surrounding the opening on both sides. The lintel should be one meter (50 centimeters on each side) wider than the future window’s width.

Wooden beams are not recommended for this purpose. This is due to the low strength of the material and its susceptibility to moisture. It is acceptable to use metal corners/channels instead of a concrete lintel. The recommendations for the placement of this type of products are the same.

Last row

Strength is increased with the provision of a reinforced belt. The primary objective is to stop the building from collapsing because there’s a chance the blocks might start to creep. This is because expanded clay concrete products have a low resistance to point loads.

The reinforcing belt can reach a maximum height of 20 cm. Its width ought to be marginally smaller than the block’s of comparable size. The indent is designed to accommodate the width of the insulation, accounting for its placement on both sides.

Reinforced concrete can be used to create a reinforced belt. In this instance, reinforcement is installed and formwork is created in the upper portion of the wall. The solution is then poured.


On top of the blocks, a mesh or steel rods with a diameter of 10 mm are placed. Every three to four rows, these steps are repeated. For products made of solid expanded clay concrete, the first choice is appropriate. If hollow blocks are used, rods are utilized. Sections of the structure above window and door openings are also strengthened with reinforcement.

Topic Details
Preparation Ensure the foundation is level and clean. Gather all tools and materials. Plan the layout and measure accurately.
Step-by-Step Instructions 1. Mix mortar. 2. Lay the first row of blocks, ensuring they are level. 3. Apply mortar to the sides and bottom of each block. 4. Continue laying blocks, checking alignment regularly. 5. Cut blocks as needed for corners and edges. 6. Allow mortar to set.
Pros of Laying Good thermal insulation. Lightweight and easy to handle. Reduces construction time.
Cons of Laying Requires careful alignment. Mortar must be mixed properly. Blocks can be brittle if handled roughly.

Building walls with expanded clay concrete blocks is a useful and effective method that offers durability and thermal insulation. Being well-prepared is essential, which includes choosing high-quality blocks, getting the required equipment, and setting up the location. A successful and efficient build is ensured by taking a step-by-step approach, from laying the foundation to finishing the walls.

A strong and even structure can be achieved by carefully aligning the blocks, beginning with a solid base, and working methodically. It’s crucial to apply mortar evenly, check levels frequently, and use a string line for guidance. Long-term success is achieved by being patient and paying close attention to detail, which results in walls that are sturdy and aligned.

Expanded clay concrete blocks have many benefits, including being lightweight, having good thermal insulation, and being simple to handle. But there are other things to think about, like making sure the blocks are properly waterproofed and exercising caution when handling and installing the blocks because of their brittleness.

All things considered, expanded clay concrete blocks present a dependable and practical option for a variety of construction tasks. These blocks have the potential to create a sturdy, well-insulated, and long-lasting structure with the correct planning and meticulous construction.

An easy way to improve the longevity and insulation of your building project is to lay expanded clay concrete blocks. This article offers precise, detailed instructions on how to set up your workspace, lay the blocks correctly, and complete the task quickly. We’ll go over the necessary equipment and supplies you’ll need, as well as advice on how to make the installation go smoothly. To assist you in making an informed choice, we’ll also go over the benefits, such as thermal efficiency and lightweight qualities, as well as any potential drawbacks, like cost and installation difficulties.

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Anna Vasilieva

Journalist with a technical education, specializing in construction topics. I can explain complex technical topics in simple and accessible language.

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