Ironing of concrete – features of the technology

Concrete troweling, also known as concrete finishing, is a crucial stage in the building process that gives concrete its final smooth surface. In order to achieve the desired texture and appearance, the freshly poured concrete’s surface is manipulated during this process. Concrete ironing may appear like a straightforward task, but in order to guarantee the longevity and aesthetic appeal of the completed structure, it requires expertise and precision.

Concrete floats or trowels are specialized tools used to smooth the concrete surface during ironing. The tools can be powered or operated by hand, based on the project’s size. The objective is to remove flaws like ridges or bumps and produce a uniform surface that is both aesthetically pleasing and useful. In addition to improving the look of floors, walls, or pavements, properly ironed concrete prolongs their lifespan by lowering the possibility of surface deterioration.

Timing is one of the most important factors to take into account when ironing. The proper curing stage must be reached for concrete before ironing; if it is done too soon, the surface may be too pliable and prone to damage; if it is done too late, it may be difficult to achieve a smooth finish. Skilled concrete workers closely observe the concrete to ascertain when it is best to iron it, taking into account variables such as weather and the characteristics of the concrete mix.

Depending on the desired finish, different ironing techniques can be used. For instance, specialized methods like broom finishing or stamping may be used if a textured surface is needed for improved grip or aesthetic reasons. These techniques are useful for sidewalks and decorative concrete surfaces, among other applications, in addition to adding visual interest.

To get excellent results in building projects, one must be aware of the subtleties of ironing concrete. The successful navigation of the challenges presented by varying environmental conditions and project specifications calls for a combination of technical expertise and craftsmanship. Construction experts can make sure that structures meet functional requirements and endure over time with durability and aesthetic appeal by becoming experts in the art of concrete ironing.

Feature Description
Definition Ironing of concrete is a finishing process that enhances the surface strength and durability of concrete.
Materials Used Common materials include cement, water, and sometimes fine sand.
Process The process involves spreading a thin layer of dry cement on a wet concrete surface and smoothing it out.
Benefits Improves resistance to wear, reduces dusting, and creates a smoother finish.
Applications Often used for floors, pavements, and other surfaces needing increased durability.
Considerations Proper timing is crucial; the surface must be adequately moist for effective ironing.

Purposes of ironing

Moisture can seep into the many pores and microcracks on the surface of untreated concrete. Concrete crumbles and turns into dust due to mechanical impacts and cycles of freezing and thawing. The reinforcing elements may start to corrode when moisture and chemically active substances seep into the structure’s thickness.

Concrete ironed with cement enables:

  • increase the strength and wear resistance of the top layer of the structure;
  • increase the water-repellent properties of the material;
  • prevent corrosion of reinforcement in reinforced concrete;
  • get rid of concrete dusting;
  • extend the service life of the structure many times over.

Concrete floors, cement screeds, walls, open spaces, and blind areas all perform better thanks to this technology that hardens the concrete’s surface. Concrete paths and self-made paving slabs can have their service lives extended without needing to be repaired by ironing them.

Mixtures for ironing concrete

The chosen technology (dry or wet ironing) and the materials utilized have a significant impact on the outcome. High-grade Portland cement is used in the traditional version, which uses dry technology. In the wet version, the same cement is combined with sand.

However, producers now provide a large selection of pre-made mixes in the form of fine powder, which can include the following in addition to Portland cement:

  • ground marble, granite, quartz or corundum;
  • modifiers that regulate the drying rate of wet-treated surfaces.

It is crucial to keep in mind that solid inclusions, such as stone flour, strengthen the concrete surface but somewhat lessen the adhesive qualities of the applied material when selecting a ready-made mixture.

Polyurethane powder is one particular polymer composition that can be used for dry ironing. A robust, chemically resistant polymer coating is created when it is rubbed into the wet surface of freshly laid concrete.

Ironing, also referred to as concrete finishing, is a crucial procedure in the field of concrete construction that affects the final product’s durability and quality. Using this method, newly poured concrete is leveled and smoothed to create a uniform surface that is both aesthetically beautiful and practical. Reducing surface imperfections and ensuring proper curing are two ways that ironing improves the strength of concrete in addition to its appearance. It is crucial to comprehend the subtleties of this technology in order to create durable and robust concrete structures, which makes it an integral part of contemporary building methods.

Types and features of technologies

The heavy components of the solution settle when the concrete mixture is poured into the formwork to harden; this lowers the density of the top layer of the material. Ironing—a treatment using a dry mixture or solution based on Portland cement—must be done after the material has initially gained strength in order to increase density and enhance performance characteristics of the concrete surface.

Work with hand tools (such as a trowel or plastic grater) to accomplish tasks on small surfaces and in difficult-to-reach areas. Trowels are used in large rooms and on expansive sites.

Once concrete reaches its full strength, a well-traveled surface is ready for use. It is simple to clean, does not produce dust, and does not absorb moisture.

Dry method

Dry ironing is limited to surfaces that are horizontal. Use a ready-made composition with specific fillers or Portland cement combined 1:1 with fine sand for work. To achieve a decorative effect, you can incorporate a unique dry pigment into the composition.

When the concrete has already dried but the surface is still wet, ironing is done.

  • the concrete surface is cleared of debris;
  • The prepared dry mixture is poured over the entire area in a layer of up to 3 mm using a sieve;
  • After the mixture is saturated with moisture and turns into a cement paste, the surface is smoothed and compacted with a trowel, spatula, polyurethane float or grinding machine.

After that, a film should be applied to the surface and left there until the monolith has solidified completely.

Wet method

The composition of the wet ironing method is versatile and can be used on incline, vertical, and horizontal surfaces. The solution can be made independently or from a factory mixture for ironing in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

The ironing solution is as easy as piecing equal parts clean fine sand and premium Portland cement together. Lime milk, up to 10% of the total mass, can be added to the mixture to increase its plasticity. In order to improve the water-repellent qualities of concrete and smooth its surface, a solution of liquid glass and sodium aluminate is added, along with dry pigment for coloring.

After the dry ingredients are combined, clean water is gradually added to the container until a homogenous mixture with the consistency of thick sour cream is achieved. The process of mixing is done in a small concrete mixer or with a hammer drill equipped with a mixer attachment.

When the concrete has had time to set and no more excess moisture remains in it, wet ironing work is completed. Using a spatula or trowel, carefully smooth a layer of ironing solution up to 5 mm thick onto the cleaned surface. Concrete paint or polyurethane varnish can be applied to the composition’s polished surface once it has solidified.

When treating vertical or incline surfaces, the density of the solution is chosen to ensure that a layer that is between three and five millimeters thick adheres firmly and does not run off.

Specifics of application

Concrete surface ironing is a popular technique in commercial, public, and industrial building.

Cement screed becomes more durable, dust-proof, and waterproof when ironed. On such a screed, any type of flooring can be installed.

Concrete floors can be ironed to produce a coating that is impervious to moisture, abrasion, and aggressive materials. Utility rooms and industrial workshops both use these types of floors.

Hard surfaces are resistant to atmospheric influences when blind areas are ironed, concrete paths and platforms are monolithic, and freshly laid paving slabs are used. The top layer becomes compacted and gains the ability to repel water and withstand mechanical loads.

Building artificial reservoirs, swimming pools, and reservoirs typically involves ironing concrete walls. The system contributes to the waterproofing of monolithic buildings.

Plaster is made more water-resistant and less prone to cracking when the surface is ironed. This method is applied to waterproof basement walls and wet rooms.


After selecting the proper ironing technique, you can enhance the quality of the house’s screed or plastered walls on your own, construct a sturdy blind area around the structure, and create aesthetically pleasing walkways and platforms.

Keeping an eye on the component proportions is crucial when making the mixture by hand. Processing prolongs the service life of monolithic concrete and enhances its performance characteristics.

A smooth and long-lasting outcome is largely dependent on the concrete ironing process, which is an essential step in finishing concrete surfaces. In order to improve the look and functionality of freshly poured concrete, this process entails carefully leveling and smoothing the material. A uniform surface can be produced and flaws removed by workers using specialized tools like trowels and bull floats.

Timing is one of the most important aspects of concrete ironing. It needs to be done when the concrete is both malleable enough to be shaped and firm enough to support the weight of the tools. This usually happens in the "plastic stage," which comes right after pouring. Working within this window enables the best possible surface manipulation of the concrete without causing harm or leaving marks.

Technique is another important factor. Skilled concrete finishers know how important it is to use the tools with smooth, even strokes. To level the surface, they first use bigger tools like bull floats, and for finer finishing, they switch to smaller tools like trowels. This meticulous process guarantees that the concrete is evenly compacted and free of air pockets, which over time may erode the structure.

Furthermore, the final result can be greatly impacted by the selection of tools and materials. Durable materials used to make high-quality floats and trowels guarantee longevity and efficient results. Furthermore, by lubricating or releasing the tools properly, you can make sure that they don’t stick to the concrete, which will allow for smoother strokes and less excessive rework.

In conclusion, it takes aptitude, timing, and the appropriate equipment to become an expert at concrete ironing. Contractors and artisans can create aesthetically pleasing surfaces that improve the longevity and durability of concrete structures by closely adhering to the right procedures and techniques. The careful application of ironing techniques guarantees that concrete, whether for industrial floors, driveways, or sidewalks, will look good and function well over time.

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Marina Petrova

Candidate of Technical Sciences and teacher of the Faculty of Construction. In my articles, I talk about the latest scientific discoveries and innovations in the field of cement and concrete technologies.

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