How to prepare expanded clay concrete for floor screed

Expanded clay concrete is a multipurpose substance ideal for screeding floors. Because of its strength and lightweight design, it’s a great option for leveling and smoothing surfaces. Acquiring knowledge about how to prepare expanded clay concrete can help you save time and money, regardless of whether you’re remodeling your house or starting a new building project.

The procedures for mixing and pouring expanded clay concrete for your floor screed will be walked you through in this guide. Everything from assembling the appropriate supplies to applying the last details will be covered. You’ll find it simple to follow these instructions even if you’re new to doing projects yourself.

You can attain professional results without the need for specialized knowledge or tools if you take the appropriate approach. Now let’s get started and use expanded clay concrete to transform your floors!

Expanded clay aggregate is combined with cement, sand, and water to make a lightweight, durable material that is perfect for soundproofing and insulation when making expanded clay concrete for floor screed. This blend is a popular option for both professional builders and do-it-yourself enthusiasts seeking to increase the comfort and efficiency of flooring systems because it is easy to work with, has excellent thermal properties, and can be applied quickly.

Preparing a mixture for expanded clay concrete screed

Prioritizing the brand of cement used is crucial when preparing a solution for a screed. Grades M 150 and M 200 are appropriate for screed in interior living room renovations, while M 300 is better suited for industrial settings.

Counseling! The amount of cement in the concrete mix is indicated by the number that comes after the "M" marking. As a result, the technical qualities, especially strength, improve with increasing grade.

Selecting the "right" filler is essential to getting ready for the screed.

Tiny pieces of baked clay make up expanded clay. The following categories of this material are distinguished based on the type of processing used:

  • Gravel. Rounded granules are best suited for wet screeds. The best performance characteristics in this case are possessed by particles with diameters of 5-20 mm.
  • Crushed stone. Unprocessed filler consisting of irregularly shaped granules. Has lower characteristics than gravel, but its cost is lower.
  • Expanded clay sand. Brownish material with large grains of sand. An ideal option for preparing expanded clay concrete for screeds, the thickness of which does not exceed 3 cm.

Depending on the kind of screed you choose to make, you must also determine the ratios of the ingredients in the mixture.

Methods for creating a screed from expanded clay concrete

Expanded clay concrete can be poured using one of two techniques.

Wet screed

In a residential setting, the components must be mixed in the following proportions for a wet screed:

  • 1 part PC;
  • 3 parts sand;
  • 4 parts filler (expanded clay).

This means that for every 25 kg of expanded clay, we receive about 30 kg of sand cement.

For every square meter of area, if the screed is intended for an industrial or public setting, you will need:

  • 50 kg of expanded clay;
  • 60 kg of sand concrete;
  • 45 kg of sand;
  • 15 kg of cement.

This will yield a 5 cm thick screed that is dependable and long-lasting.

Take the following actions to get the solution ready:

  1. Pour expanded clay into a container (it is better to use a concrete mixer).
  2. Add water and wait until the aggregate granules are saturated with it.
  3. Continuously stirring the solution, begin to slowly pour in the cement and sand.
  4. Continue mixing until the aggregate granules turn grey and the mixture itself becomes homogeneous.

Only the screed’s waterproofing layer (such as a vapor barrier film or sturdy polyethylene) receives the final solution. Following the preparation of this layer, you must:

  1. Mark the surface.
  2. Install beacons and guide profiles.
  3. Pour expanded clay concrete onto a small area (strip) between the beacons.
  4. Pour the finishing screed and level it.
  5. Pour the next strip in the same way, and then the entire surface.

The guide profiles must be taken out and the resulting voids filled with cement mortar the day following the final pouring.

Practical! The "fresh" screed needs to be moistened with water every day and covered with polyethylene to prevent cracking during the hardening process.

Although laminate or other flooring can be installed two weeks after the wet screed is poured, this type of floor dries completely in four weeks.

Semi-dry screed

In the event that you choose to use expanded clay to create a semi-dry screed, you will require:

  1. Thoroughly clean the concrete base and seal all cracks and unevenness in it with concrete mortar without expanded clay.
  2. Lay waterproofing material on the concrete surface and glue a damper tape around the perimeter of the room so that it goes onto the walls by at least 15 cm.
  3. Set up beacons at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  4. Fill in expanded clay, starting from the far corner of the room (you need to fill it in such a way that the expanded clay layer is 2 cm below the level of the beacons).
  5. Pour the granules with cement milk (a mixture of water and concrete, in a ratio of 2:1).
  6. Tamp the expanded clay layer.

Counseling! It is crucial to form an even layer of granules even at this early stage. You can use a rule, a specialized tool that resembles a spatula with a width of one meter, to level the expanded clay.

The cement-sand mixture can be prepared and laid for the final surface leveling after a full day. It is poured gradually, filling the spaces between beacons consistently and leveling the screed’s surface with care. The beacons can be taken out after a further twenty-four hours, at which point the holes will have been water-sprayed and sealed with concrete. Small amounts of cement mixture and grout are used for final leveling. In two to three weeks, such a screed will dry completely.

Step Description
1. Gather Materials Collect expanded clay, cement, sand, and water.
2. Mix Dry Ingredients Combine expanded clay, cement, and sand in a large container.
3. Add Water Slowly pour water into the mixture, stirring continuously until you get a thick consistency.
4. Pour the Mixture Spread the concrete evenly over the floor area.
5. Level the Surface Use a straightedge to smooth out the surface.
6. Let it Cure Allow the concrete to dry and harden for several days.

It’s easy to prepare expanded clay concrete for floor screed, which can significantly increase the longevity and insulation of your floors. You can make a mixture that is both strong and lightweight by taking the proper procedures.

First, collect all required supplies, such as water, sand, cement, and expanded clay. To get the right consistency and strength, combine these ingredients in the right amounts. In order to guarantee that the expanded clay is distributed evenly throughout the concrete, it is crucial to thoroughly mix.

Make sure the surface is ready and clean before adding the expanded clay concrete. After distributing the mixture evenly, level it out with equipment like a screed board. Give the concrete time to properly set and cure; depending on the circumstances, this could take a few days.

For many construction projects, using expanded clay concrete as your floor screed is a wise decision because it offers superior thermal and acoustic insulation. Careful planning and execution will result in a long-lasting and effective floor that fulfills your requirements.

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Marina Petrova

Candidate of Technical Sciences and teacher of the Faculty of Construction. In my articles, I talk about the latest scientific discoveries and innovations in the field of cement and concrete technologies.

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