How to prepare a solution for paving slabs

A common option for building long-lasting and visually beautiful outdoor areas is paver slabs. Whether you want to update your driveway, patio, or garden path, it’s crucial to know how to prepare the proper concrete solution. The mixture you use will determine how good your paving slabs turn out, so it’s important to get it right from the start.

Choosing the right materials is the first step in the process. Cement, sand, gravel, and water are required. Your paving slabs’ strength and longevity are greatly influenced by each component. Sand gives the material structure, gravel increases strength, and cement serves as the binding agent. The chemical reaction that holds the mixture together is triggered by water. A strong and long-lasting outcome depends on using these materials in the right proportions.

The next crucial step is to properly mix the solution. To ensure an even distribution, combine your dry ingredients first before adding water. To prevent weak spots in your paving slabs, it is imperative that you thoroughly mix. Maintaining consistency is essential; the mixture should have a peanut butter-like texture and be thick but manageable. By doing this, the slabs are guaranteed to set correctly and endure over time.

Pouring your mixture into molds to make slabs is the next step after it’s ready. After the slabs have cured, they will release more readily if the molds are kept clean and well-oiled. Evenly pour the mixture into the molds, gently tapping them to release any trapped air. This guarantees a strong, even finish and helps to prevent gaps.

Ultimately, the strength of your paving slabs depends on the curing process. For at least a week, keep the slabs moist and covered to allow them to cure slowly. This method of slow curing guarantees maximum durability and keeps cracks from forming. Paving slabs that you create with patience and attention to detail will improve your outdoor area for many years to come.

Composition and proportions of the solution for paving slabs

It is not possible to get ready-made material because concrete plants do not sell the solutions needed to make paving slabs. The GOST that governs the ingredients and methods of solution preparation for the creation of contemporary paving slabs is currently being developed.

Consequently, GOST 17608-91 "CONCRETE PAVEMENT SLABS" requirements should be followed when preparing the paving slab solution by hand. Since regulatory documents are based on theoretical calculations validated by empirical research, rigorous compliance with their requirements is essential for ensuring a successful outcome.

Based on the lowest feasible ambient temperature in the area of operation, the compressive strength class and frost resistance serve as the foundation for figuring out the grade and, consequently, the amounts of the solution for paving slabs. Let’s put this information in Table 1.

Table 1: Mortar grade classifications for paving slab production

Operating temperature Frost resistance Strength class Concrete grade
From 0 to -5. °С F100 B22.5 M300
From -5 to -15. °С F150 B25 M350
From -15 to -45. °С F200 B30 M400
Below -45. °С F300 B35 M450

The composition of the paving slab laying solution comprises the following elements in compliance with GOST 17608-91 requirements:

  • General construction Portland cement grade CEM I 32.5N PC (M400).
  • Sand.
  • Granite crushed stone, gravel crushed stone, blast furnace slag that meets the requirements for the maximum size of element fractions: 10 mm for products up to 50 millimeters thick, 20 mm for products more than 50 mm thick.
  • Water. The amount of water should not exceed 0.4 of the cement weight.
  • Plasticizing and air-entraining additive.
  • Pigments.

Table 2: Cement mortar proportions for paving slabs

While the mortar is being prepared, additional ingredients are added:

  • Plasticizer C3: 0.3-0.7% of the cement weight.
  • Air-entraining additive SNV: 0.1-0.02 of the cement weight.
  • Pigment for concrete: 5-10% of the cement weight.

The mortar is supplemented with additional ingredients and thoroughly mixed. Subsequently, the mixture is partially added to the mixture of the constituent ingredients, and the mixture is combined until a uniform consistency is achieved.

Technology of laying paving slabs on mortar

Paving slabs can be laid on cement mortar or on dry sand combined with dry cement using one of two technologies. It is advised to use the first option when designing parks, gardens, and pedestrian walkways. If there is a chance of vehicle traffic on the site or sidewalk, paving slabs are laid on concrete mortar.

How are paving slabs laid down on mortar? Detailed instructions:

  • Preparing the site: marking, digging a pit 100-150 mm deep, backfilling the cushion with 50 mm thick granite screenings, making a 2-3 ° slope to remove rain or melt water, tamping, leveling the surface.
  • Preparing the solution. Cement-sand mortar M75 is used for laying paving slabs. Proportions of components: Portland cement CEM I 32.5N PC (M400) – 1 part, sand – 4 parts, water – 1 part. Number of components per 1 m3 of mortar: cement – 283 kg, sand – 1390 kg, water – 285 liters. Sand and cement are mixed in a dry state in any convenient way. Then add water and mix until smooth "creamy" mass.
  • Filling. The prepared area is filled with a solution. Pouring thickness 5 cm. Single -mop area of ​​filling 1 m2.
  • Laying tiles on a flooded site. Pouring another 1 m2. Laying tiles, etc..

The following justifies the need for "portioned" paving slab installation and "portioned" mortar pouring. The mortar will start to set if you pour it all over, which will cause the tiles to lay unevenly.

How to clean mortar from paving slabs

Particles from the mortar will undoubtedly end up on the front surface when laying tiles on it. The simplest method to maintain the tile’s front surface clean is to work as meticulously as you can, adhering to the guidelines below:

  • Remove splashes of mortar immediately after they hit the surface.
  • Store a supply of cement and prepare the mortar at a certain distance from the areas being laid.
  • From time to time, sweep the surface from cement dust.

You can clean the paving slabs from the solution in the following ways if, in spite of your accuracy, the solution still got on the tile’s surface and hardened: Remove using a spatula or chisel, or use an angle grinder fitted with a cup metal brush for a thorough cleaning.

We do not advise using chemical detergents. The truth is that orthophosphoric acid, or a combination of acids, is the primary active component of all chemicals and is responsible for the amorphous mass that is produced in cement and concrete solutions. Paving slabs are made of hardened concrete mortar, so chemicals may erode their surface or create a hazardous environment.


Without the use of specialized tools like a steam generator, vibrating table, or other devices to steam the completed product, homemade paving slabs lack strength and durability. Consequently, you should buy factory-made paving slabs for the layout of more costly and mechanically demanding locations.

Step Description
1. Gather Materials Collect cement, sand, gravel, water, and any additives.
2. Mix Dry Ingredients Combine cement, sand, and gravel in a large container.
3. Add Water Slowly pour water into the dry mix while stirring.
4. Stir Thoroughly Mix until the solution is smooth and lump-free.
5. Check Consistency The mixture should be thick but pourable, not too runny.
6. Use Quickly Pour the mixture into molds for paving slabs before it hardens.

Paving slab solutions can be difficult to prepare, but with the right strategy, they become doable tasks. Your outdoor spaces will have a long-lasting and visually appealing surface if you mix and lay the materials according to this guide’s instructions.

First, assemble superior materials. To guarantee the strength and durability of the mixture, use the appropriate amounts of cement, sand, and water. Aim for a thick, workable paste that can hold its shape without being overly wet or dry, paying attention to the mix’s consistency.

It is important to thoroughly mix the solution. Make sure that every ingredient is distributed evenly by taking your time. By doing this, weak points that might eventually develop cracks or other problems are prevented. For optimal results, it is best to use a concrete mixer, though manual mixing can also be accomplished with a little more work.

When your mixture is prepared, the paving slabs should be laid. Proceed methodically, taking care to place each slab precisely and level it. Maintain uniform spaces between slabs with spacers to prevent surface damage from expansion and contraction.

Allow the slabs to properly set after placing them. Allow enough time for the solution to cure and solidify. Be patient and don’t walk on the freshly laid surface until it has completely hardened—this could take a few days.

You can add a durable and aesthetically beautiful feature to your driveway or garden by properly laying and preparing your paving slabs. Results of a professional caliber can be attained with a little work and careful attention to detail, and they will last for years.

It’s simple to prepare a concrete solution for paving slabs; all you need is the right materials, the right amount of mixing, and close attention to detail. First, gather the appropriate amounts of premium cement, sand, gravel, and water. To ensure that the solution is neither too dry nor too watery, thoroughly mix these ingredients to obtain a uniform consistency. These instructions will assist in producing level and long-lasting paving slabs that are ideal for patios, walks, and driveways.

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Andrey Ivanov

Experienced civil engineer with more than 20 years of experience. Specializing in the construction of industrial and civil facilities. Author of many publications in professional journals.

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