How to make concrete mortar correctly?

A fundamental skill for anyone working on DIY or construction projects is making concrete mortar. The ability to mix concrete correctly is essential for guaranteeing strength and durability, regardless of the size of the project—from minor home repairs to major construction projects.

For jobs like plastering and bricklaying, concrete mortar is utilized, and the precise mixture can have a significant impact on the outcome. The right amounts of cement, sand, and water must be combined for the process to work. Every element has a distinct function, and attaining the ideal balance between them will contribute to the project’s strength and consistency.

We’ll walk you through the process of making concrete mortar successfully in this guide. You can make a mortar that is both long-lasting and meets your needs by learning the proper methods for mixing materials and making the right choices.

Step Description
1. Gather Materials Collect cement, sand, gravel, and water. Ensure they are clean and free of debris.
2. Measure Ingredients Use a ratio of 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, and 3 parts gravel. Adjust amounts based on the size of your project.
3. Mix Dry Ingredients Combine cement, sand, and gravel in a dry container. Mix thoroughly until uniform.
4. Add Water Gradually add water to the dry mix while stirring. Aim for a consistency that is workable but not too runny.
5. Mix Thoroughly Continue mixing until all ingredients are well combined and the mortar reaches a smooth, even texture.
6. Use Immediately Apply the mortar to your project right away. It should be used within a few hours for best results.

Independent production of concrete

Limited volumes of concrete mixture are frequently required during the construction and repair processes carried out by skilled builders and private developers. Currently, buying a ready-made solution is not economically feasible because the cost of transportation greatly outweighs the cost of the material. How to make concrete at home while maintaining the material’s quality at the factory level is a question that comes up frequently. Even though mixing concrete at home seems simple, there are several technical considerations.

In order to guarantee that the final concrete has the required performance qualities, it is essential to:

  • use high-quality raw materials;
  • adhere to technology requirements;
  • use a proven recipe;
  • mechanize the mixing process;
  • add the right grade of cement powder;
  • pay attention to the size of sand grains;
  • introduce the right fraction of filler into the mixture.

It is not permitted to independently prepare the working mixture for the concrete of crucial structures such as monolithic walls, ceiling panels, and support columns. An excessively high cost for an error may result in collapse during use under increased load. When doing various tasks related to the construction of private housing, such as laying foundations, setting sub-concrete, and building garages and outbuildings, it is worthwhile to prepare concrete yourself. In this situation, adherence to technology ought to come first.

In some circumstances, mixing concrete mortar by hand is acceptable.

  • with a minor need for concrete mix;
  • if it is problematic to deliver concrete to the work site;
  • with increased costs for purchasing ready-made mortar;
  • if it is impossible to mix it at home.

If you intend to mix your own concrete, you should become familiar with the rules of building codes that govern the characteristics of the technological procedure and the specifications for the building materials that must be used.

What is durable concrete made of – the composition and features of the components of concrete mortar

Without a doubt, many private owners are familiar with the formula and methods required to produce concrete of the highest caliber. But the first cracks that show up on the blind area or foundation following winter frosts are a sign of these "masters’" inflated egos. For this reason, it’s best to start learning the fundamentals of self-preparing concrete.

Now, let’s begin with the elements that constitute the foundation of concrete. The following components are part of the concrete mixture composition:

  • binding agent – Portland cement. It is manufactured at industrial enterprises that control the quality of products;
  • filler – crushed stone or gravel, as well as sand. These materials are purchased individually and do not always meet the requirements of regulatory documentation;
  • process water that does not contain foreign impurities. You should not add water from an unknown reservoir, the composition of which is not determined, to the concrete mixture;
  • special additives. Modifiers allow you to change the fluidity, provide the required plasticity, increase frost resistance and reduce the setting time.

It is not necessary to use raw materials of questionable provenance, the quality of which cannot be attested by certificates of conformance, if you want long-lasting concrete. We will focus on the specifications for the ingredients in the concrete mixture before learning about the technological aspects of making a concrete solution and becoming acquainted with the recipe.

Cement for preparing mortar

Everyone is aware that cement is the ingredient in concrete. It serves as a binding agent in the mixture of concrete. Private developers typically use M400 or M500 cement. The utilization of grade four and five hundred cement for concrete preparation in the housing construction industry is made feasible by its strength attributes. Concrete, which contains M600 cement, is used to create building structures that can support higher loads.

The following qualities of the binder should be taken into consideration when choosing Portland cement to make a concrete mixture:

  • strength properties that affect the loading ability of concrete after hardening;
  • cement density, depending on the date of manufacture of the material and its storage conditions;
  • powder fraction size, determining the setting time;
  • corrosion resistance, important for structures located in a humid environment;
  • sulphate resistance, ensuring the preservation of the concrete structure when in contact with salts;
  • moisture resistance, which makes it difficult for moisture to penetrate deep into the concrete;
  • frost resistance, determining the possibility of using concrete with sudden temperature changes.

The introduction of modifying additives and plasticizers allows you to give the cement the required performance properties, which significantly increases the cost of cement powder.

The following considerations should be made when purchasing Portland cement:

  • date of manufacture of the binder;
  • integrity of the packaging container;
  • homogeneity of the powder consistency;
  • uniformity of the cement color;
  • absence of foreign particles and lumps;
  • availability of certificates of conformity.

When cement’s shelf life is approaching its end, its strength properties, which are expressed in kg/cm2, start to decline.

The following are changes in strength properties:

  • during the first two months after cement production, the strength corresponds to the value declared by the manufacturer;
  • after 60 days from the date of manufacture, the strength decreases by 20% of the original value;
  • 6 months after packaging the cement in bags, the strength of the material does not exceed 70% of the initial one;
  • within 12 months of storage, the loss of strength is half the base value.

Buying compacted cement is not recommended because it was manufactured a long time ago.

What is the best sand to use?

The qualities of the concrete mixture are influenced by the proper selection of sand for fine aggregate.

Consider the following when placing your sand order for concrete preparation:

  • size of sand particles. It is 1.5-4 mm;
  • absence of clay particles. Permissible clay concentration is no more than 3%;
  • the content of fine fraction no more than 0.6 mm in size, not exceeding 3%;
  • bulk density of sand, the minimum value of which is 1.4 t/m3.

The lowest percentage of dust and clay particles are the primary markers of sand quality. Sand is washed under water pressure to get rid of dust and clay inclusions.

Concrete is prepared using a variety of construction sand types:

  • obtained by quarrying. Such material often contains an increased amount of clay and limestone particles, which negatively affects the quality of concrete. Concrete begins to deteriorate with an increase in the volume of clay saturated with moisture;
  • river sand, which differs from quarry material by the absence of foreign inclusions. River sand is characterized by a homogeneous structure, providing a small deviation in particle sizes in the total mass of no more than 2 mm.

Preference should be given to a more costly alluvial material that is superior to quarry sand in purity when selecting sand for mixing concrete. Quarry material that has been cleaned using a wet method is acceptable.

Crushed stone or gravel – what to use as the main filler

What kind of material is used as a large filler—crushed stone or gravel—is irrelevant.

Both construction materials are extracted through quarrying from different kinds of non-metallic rocks:

  • dolomite stone;
  • gravel boulders;
  • natural granite.

Following a crushing process on specialized machinery, the mined material is sorted by fractions. The filler ranges in size from 5 to 40 mm. The most popular filler is medium-fraction, which measures 10-35 mm. It is employed in the building of foundation bases.

The filler exhibits the subsequent performance attributes:

  • increased strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • homogeneous grain structure.

Crushed granite is the most expensive material, whereas dolomite and gravel are more reasonably priced. They are not as strong as granite filler, though.

The following characteristics of filler use exist:

  • dolomite crushed stone is part of lightweight concrete class B15;
  • gravel material allows achieving the strength of concrete B25;
  • granite filler provides increased concrete strength up to B30.

It is important for you to be aware of the elevated level of radioactive background present in crushed granite. It is forbidden to use granite crushed stone for home construction when radiation indicators reach class II. This type of material is only appropriate for use in road construction.

Use of special additives to ensure the quality of concrete

Special ingredients are added during mixing to give the concrete solution specific properties. These additives are referred to as plasticizers by skilled builders.

They confer unique qualities on concrete.

  • increase the strength characteristics of the monolith;
  • ensure the workability of the concrete mixture;
  • extend the setting period of the solution;
  • change the duration of the gain in operational strength;
  • prevent the possibility of freezing of the solution at negative temperatures.

When adding plasticizers to the concrete solution, it’s critical to pay attention to the ratios in order to give the concrete the required qualities.

Quality and required amount of water

The quality of the water added to the solution is an important consideration when talking about how to make a concrete solution.

It, along with other components, is subject to special requirements. The following shouldn’t be in water:

  • organic inclusions;
  • animal and plant contaminants;
  • acidic and alkaline components.

Swampy water and liquids containing oils, chemicals, or petroleum products are prohibited. Tap water is the ideal choice for preparing concrete. You must add water in a volume not to exceed one-fifth of the solution’s total mass in order to achieve the necessary conditions. The typical hydration process is guaranteed with the concrete mixture’s moisture content. The plasticity of the solution is influenced by the liquid concentration in the concrete mixture.

To create a strong, long-lasting mixture, the proper ratios of cement, sand, and water must be blended when making concrete mortar. To ensure consistency, it is important to measure exactly and mix thoroughly. In addition to increasing the mortar’s strength, proper mixing also makes it more workable and long-lasting, guaranteeing the stability and dependability of your building projects.

In what ratio are the components of the concrete mixture introduced

The ratios used to make cement mortar must be followed precisely to meet the recipe’s specifications. It is best to use tabular values for concrete calculations, which vary depending on the grade of the concrete mixture. In this instance, both the ratio of the remaining ingredients and the concentration of cement in the solution alter.

For instance, for concrete made using Portland cement M400, the mass proportions of cement, sand, and crushed stone will be as follows:

  • 1: 4.5: 6.9 – for the concrete solution of the M100 brand;
  • 1:2.9:4.7 – for concrete mix with marking 200;
  • 1:1.2:2.7 – for brand concrete M400.

The ingredient ratio will alter when Portland cement M500 is used, and it will be as follows:

  • 1:5.7:8.2 – for concrete M100;
  • 1:3.4:5.7 – for the composition of brand M200;
  • 1:1.5:3.1 – for M400 mixture.

When concreting at home, the majority of private builders follow the standard ratio of 1:3:5, which calls for combining one part Portland cement, three parts purified sand, and five parts filler. The amount of water needed to give the mixture the right consistency is added. The quality of the concrete solution is not significantly impacted by slight variations from the designated ratio.

The quality of the concrete is negatively impacted by notable variations from the standard recipe:

  • reduce the load-bearing capacity of the monolith after hardening;
  • cause cracking of the concrete mass;
  • reduce the moisture resistance of concrete due to increased porosity;
  • complicate the implementation of concrete activities due to accelerated hardening.

Remember that variations in the raw material’s characteristics impact both the percentage ratio and the final concrete’s quality when preparing your own concrete mix. The recipe has been modified in this instance.

How to get a concrete solution – choosing a mixing method

There are several ways to mix the raw materials for the autonomous preparation of concrete solution. These methods include:

  • manual, which is easy to implement and does not require the use of special equipment. To perform the work, you will need a capacious trough, as well as shovels and buckets. Manual mixing is advisable when performing a small amount of concrete work related to pouring fence supports, constructing a blind area and other work. It is problematic to ensure the homogeneity of the concrete solution when mixing manually. Manual mixing is especially relevant in the absence of a power source at the construction site;
  • mechanized, providing the ability to prepare increased volumes of concrete in a limited time. For accelerated mixing, you will need a household concrete mixer. Mixing in a concrete mixer provides increased homogeneity of the concrete mix. Various types of gravity or forced-action mixers are used. It will take no more than three minutes to prepare one portion of concrete mortar. For accelerated execution of concrete activities, it is advisable to place the concrete mixer directly near the pouring area.

Depending on the anticipated volume of concrete work, each individual must select a different method of concrete preparation.

How to make concrete from cement – manual mixing of mortar

When preparing mortar by hand, home craftsmen may not always know exactly how to mix concrete. Even though manual mixing seems simple, there are some subtleties.

The following steps of work must be completed for manual mixing:

  1. Prepare the working tools.
  2. Weigh the raw materials.
  3. Mix the raw materials.
  4. Add water.
  5. Mix again.

Let’s focus on the elements involved in executing each step separately.

Preparatory activities – preparing tools and raw materials

During the work’s preparatory phase, the following needs to be ready:

  • a capacious container;
  • shovel and bayonet shovels;
  • buckets;
  • a sieve for cleaning sand.


  1. Clean the sand on a sieve from large impurities.
  2. Carry out calculations in the ratio of buckets for mixing.
  3. Pour the required amount of material into the tub.

Once the dry ingredients are ready in the necessary amount, move on to the next step.

Mixing cement, sand and crushed stone fraction

When combining the ingredients, they should be added in the following order:

  1. First, you need to pour in Portland cement and sand.
  2. Then mix the cement-sand mixture until smooth.
  3. At the final stage, add crushed stone and mix the mixture.

A regular hoe is also used to mix gradients, in addition to a bayonet shovel.

Filling with water and mixing again

Gradually add water:

  1. First, add a small volume of water to mix the raw materials.
  2. Then the remaining part is introduced and the resulting concrete is mixed again.

Using a shovel, the prepared concrete mixture is placed into buckets and used for the intended use.

Preparing concrete – how to make building material in a concrete mixer

Let’s examine how to use a home concrete mixer to create a highly homogenous concrete solution.

Different units are employed, each with a unique principle for combining the ingredients:

  • gravitational. A feature of such a concrete mixer is a rotating container with blades and a stationary axis with a screw-shaped surface. The design allows changing the angular position of the drum, which affects the mixing efficiency. During the mixing process on such a mixer, the concrete solution falls under its own weight;
  • forced. The design of a forced-action concrete mixer includes a stationary container, inside which a blade working element rotates. The concrete solution prepared in a forced-type mixer is more homogeneous than the mixture from a gravity mixer. Forced units are used to prepare thick mixtures containing a limited volume of water.

In order to perform mixing, you must:

  1. Install the concrete mixer on a level surface.
  2. Pour the required volume of sand and Portland cement into the drum.
  3. Pre-mix the components.
  4. Add crushed stone and water.
  5. Re-mix.
  6. Unload the finished concrete and clean the drum.

It’s critical to regulate the amount of extracted raw materials and prevent the mixing device from becoming overloaded. It is necessary to wash the concrete mixer once the job is done.

Proper preparation of concrete mortar guarantees a sturdy and long-lasting finish for your building endeavors. Measure your materials precisely first. Achieving the ideal consistency and strength requires careful consideration of the cement, sand, and water ratios.

Before adding the water, fully combine the dry ingredients. This aids in dispersing the sand and cement equally. Add water a little at a time while mixing until the mixture is smooth but not runny. Attention to texture is important because over-mixing can result in weak mortar.

Once combined, use the mortar right away because it sets quickly. Using a trowel, apply it to your project, making sure the layer is uniformly thick. To ensure freshness and prevent waste, think about mixing larger surfaces in smaller batches.

For optimal results, proper curing is essential. For the mortar to get stronger and more durable, keep it moist for at least one week. If necessary, cover it with plastic sheeting or a damp cloth to keep it from drying out too soon.

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Anna Vasilieva

Journalist with a technical education, specializing in construction topics. I can explain complex technical topics in simple and accessible language.

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