How to calculate the density and specific gravity of reinforced concrete: during dismantling (disassembly)

Understanding the density and specific gravity of reinforced concrete is essential when dismantling concrete structures. This information is useful for determining the integrity of the material and organizing the best disassembly procedures. Because of its intricate composition, reinforced concrete necessitates exact calculations to guarantee efficiency and safety.

Knowing the reinforced concrete’s density and specific gravity will help you select the appropriate tools and disassembly methods. It can be difficult to measure the weight, volume, and reinforcement materials of the concrete during this process if the proper technique isn’t used. Gaining proficiency in these computations will help you manage the structural parts more skillfully and steer clear of possible problems when disassembling the unit.

We’ll walk you through the process of precisely calculating these properties in this guide, so you can manage the disassembly process and treat the concrete with the care it deserves. This will facilitate the safe removal of materials and make the project run more smoothly and neatly.

Calculation Aspect Description
Density Calculation To calculate the density, measure the mass of the concrete and divide it by its volume. Density (ρ) = Mass (m) / Volume (V). Ensure the measurements are accurate to get a precise density.
Specific Gravity Calculation Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of the concrete to the density of water. It can be calculated using Specific Gravity (SG) = Density of Concrete / Density of Water (approx. 1 g/cm³ at 4°C).
Measurement Considerations When dismantling, account for the presence of reinforcing materials like steel, which can affect the measurements. Measure the volume of concrete without reinforcements for accurate results.

Types of reinforced concrete

The density of reinforced concrete is the primary factor used to categorize the material into different types.

  1. Extra heavy reinforced concrete. The indicators of its specific gravity per 1 m³ are 2.5 tons. The production process involves the introduction of special additives into the composition that increase the density and weight of the finished product. Several types of extra heavy concrete are available for sale: limonite, magnetite, barite and others. In private construction, the listed brands are rarely used, since they are effective for the construction of large-sized structures with a large number of storeys, which are operated in difficult conditions and face heavy loads.
  2. The second type is characterized by a density of 2.2 tons per m³. The role of the filler is performed by crushed stone or gravel.
  3. The third group includes lightweight concrete, which has through cavities with reinforced inserts. The specific gravity of such a block of 1 m³ is 1800 kg.
  4. The market also offers especially lightweight concrete, the bulk density of which does not exceed 500 kg / m³. Such blocks are arbolite, perlite, cellular and expanded clay. Polystyrene concrete is in great demand, which is characterized by ease of processing and improved sound and heat insulation properties.

Experts advise building a two-story private home with lightweight and reinforced varieties.

Accurately estimating the density and specific gravity is essential for effective planning and execution when dismantling reinforced concrete structures. You can more accurately calculate the weight and load-bearing capacity of the concrete components and ensure safe handling and disposal by being aware of these measurements. In order to make sure that every component is present, avoid structural problems, and maximize the disassembly procedure, this process entails calculating the volume and weight of the concrete as well as the materials that serve as reinforcement.

Characteristics of concrete

The resistance to large loads and high performance characteristics of traditional types of concrete set them apart. They are not useful in the construction of heavy structures like load-bearing beams and ceilings, railway and road bridges, because they cannot tolerate stretching, bending, and other deformation effects. Reinforcement is applied to the material to increase its suitability. Different diameters of reinforcement are used for this purpose.

A concrete structure can have its strength properties increased, its service life increased by two to three times, and its resistance to cracking strengthened with the aid of metal reinforcement. The traditional reinforcement technique entails the installation of iron rods in the shape of a grid in three dimensions. Blocks with thick and thin sections that alternate are frequently introduced to the market.

Given the variations in parameters among the various types of reinforced concrete, it is not feasible to create a comprehensive list of their attributes. All varieties, however, have intrinsic qualities like low cost and a long service life.

Moreover, reinforced concrete’s comfortable specific gravity and its versatility in terms of geometry and architectural form are highly valued by architects. One of the main drawbacks of structures made of reinforced concrete is that its volumetric weight makes it insufficiently strong.

  1. Degree of average density – to calculate this indicator, the mass of reinforced concrete in 1 m³ is taken into account. Attention is also paid to the method of laying the material – with or without the use of vibration equipment. The letter D is used to designate the indicator, followed by the number 2200, 2000, etc.D.
  2. Degree of strength – depending on this characteristic, reinforced concrete is divided into several classes that determine resistance to axial compression under pressure on the cube of the rib of 1500 mm and axial tension. To establish the classification, the type of concrete (heavy, fine-grained, lightweight) is taken into account.
  3. Degree of resistance to negative temperatures – it is determined by the number of "freezing and thawing" cycles when exposed to moisture. The permissible decrease in strength with high frost resistance should not exceed 15%.
  4. Water resistance – the characteristic indicates the maximum water pressure at which liquid does not seep into the pores of the material.

Concrete reinforcement

Conventional concrete varieties exhibit high strength characteristics, but they are also highly brittle and susceptible to large loads. An irreversible process of destruction will result from any impact, bending, or torsion deformation. Additionally, beams, spans, and panel floors are frequently utilized in these circumstances. Steel rods, or reinforced elements, are inserted inside the blocks to prevent deformation.

The inclusion of metal inserts guarantees the structure’s long service life, mechanical strength, and resistance to cracks. The reinforcement process is done in accordance with specific guidelines and norms to enhance the material’s performance qualities. Experts install rods with a cell size of 100–200 mm in the shape of a three-dimensional grid.

Although steel wire is occasionally used to connect the rods, large-scale building construction replaces this method with the same steel reinforcement.

  1. Structures with various architectural designs and geometries become reliable and durable.
  2. The degree of frost resistance increases.
  3. The material can withstand heavy loads.
  4. The probability of cracks during operation is practically eliminated.

However, reinforcement also plays a role in the emergence of certain drawbacks in addition to the benefits. First of all, the weight of the cube increases dramatically, which adds to the project’s implementation challenges. Second, adding reinforcement to the completed building becomes a fairly involved process.

  1. Monolithic. This type is used in the industrial production of blocks at large enterprises. The technology provides for the frame installation of rods connected by wires in the vertical and transverse directions.
  2. Dispersed. A similar method consists of introducing finely dispersed additives – fiber – into the liquid concrete mixture. It is made from steel, basalt rock, fiberglass or polypropylene raw materials.
  3. With mesh. The use of mesh for reinforcement is very popular, since the installation of this structure is quite simple. The mesh itself can be composite, polymer or iron.

You must be aware of the key steps in order to independently reinforce a concrete block. There are some distinctions even though the algorithm for filling various surfaces is similar.

Visual inspection and initial coating preparation for reinforcement comprise the first stage. It is critical to compute the slopes and contours precisely, measuring with a building level.

Formwork made of wood is constructed in the following phase. The boards must then be positioned in the ground and staked in place. Formwork heights must be greater than mixture pouring heights. To ensure the material’s surface is even and retains moisture, parchment can be pasted over the inner surface of the boards.

The next step is to start getting the reinforcement elements ready. You can start installing the mesh or rods on a horizontal surface after checking them for flaws and irregularities.

Every metal additive has a predetermined and uniform distance between them. The reinforcement is connected using wire and welding equipment.

The next step is to calculate the object’s volume in advance before starting to pour it. To prevent air spaces from forming, the concrete is further compacted. It is still necessary to wait until the concrete has fully set before removing the formwork.


The ratios of the mixture in the mass composition must be considered in order to determine the density and specific gravity of reinforced concrete. Water must also be subtracted from the computation because it will evaporate on its own in a month. The density indicators in this instance will be as precise as they can be. When there is information available regarding the concrete brand, experts acknowledge the use of approximation data.

The reinforcement scheme also determines the weight of 1 m3 of reinforced concrete. In this instance, the diameter and number of rods within the block body must be considered. The mass and internal volume of the steel reinforcement are established by these parameters.

Different rods may be used in a reinforced concrete structure, and installing them may require a different process. Using the data from the table, you can estimate how much reinforcement there is in 1 m³ of the block.

Calculating the weight of a cube of reinforced concrete

It won’t be difficult to calculate the mass of reinforced concrete (1 cube) if the number of reinforced elements in the composition of the products is known. This can be done by multiplying the specific gravity of all the materials used by the difference between the volume of the structure and the volume of reinforcement.

The specific gravity of the reinforced concrete products must be considered when dismantling a building in order to salvage the units and calculate the amount of material that can be removed. Given the specialized knowledge and technical challenges involved, it is best to leave this kind of work to a qualified professional. Independent estimates are computed using the object’s characteristics and the materials used to construct it.

Disassembled reinforced concrete has a bulk density of 2.5 tons per m3. The measurement results are then multiplied by the value. The quantity of construction waste that must be removed from the site will be indicated by the resultant value.

The difference between calculated and practical density

Because the constructed object has numerous gaps and voids that cannot be anticipated during the design phase, the precise density indicators of a reinforced concrete building deviate from the estimated parameters. Air entrapment is a problem with any concrete monolith, but it can be minimized by vibrating the concrete within the formwork or blank.

The amount of air that can be added without affecting the block’s density or strength characteristics is limited to 1% of the total volume. A departure from this standard will result in the reinforced concrete elements deforming quickly, as well as cracks and other deformations that cause irreversible damage.

The concrete and reinforcement coefficients must be combined in order to accurately calculate the specific gravity of reinforced concrete. The obtained result is divided by the structure’s total volume. You can do away with the need for computer programs and intricate calculations by using a straightforward mathematical formula.

Average density

Heavy-duty reinforced concrete has an average density of 2500 kg/m³. They decrease to 2400 kg/m³ when the laying method is applied without the use of vibration equipment. The density is calculated as the total of the masses of concrete and reinforcement in a composition that has a high level of reinforcement.

Features of density calculation

The density of reinforced concrete structures can be computed using a variety of formulas and concepts.

Indicators of a certain grade of concrete

It doesn’t take sophisticated knowledge or abilities to determine the density of concrete.

  1. M200 — representatives of this brand have a density of 2390 kg/m³. In most cases, this material is used to arrange floor screeds, make blind areas, sidewalks, strip foundations and stairs.
  2. M250 — the actual density is 2397 kg/m³. Concrete of this brand is effective for the construction of monolithic foundations, fences and non-load-bearing floors.
  3. M300 — density indicators are 2407 kg/m³. Foundations, wall structures and floor slabs are arranged on its basis.
  4. M350 — 2412 kg/m³.
  5. M400 — 2420 kg/m³.

Types of filler

Fillers for concrete composition can be organic, extracted from natural rocks and enrichment waste, or artificial, synthetic, or manufactured, depending on the type of raw material.

Fillers can account for up to 80% of the material’s composition, which lowers the price of cement mixture purchases.

  1. The size and shape of the granules.
  2. Origin.
  3. Grain composition.
  4. Strength properties.
  5. Roughness.
  6. Density.

Specific gravity

The weight of the w/b cube is easy to calculate. Concrete can be separated into the following groups based on its specific gravity:

  1. Particularly light.
  2. Easy.
  3. Heavy.
  4. Particularly heavy.

The brand of material determines the specific weight indicators. The mass of the components listed in the special tables will determine the weight of one m³ of the block.

For a variety of building and demolition projects, knowing how to compute the density and specific gravity of reinforced concrete during disassembly is essential. Understanding these characteristics will help you determine the material’s weight and stability more precisely, which is crucial for safety and planning.

Precise computations aid in guaranteeing that appropriate tools and methods are employed throughout disassembly. It also helps with the estimation of the expenses and logistics related to moving and handling concrete. When working with older buildings or getting ready to build new, these measurements offer important information about the functionality and longevity of the material.

To sum up, the computation of these properties affects the effectiveness and security of construction operations and is not only a technical necessity. You can make wise decisions that help your project succeed if you take the appropriate approach.

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Dmitry Sokolov

Chief engineer in a large construction company. I have extensive experience in managing construction projects and implementing modern technologies.

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