Features of Knauf dry screed

The following is an overview of the "Features of Knauf Dry Screed" article on the "All About Concrete" website:

For both residential and commercial spaces, Knauf dry screed is an exceptional option when it comes to flooring solutions. Builders and homeowners frequently choose Knauf dry screed due to its numerous advantages over traditional wet screeds. This cutting-edge flooring option is a great option for people who want to improve the quality and longevity of their floors because it combines efficiency and excellent performance.

The simplicity of installation of Knauf dry screed is one of its main advantages. With dry screed, projects can be completed more quickly than with traditional methods, which call for extended drying periods. This is due to the fact that it installs without the use of water, which eliminates the waiting time caused by moisture evaporation. Contractors are therefore able to meet deadlines, cut labor expenses, and save time without sacrificing quality.

Moreover, Knauf dry screed performs exceptionally well in terms of thermal insulation. It is an energy-efficient option because of its lightweight composition, which includes materials that naturally improve insulation. As a result, heating and cooling expenses for homes and buildings can be gradually decreased by maintaining more constant interior temperatures. Additionally, the increased insulating qualities help to soundproof homes, making them cozier and quieter.

Strength and durability are two more important characteristics of Knauf dry screed. After installation, it offers a strong and stable base that is resistant to heavy loads and extensive foot traffic. Because of its adaptability, it can be used beneath a range of floor coverings, including tiles, laminate, and hardwood, guaranteeing a flawless finish that will last for many years. Its resistance to warping and cracking also guarantees minimal maintenance needs and long-term satisfaction.

In conclusion, Knauf dry screed is a superb flooring option with many advantages, including improved thermal and acoustic qualities and ease of installation. Given its strength, durability, and versatility, it is an excellent choice for any building or remodeling project. Knauf dry screed is a dependable and effective option that satisfies contemporary building needs, whether you’re renovating a house or working on a sizable commercial project.

If you need any changes or additional details, feel free to ask!

Features of Knauf dry screed

There are numerous techniques for creating a floor screed in an apartment; the quickest is to install the Knauf floor yourself.

Its foundation is dry prefabricated screed technology:

  1. An insulating substrate is installed.
  2. A material in the form of granules is poured over the substrate layer.
  3. Securing the sheet panels of the subfloor.

The loose material in the granules is tightly compressed and forms a solid layer that can withstand high pressure if the floor covering is laid using the prescribed algorithm.

Knauf floor components include:

  • backfill. A small fraction of expanded clay sand is used as backfill, usually the grain size is up to 4 mm;
  • rough layer – mainly gypsum fiber sheets (GVL) are used, they are similar to plasterboard, but there is no surface layer of paper. Gypsum fiber sheets are more durable, are not subject to combustion and release of toxic substances.

The floor’s structural components are displayed as panels when they are completed. Two glued sheets of gypsum fiber make up each panel. The panels are glued together with a small displacement between them to create a fold along their edges. Each element is 1200 x 600 x 20 mm in size, with a 50 mm fold width.

The panels shift between one another, making it easier to fasten them with screws and mastic. The components are installable by one person even. Any type of covering is placed over the subfloor sheets, such as carpet, tiles, linoleum, laminate, etc.

Positive and negative qualities of Knauf

Knauf dry screed offers a lot of benefits.

  • superfloor "Knauf" is made without the processes of mixing with water and hardening. The factor is especially important at the stage of building a new house, because the risk of moisture penetration into adjacent rooms is eliminated;
  • the installation procedure requires minimal time, you do not even need a special tool for mixing the solution;
  • after the subfloor is installed, it is allowed to lay the finishing flooring;
  • if it is necessary to dismantle the floor, the procedure will take a little time, equivalent to installation. No special tools are required, it is enough to cut the gypsum fiber board with a jigsaw, and the expanded clay backfill is cleaned out with a shovel;
  • the installation of the Knauf screed leads to a slight rise in the floor – about 5 cm with a backfill level of about 3 cm;
  • the weight of the floor is significantly less than a wet concrete screed with the same height indicators. Due to the reduction of the load on the supporting elements, it is possible to save on the foundation. Low weight is important for arranging floors in old houses;
  • high thermal insulation parameters, auxiliary insulation material is not required, which helps to reduce the construction estimate;
  • increased sound insulation of the room;
  • the material is resistant to fire;
  • installation can be done by one person;
  • Knauf superfloor is installed in any season regardless of the temperature. Often installed in regions with large temperature differences;
  • all necessary materials are chemically and environmentally safe;
  • it is easy to lay invisible communications in the backfill layer.

While there are drawbacks, they are not as obvious. Although dry floor screeds have received mostly positive reviews, there are drawbacks as well:

  • if flooded, there will be a need for repairs in the apartment, especially the screed. The disadvantage is common to all floors. Even after flooding, mold, rot and fungus will appear over time. Here, easy dismantling and replacement of the super floor comes to the rescue;
  • the material is vulnerable to moisture, it cannot be installed in damp rooms where there is no heating. Humid air will soon provoke wetting and swelling of the material;
  • the price of the coating is at an average level, depends on the thickness of the dry screed;
  • it is impossible to form a thin-layer screed for low rooms.

Technical characteristics

The technical characteristics of Knauf screed are as follows:

  • GVL sheet sizes: 1.25×0.65 m with a thickness of 2 cm;
  • folds: 5 cm;
  • sheet area: 0.75 m2;
  • weight of one GVL panel: 18 kg;
  • sheet hardness: 22 MPa;
  • compression resistance for forming expanded clay backfill: 10 PM;
  • soundproofing protection: from impact sounds – 55 dB, from airborne noise – 58 dB;
  • thermal insulation parameters: thermal conductivity of the floor is in the range of 0.25-0.35, depends on the layer thickness;
  • flammability: class G1;
  • toxicity, smoke generation and flammability class: 1 class.


The Knauf dry screed device is divided into four groups by the manufacturer.


The base is pre-leveled because the Alpha variety is used for flooring without the need for expanded clay. Differences in level should not be greater than 3 cm. The only materials required for "alpha screed" work are gypsum fiber panels, polyethylene film, and edge tape.

Beta screed

It is intended to be used in place of backfill made of expanded clay sand. can use pores to replace fibrous and spongy materials (polystyrene foam). It is required to level the base initially. An obvious characteristic is the rise in soundproofing parameters.


Is the most popular way to put in a superfloor. The evenness of the foundation is not subject to strict requirements by the method. Backfilling makes it simple to remove any anomalies or discrepancies. A layer of gypsum fiber sheets is placed over the expanded clay backfill.


Distinguished by its exorbitant price. The procedure is the same as for the Vega option; however, on top of the gypsum fiber, a second layer of gypsum fiber board and insulation are laid.

Scope of use

The following situations warrant the use of superfloors:

  • if the height difference between the sides exceeds 4 cm, dry leveling will help to simply restore the plane in the room;
  • if you want to build communications into the floor, it is enough to lay pipes simple, easy to detect leak in case of breakthrough. When laying pipes and electrical wiring, be sure to use a protective corrugated pipe;
  • when the foundation of the house is made of wood, a wet screed will lead to the destruction of wooden logs, and the Knauf superfloor will prevent the negative impact of moisture;
  • the house is dilapidated and its weighting is an undesirable procedure;
  • if you need to complete the work in a short time.

Materials and tools for work

You must use the formulas for consumption per square meter of the area being processed to determine the quantity of materials. The required supplies consist of:

  • special gypsum fiber sheets. The amount is taken with a reserve in case of trimmings;
  • backfill from expanded clay from the manufacturer Knauf, can be replaced with domestic expanded clay sand with a fraction of up to 5 mm. Average consumption of the substance per 1 m2 is 20 liters, but the number depends on the thickness of the layer;
  • self-tapping screws for fastening gypsum fiberboard, 12 pcs are required per 1 m2;
  • damper tape, 2 cm wide will do. The height should exceed the level of the screed. For the calculation, the perimeter is used, not the area;
  • Knauf adhesive or PVA glue, 50 g is required for each meter;
  • putty at the rate of 200 g / m2;
  • polyethylene film for base insulation. To determine the quantity, calculate the area of ​​​​the room and add 20%;
  • deep penetration primer.

Along with the supplies, you’ll need the following tools:

  • power tools for drilling and screwing in screws. Suitable tools: screwdriver, drill (you can replace the screwdriver when installing a screwdriver-type attachment);
  • devices for cutting sheets: electric jigsaw and knife for drywall;
  • devices for measuring levels, angles and distances: tape measure, meter with level, square;
  • tool for leveling the loose layer and tamping: rule, thrombus;
  • a means for forming beacons, a U-shaped profile is suitable.

How to choose?

Your preferences for the finished product and the properties of the base should serve as your guide when selecting a screed type.

The "Alpha" option is appropriate if the floor is flat (differences no more than 3 cm) and no additional noise and cold protection is needed. It is advised to use the "Gamma screed" method to optimize the insulation properties for both heat and sound. A prerequisite is that the room must be tall enough. In light of reasonable financial investment and technical features, the Vega screed should be chosen over the other options.

Floor screed "Knauf" invariably necessitates rigorous compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions and technological observance. Expanded clay backfill is what the company suggests using; it is best to stick to this guideline as changes will become unpredictable otherwise. Subsidence and deformation of the base are risks associated with a material fraction of up to 4 mm and large expanded clay or other backfill.

Knauf Superfloor is not a good choice for flooring in buildings with high humidity levels or unheated rooms.

It is advised to weigh the floor and ascertain whether the foundation can support the estimated weight before making the final decision.

Laying technology

Start the installation process once the tools and materials are ready.

Technology for screed installation:

  1. Preparing the base. Remove all debris and dust from the slabs. If there are protruding elements, especially metal pins, they are cut off.
  2. An insulating film made of polyethylene is laid on top of the floor. Adjacent sheets are laid between themselves using the overlapping method, the overlap is 20 cm. In places of contact with the walls, the film is raised slightly above the level of the screed and tucked in.
  3. A damper tape is applied along the entire perimeter, attached to the walls. Many beginners ignore this stage, but the tape is designed to protect the screed from changing dimensions during temperature changes.
  4. Expanded clay is poured on top of the film along the exposed beacon lines. A step of 30 cm is set between the beds, a step of 1 m is set between each other.
  5. Guide beacons are applied over the bed, they must be installed according to the level and inserted into the expanded clay. The height of the dry screed should be up to 10 cm. When performing repair work, the level of the screed should be raised to the height of the floor in the remaining rooms.
  6. Expanded clay backfill is laid between the guides. A rule is used to level the surface. The tool is installed on the guides and dragged along to eliminate protruding parts.
  7. After leveling one of the parts, the beacons are removed, and the recesses are filled with expanded clay. A path from the profile will have to be made in the corners.
  8. All gypsum fiber boards in contact with the walls must be processed with a knife or jigsaw to cut the fold.
  9. It is recommended to start laying the gypsum fiber boards from the wall, which is on the opposite side from the entrance. Before laying the subsequent layers, glue is applied to the folds. The offset between sheets from adjacent rows is performed by 25 cm or more. After laying the sheets, the joints are screwed with self-tapping screws, leaving a 30 cm gap between the fastening points.
  10. All joint areas are treated with putty.
  11. Before applying the coating, it is recommended to cover the entire surface with a deep penetration primer.

Preparation of the base

It is essential to examine the floor slabs for flaws prior to beginning the Knauf dry screed installation. Every operation is carried out using the following algorithm:

  1. Removal of exfoliated concrete and cleaning of any non-integral areas.
  2. Coating with special adhesives (deep penetration primers).
  3. Treatment of cracks with putty mixtures to level areas with cracks, joints, seams.
  4. Removal of dust and oil stains.
  5. Drying the base until all wet stains are completely removed.

Using a self-leveling floor is the most effective way to level the surface for the "alpha floor."

Beating off the horizontal level

The technology of lowering the maximum point in the horizontal plane cannot be applied to dry floors since the gypsum fiber board is not "brought to zero." There is a 2 cm minimum lifting level. Furthermore, for optimal load distribution, the manufacturer advises applying a layer of clay filling that is at least 2 cm thick. The minimum rise will be 4 cm if the technology necessitates the addition of backfill using the "Vega" and "Gamma" techniques.

A horizontal level is formed by performing squirrel actions:

  1. Any level, better laser, a plane is installed, the beam should fall on the adjacent walls.
  2. The height will be selected that will use to equip the floor in the entire room.
  3. The distance from the slabs to the features is measured by a tape measure. Select the smallest value.
  4. The perimeter is covered with a dumpfer ribbon, it should protrude on top 2 cm above the flooring.
  5. The upper mark from the horizontal level is installed on top of the tape, but the thickness of the screed is necessarily taken into account.

The line will become optional if a plane builder is utilized. Going forward, the configuration will be executed with an emphasis on the beam.

Waterproofing, insulation and acoustic material

It is permissible to add more materials to the screed cake for thermal and noise insulation.

If more insulation is needed, the following order is followed when performing the work:

  1. A film for soundproofing and noise insulation is laid, it is mounted on top of the ceiling.
  2. A polyethylene layer is applied with an overlap of at least 15 cm. The edges should go 2 cm higher than the coating, they are brought in under the damper tape.
  3. Installation of acoustic material.
  4. Thermal insulation material is always laid on top of the previous layers.

Reinforcement is not required for Knauf Superfloor. In a dry screed, the underfloor heating system is inefficient. Every engineering and communication system has a damper tape covering it.

Filling with expanded clay chips

When applied correctly to earlier layers, a screed with expanded clay can help you cut costs:

  1. Along the perimeter of the walls, strips are aligned at a distance of 10-20 cm, performed for the installation of beacons.
  2. At a distance of 1.5-2 m from the previous strip, the second and all subsequent beacons are installed.
  3. Installation of guides involves the use of special beacons or a standard rack profile of 2.7×6 cm.
  4. Most of the expanded clay is located between the beacons in an uneven form, as it is poured out of bags. A brush is used for leveling.
  5. Final alignment is performed with a rule. Beacons are rearranged after processing each section.

A rammer is used to further compact the bulk material if the backfill is thicker than 5 cm. Using a galvanized profile for guides is not advised since the material’s integrity is compromised during disassembly due to the shelves.

Laying gypsum fiber sheets

You can use pieces of 50×50 cm or larger gypsum fiber board to move a specialist along an unfinished floor. The master will have more room to move around the room if you had to begin working from the opposite wall. The two glued panels with a 5 cm offset set Knauf dry floors apart.

A robust layer is affixed above the backfill:

  1. It is recommended to start installation from the corner, the folds in all places of contact with the wall are cut in advance.
  2. Other panels are laid in a joint using folded joints, glue is applied to them in advance. Self-tapping screws are screwed on top of the material at a distance of 15-20 cm.

The system includes 100 3.9 mm screws in a box labeled MN. The screws range in length from 20 to 45 mm.

Nuances of Knauf Superfloor

Since spills will appear outward from under the gypsum fiber board in areas where the bedding adjoins the door, it is best to install dry screed in all the rooms at the same time.

In reality, installation is typically carried out utilizing the following technology for individual rooms:

  1. A profile or beam is installed in the opening, the material must be completely immersed under the gypsum fiber board.
  2. The profile is attached to the base with a hanger or dowel.

The tightly-formed container prevents loose litter from overflowing.

Crucial! Partitions should not be placed on top of superfloors; instead, they should be installed prior to the floor.


Alexander: "I was taken aback by the Knauf screed’s construction speed. Four days went by from the time of planning to the completion of the preparation after all the materials were delivered. The expensive price is the only downside.

Pavel: "It’s an expensive floor, but it’s quite good." My payment for a 30 m2 room was 33 thousand rubles. Fragility is another drawback; in order to construct the partition, I had to take apart the floor.

Mikhail: "The "superfloor" started to grow mold after neighbors flooded it. Although we were able to promptly replace the material, the residue persisted.

Feature Description
Easy Installation Knauf dry screed is simple to install, saving time and effort compared to traditional wet screeds.
Lightweight This screed is lightweight, making it ideal for renovations and reducing structural load.
Sound Insulation It provides excellent soundproofing, helping to reduce noise between floors.
Thermal Insulation Offers good thermal insulation, enhancing energy efficiency in buildings.
Fast Drying There"s no waiting time for drying, allowing for quicker project completion.
Versatile Applications Suitable for a variety of flooring finishes, from tiles to laminate.
Environmentally Friendly Made from sustainable materials, contributing to eco-friendly building practices.

A contemporary and effective method for producing seamless, long-lasting flooring surfaces is Knauf dry screed. Because of its special combination of granular fill and prefabricated gypsum fiberboards, it’s a great option for both residential and commercial spaces. Knauf dry screed, in contrast to conventional wet screeds, does not require extended drying periods, making it an advantageous choice for projects involving rapid construction.

The lightweight nature of Knauf dry screed is one of its best qualities; it lessens the overall load on building structures. This feature is especially useful for multi-story buildings and renovations where weight considerations are important. The dry installation method also uses less water and creates less mess, making the building environment cleaner and more environmentally friendly.

Excellent sound and thermal insulation qualities of Knauf dry screed are yet another noteworthy benefit. The screed’s gypsum fiberboards act as a solid barrier to improve acoustic comfort by lowering noise transfer between floors. For apartments, hotels, and office buildings where soundproofing is a top concern, this makes it the perfect solution. Moreover, thermal insulation contributes to energy efficiency and lower heating expenses by preserving a comfortable interior climate.

Knauf dry screed installation is comparatively simple and can be completed with little interference to the surrounding area. Quick and accurate installation is made possible by the modular panels’ ease of handling and ability to be cut to fit. For this reason, it’s a well-liked option for DIY enthusiasts and contractors searching for a hassle-free flooring solution.

In conclusion, Knauf dry screed is a practical and adaptable flooring choice that has many advantages over conventional techniques. It is a desirable option for many different applications due to its superior insulation qualities, lightweight design, and ease of installation. When building a new structure or remodeling an existing area, Knauf dry screed offers a dependable and effective means of achieving a superior floor finish.

Modern flooring options like Knauf dry screed have a number of benefits over conventional wet screed techniques. Its superior sound and thermal insulation qualities come with its lightweight design and ease of installation. Knauf dry screed doesn’t require water, so it dries faster and lowers the possibility of moisture-related problems. This is in contrast to wet screed. Because of this, it’s perfect for buildings and renovation projects where efficiency is crucial. Its modular design also makes it easy to customize and adjust, giving you a level, smooth surface that is prepared for any kind of flooring finish.

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Andrey Ivanov

Experienced civil engineer with more than 20 years of experience. Specializing in the construction of industrial and civil facilities. Author of many publications in professional journals.

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