Correct puttying of walls under wallpaper with your own hands (without experience, for beginners)

Wallpapering a wall can drastically change a space, but for optimal effects, the wall must be smooth and well-prepared. Puttying walls may seem like a daunting task if you’re not experienced with do-it-yourself projects. But even novices can confidently tackle this task with a little instruction.

Using clear instructions and advice, this article will guide you through the process of puttying walls under wallpaper. Prior experience or specialized knowledge is not required. A few simple tools, some perseverance, and the desire to try are all you need.

Everything from selecting the appropriate supplies to using the putty and creating a level, smooth surface will be covered. If you follow these steps, you should have no trouble creating a perfect base for your new wallpaper, which will make your room appear polished and professional.

Now that you’ve rolled up your sleeves, let’s begin transforming your walls into the ideal backdrop for your wallpaper. You’ll be astounded at what you can accomplish with a little work and the appropriate strategy.

Step Description
1. Prepare the wall Clean the wall of dust and dirt, remove old paint or wallpaper, and fix any holes or cracks.
2. Apply primer Use a primer to ensure the putty adheres well to the wall.
3. Mix the putty Follow the instructions on the package to mix the putty to the right consistency.
4. First coat Apply a thin layer of putty using a wide putty knife, covering the entire wall.
5. Sand the wall Once the putty is dry, sand the wall lightly to smooth out any rough spots.
6. Second coat Apply a second, thin coat of putty for a smoother finish.
7. Final sanding Sand the wall again to ensure it"s completely smooth and ready for wallpaper.

How putty differs from plaster

Although the materials’ names are somewhat similar, their structures are very different.

Putty starting mixtures have a looser structure. This is because the finishing composition will typically be applied on top. Conversely, these materials produce a smooth coating. They have a well-defined structure. Grain visibility on the surface is thus lost during leveling. This choice works well for putty underneath wallpaper.

What materials will be needed to level the walls

The decision is made with consideration for the state of the surfaces.

If required, plaster is used to erase noticeable flaws. However, it should be noted that this material will not be able to completely fill the area with irregularities because large fractions of the composition prevent you from getting a smooth surface. Conversely, starting putty can remove more substantial flaws.

The material’s range of applications is increased by this feature.

This article provides a simple, step-by-step tutorial for novices who want to take on their first wall puttying project. It explains how to achieve smooth, even walls that are ready for wallpaper. Without requiring any prior experience, you’ll learn the necessary equipment and supplies, how to prepare your walls, and the best putty application techniques. With easy-to-follow directions and practical advice, you’ll be able to change your walls with confidence and consistently achieve a polished look.

Types of putty for interior decoration of rooms, walls in an apartment – which one to choose

First, take note of the material’s composition.

  • gypsum;
  • cement;
  • lime;
  • polymer material;
  • adhesive base.

Every one of them has unique qualities. Prior to adhering wallpaper, choose a putty carefully. Gypsum compositions are known for their plasticity and quick drying times, but they are also weak and absorb moisture.

Are dependable, but they could shrink when they dry. They are suitable for use in highly humid rooms. You can use cement putty for wallpaper as well. Brick and concrete walls are more frequently leveled with cement mixtures.

Are employed as well, though less so than others. This is a basic material that can be used to surfaces for finishing and leveling. The mixture is plastic, but it gains strength from the cement in the mixture.

Is a good choice for putty finishing. It is applied to rectify a variety of imperfections (cracks, chips). Because the material is plastic, it can tolerate large deformations of structures caused by shrinkage.

Evenly coat the surface, creating a thin layer of protection. Simultaneously, the mixture eliminates minor defects and levels the walls. It is used to cover wood, concrete, plastered walls (as well as those that will have primer applied), and situations where wallpaper will be glued to the surface.

Starter putty for walls: which is better

When there are minor but noticeable flaws, this kind of material is used. Anything awry will show through the wallpaper. It is best to use a composition that is resistant to moisture in the kitchen. The putty walls will then continue to be visually appealing for a very long time. Pre-prime the base if you intend to use a cement mixture. If you don’t, the adhesion of the materials will be worse.

Start putty for walls under wallpaper should be applied with consideration for the allowable variation in levels, which ranges from 3 to 20 mm. This kind of material can be used to level surfaces with such features without much difficulty.

For work in rooms in which the humidity level does not exceed normal, it is permissible to consider compositions with the designation KR on the packaging.

Studying the rankings of the top producers of pre-made mixtures can help you choose the right putty for walls covered by wallpaper.

Finishing putty: which is better

It’s important to keep in mind that this type of material is not meant for large defects. If you apply the finishing putty sparingly, it will hold its characteristics. To further increase the coating’s service life, it is crucial to adhere to the work guidelines while taking the air environment’s restrictions into consideration.

– an affordable choice. Yet, one disadvantage of such material is its slow drying rate. Furthermore, it is employed for wall finishing in low-humidity areas.

Finishing putty for wallpaper: which is better

Leveling out the smallest defects is not necessary if the decorative coating is sufficiently dense. Moreover, the pattern will conceal them. However, most of the time the wallpaper highlights nearly every imperfection, so it is preferable to prep the surface.

First, consider the following options when deciding which putty is best for walls covered with wallpaper:

  • gypsum (for dry rooms);
  • latex – universal mixtures.

Their choice among the manufacturers is Vetonit, Knauff. The properties of the compositions are comparable.

  • smooth surface after leveling;
  • easy to process, to remove unevenness then just use sandpaper.

Low strength and moderate adhesion are drawbacks. However, using compositions with a higher degree of dependability is not required because wallpaper does not add to the weight of the supporting structure or partition.

How to properly putty a wall for wallpapering – step-by-step instructions for applying to plaster

  • starting putty;
  • finishing;
  • combined option (involves alternate application of starting and finishing mixtures).

In the first scenario, a basic solution is adequate, but there is no way to achieve a smooth surface with this approach. This technique can be used to level the walls if the wallpaper is thick and features a bright relief pattern. However, fewer people use this option than others.

The two most popular techniques are applying the finishing mixture alone or combining two techniques. The requirement for starting putty is what separates them. If there are no visible flaws and the rough base is smooth, there is no need to use this material. A finishing mixture is used to eliminate minor imperfections.

When deciding which putty to use under wallpaper on walls, a combination of options is typically taken into consideration. This is because workers don’t always level the surfaces carefully when building objects. As a result, different parts of the wall develop different levels and retain streaks and sagging. Two methods are used to correct such defects: applying the starting mixture first, followed by the finishing mixture.

You should putty the walls multiple times before applying wallpaper, but you must wait for the previous layer to dry. The next one is applied only after that.

Is it necessary to putty the walls before gluing wallpaper with starting and finishing putty

This is a traditional leveling technique. It is always utilized when it is feasible. This will enable you to endure the wall-finishing technology. Strengthening the supporting structure is one of the issues resolved in this instance, enabling you to support a sizable amount of weight on the decorative finish. However, if you’re wondering how to glue wallpaper, there’s no need to use various kinds of putty. Since this is a thin layer, they frequently only need a finishing mixture.

  • increased adhesion;
  • reduced glue consumption;
  • elimination of minor defects.

Wallpaper cannot be adhered to plaster without a second layer. The material will not fix well if the mixture is coarsely grained. The wallpaper will quickly peel off the wall because of its poor adhesion. Brickwork and concrete structures are typically finished with a starting mixture applied before the finishing mixture. The outcome will be unsatisfactory, much like when wallpaper is glued over plaster. There will be a decrease in the decorative coating’s service life.

Is it necessary to prime the walls before puttying

Using leveling mixtures is the first required step. An additional technique to enhance the rough base’s characteristics is priming.

  • normalization of the absorbency of the treated surface, which reduces the consumption of wallpaper glue;
  • increasing the adhesion of the material to the rough base;
  • reducing the consumption of putty (the walls are primed before and after leveling);
  • strengthening the surface layer of the coating, which prevents the putty from crumbling, and this is an important nuance when working with wallpaper;
  • providing protection from fungus, moisture.

It is still acceptable to move on to finishing with decorative material and skip this step if, for whatever reason, using a primer is not possible or the instructions on properly puttying walls under wallpaper were not studied in time. It will be challenging to forecast the coating’s behavior in this situation, though.

Wall putty tool

The leveling material is typically made as a dry mixture. Having a specialized tool makes it much easier to learn how to prepare a workable solution. There is a risk of error when mixing the mass by hand, which lowers the final product’s quality. However, there isn’t any other way to get expertise handling building mixtures than this. You can jump right to finishing if you don’t have time to experiment.

  • drill with a special attachment – mixer;
  • spatulas of different lengths, with smooth and serrated edges;
  • rule;
  • building level, plumb line;
  • roller and brushes;
  • special devices, materials for removing minor defects after the putty has dried – sandpaper, graters;
  • container in which the solution will be mixed.

How (how many times) to apply putty to a wall under wallpapering – technology

  1. Prepare a solution (instructions are given by the manufacturer of each type of material), there is no universal scheme for mixing putty with water. The consistency is always the same – creamy.
  2. Starting putty is applied to the primed surface. To do this, use a wide spatula. It is held in the hand at an angle of 30°, the direction of movement is diagonally along the wall.
  3. The next layer is finishing putty under the wallpaper, applied after priming. The break between leveling processes is from 12 to 24 hours. You need to wait until the starting mixture is completely dry. Use large and small spatulas. The thickness of the layer depends on the type of material (1-10 mm). The resulting surface should be smooth. If necessary, apply several layers. Each of them is primed.

Small irregularities can be removed with a grater or sandpaper. When the material’s outermost layer has dried, this should be done.

Is it possible to apply putty to level walls on paint

You can apply paints and varnishes to the surface of the supporting structure or partition to produce an impermeable layer. It won’t hold if you try to apply a building mixture on top. It is best to avoid dealing with the question of how to apply putty on walls at all. The decorative coating will not be fixed with above-average quality.

Try to get the paint off. Paint made with water is simple to remove. Other coatings are removed mechanically (scratch, grind) or as carefully as possible using special compounds that break down the paint.

Maximum layer of putty on the walls after plastering

  • apply several layers with a thickness of 0.5-3 mm, this facilitates the leveling process, but the implementation of the method takes more time and increases the consumption of the mixture (this option can be used by beginners in the construction business);
  • apply many layers of thinner thickness – up to 0.5 mm, the number of stages in creating a coating often reaches 5 or more, this option is more difficult to implement.

Grouting walls after puttying – detailed instructions for beginners

There’s no need to use the leveling mixture again if there are minor flaws remaining on the surface.

  1. Process uneven areas with coarse-grained sandpaper.
  2. Even smaller defects are smoothed out with fine-grained sandpaper. If there are a lot of irregularities, you can immediately take a grinding mesh. It does not get clogged as quickly as the previously discussed tool.
  3. Sanding is carried out at each of the levels, when the next layer of putty dries.
  4. During work, you cannot go to an already treated area, this will lead to the appearance of depressions, new irregularities.

Even when the work is done in bright light during the day, they use a flashlight to check the quality of the grinding by shining it on the surface.

Not all defects manifest themselves because of overhead light. Upon completion of the task, extract the microparticles that have detached themselves from the coating.

Which putty for interior work should be chosen for walls for wallpapering

You must select the material composition that is best suited for the task at hand from the range of options available.

  • gypsum;
  • polymer;
  • cement.

Each option’s characteristics were covered previously. The price-quality ratio is evaluated at this point. The mixtures mentioned above are the best options, particularly when leveling a sizable surface area.

The material’s structure is also taken into consideration when making the decision. Both dry compositions and ready-made mixtures are available. It is important to keep in mind that the first option cannot be used to level walls; if a layer thicker than 2 mm must be applied, shrinkage will cause the coating to deform.

Putty for plasterboard: which one is better to choose and use

A mixture based on gypsum is the best choice. Additionally, various composition types are employed, such as those for leveling the main surface area and working with sheet joints. Observe how quickly these kinds of putty layers dry. Plasterboard needs to be protected because it is frequently exposed to moisture. Think about blends with the right amount of additions.

After learning the fundamentals of puttying walls, you should have no trouble creating even, smooth surfaces that are ideal for applying wallpaper. Recall that during this process, your best allies will be patience and attention to detail. If you take the time to thoroughly putty and prepare your walls, your wallpaper will have a gorgeous and long-lasting finish.

If it takes you a few tries to get the hang of it, don’t give up. Even seasoned experts were once novices. As you proceed through each step—from combining the putty to applying and sanding it—you’ll build your abilities and confidence. Remain composed, follow a methodical approach, and absorb any errors you make.

You’ll discover that puttying gets easier as you keep practicing. It’s worth the work when you see a perfectly prepped wall ready for wallpaper. Whether you’re remodeling a room or your whole house, learning the craft of puttying is an invaluable ability that will come in handy for a lot of future do-it-yourself projects.

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Andrey Ivanov

Experienced civil engineer with more than 20 years of experience. Specializing in the construction of industrial and civil facilities. Author of many publications in professional journals.

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