Concrete proportions for 1 cube

A common and indispensable building material for everything from modest houses to massive skyscrapers, concrete is used in a multitude of construction projects. Making sure the components of concrete are the right proportions is one of the most important things when working with it. For the concrete to have the appropriate strength, durability, and workability, the mix must be properly adjusted.

Concrete proportions refer to the proportions of water, sand, aggregate, and cement in the mixture. Although these ratios can change based on the particular needs of the project, there are general guidelines that offer a useful place to start. Whether you’re a professional contractor or a do-it-yourself enthusiast, knowing these proportions is essential for anyone working with concrete.

The ratios required to make one cubic meter, or one cube, of concrete will be the main topic of this article. We’ll go over the fundamental mix ratios, how to modify them for various uses, and pointers for making sure your concrete is mixed correctly. You can make sure that your concrete projects stand the test of time by becoming proficient with these proportions.

Correct concrete mix proportions are essential whether you’re building a driveway, laying a foundation, or adding decorative elements. Let’s get into the specifics of how to combine the right elements for your upcoming project.

Concrete Type Proportions (Cement : Sand : Gravel : Water)
Standard Mix 1 : 2 : 4 : 0.5
Strong Mix 1 : 1.5 : 3 : 0.5
Lean Mix 1 : 3 : 6 : 0.5

A cube of concrete: preparation and composition

The most widely used building material is concrete. Certain manufacturers provide ready-to-use concrete for the installation of foundations and other structural components. Nonetheless, they typically use materials made by hand when building. You want to be absolutely certain about what will precisely be at the base of your house, after all.

Therefore, cement, sand, filler, and water are the main ingredients of concrete mortar.

A disproportionate combination of these ingredients won’t produce the intended outcome. You have to adhere to the concrete mixing instructions to the letter in order to accomplish it.

To achieve the required strength and durability, the proper proportions of cement, sand, gravel, and water must be balanced when making a concrete mix for one cubic meter. For both small do-it-yourself projects and large-scale constructions, knowing these proportions is crucial to ensuring the concrete sets correctly and retains its integrity over time. With its concise instructions and helpful hints, this guide will make the process easier for you to mix concrete effectively and efficiently for any project.

What functions does each component of the solution perform?

Concrete is built on a filler. Sand is added to gravel or crushed stone, which is used by builders as this component. When cement comes into contact with water, its primary function is to fuse the filler particles together. The first inference that can be drawn from this is that inadequate cement concentration results in poor bonding and inferior concrete mortar. On the other hand, an excessive amount of binding material will also be detrimental to the outcome. The building will eventually collapse due to the inherent cracks in the concrete caused by the fragility of cement.

Characteristics of the main materials in a cube of concrete

Let’s now discuss the features of the properties and usage guidelines for each part of the solution.


You should begin with cement even though the filler is an essential component of the concrete mortar. This ingredient is responsible for giving concrete qualities like dependability and strength. Every kind of construction uses cement. To put it simply, it’s a finely ground mineral powder that, when combined with water, forms a uniform mass. This consistency eventually turns to stone.

Avoiding material economization is the primary guideline that needs to be adhered to even prior to the commencement of construction. If you make a mistake in an attempt to lower construction costs, all of your hard work will be for nothing. Therefore, you should never use binding material that has passed its expiration date or that was leftover from another construction project.

For this material, storage conditions are crucial. When storage regulations are broken, cement may absorb moisture, compact, or take on lumps. In this situation, producing a high-quality concrete solution is not feasible.

If you still choose to purchase cement well in advance of the commencement of construction, you should be aware of some storage guidelines for this delicate substance. Cement can be kept in an open bag for no more than a day in extremely humid weather and no more than a week in dry weather. Closed bags can be kept for up to 90 days in a dry location that is elevated above the floor.

It makes no difference what kind of cement is used during building. The building of structures with specific uses in mind, like fireproof ones, is an exception. Concrete mortar contains other ingredients besides cement, though. The filler is an equally important component.


Different kinds of filler are used, depending on the concrete. Usually, this is gravel or crushed stone. Expanded clay, however, can be utilized to make lightweight concrete. Two times as much strength is required for this component as there is for the binding material. The primary ingredient in concrete mortar is filler. The stone prevents cracks from forming in concrete.

Similar to the preceding part, the filler material selection has certain characteristics. The diameter of crushed stone or gravel pebbles should not be larger than 20 millimeters. The material needs to be sifted through a specific sieve in order to produce the desired outcome.


The void left by the filler and the binder is filled with sand. The best choice would be river sand. The foundation of the future structure will be clean, coarse-grained river sand free of organic clay impurities. The foundation of a house is occasionally laid with artificial sand, which is created by crushing rocks.


Water is the last and equally significant component as the other elements. This component doesn’t require any particular setup. The most important requirements are that it be pure and that its amount match that of the binder and filler. The second prerequisite is particularly crucial because it affects how cement sets.

In terms of purity, the quality of the final mixture is raised by the lack of minerals and impurities. It is important to ascertain the proportion of each component element in relation to the others before beginning to mix the components.

Calculation example

The attention to proportions has a direct bearing on the strength of the concrete you make yourself. Every element needs to be present in a precise amount. A ratio of 1 part cement to 3 parts sand to 5 parts filler is the most appropriate. However, this does not imply that the ratios cannot be altered in accordance with the intended use of the concrete solution. As a result, foundation concrete is far stronger than wall concrete.

Concrete can be made by calculating the proportions of each ingredient using mathematical formulas and proportionate relationships.

One meter three hundred kilograms of construction cement

  • cement grade M 100 = 166 kg;
  • cement grade M200 = 241 kg;
  • cement grade M300 = 319 kg;
  • cement grade M400 = 417 kg.

1 m3 of gravel weighs 1400 kg.

  • granite crushed stone = 1470 kg.

1 m3 of sand weighs 1630 kg.

Looking at the above, we will need: to mix 1 cubic meter of concrete.

  • 1300 kg of construction cement or 166 kg of cement grade M 100, etc.d.
  • 3*1630 kg = 4890 kg of sand.
  • 5*1400 kg = 7000 kg of gravel or 5*1470 kg = 7350 kg of crushed stone.

The desired consistency of the concrete mass—which can be cast, plastic, or stiff—determines how much water is added. So, how can you make concrete mortar by hand?

The process of making concrete

It is not sufficient to simply follow all of the proportions in order to get the mixture’s highest quality. The act of creating concrete itself makes up the second part of the outcome. The following actions ought to take place:

  • Stage 1: Place dry materials in the concrete mixer in the correct proportion.
  • Stage 2: Gradually pour in water. At this stage, it is possible to add a plasticizer, a special substance that improves the quality of materials, as well as various additives that concrete needs to improve its properties.
  • Stage 3: After some time, a filler, previously soaked in water, is added to the resulting mixture.

Using your hands to mix the mixture is just not possible. Concrete mixers are the only tools that can produce an end product of this caliber. The answer is prepared. You have the next two hours to use it.

Achieving the proper concrete proportions for each cubic meter is crucial to producing a mix that is robust and long-lasting. The performance of the concrete is determined by the proper ratio of cement, sand, aggregate, and water. You can make sure that your mix satisfies the required standards for strength and durability by adhering to established guidelines.

Knowing the function of each component makes it easier to adjust the mixture for various uses. Sand fills in the spaces between the aggregates, cement serves as the binder, and water activates the cement to cause the mixture to harden. Accurate measurement of these elements guarantees uniformity and excellence in your concrete mixture.

Although the general ratios for concrete are widely known, specific project requirements or environmental factors may call for modifications. Always take into account the kind of project, the weight it will support, and the environmental factors. Adjusting the proportions can be made easier by seeking professional advice or by using reputable mix design software.

In actual use, precise measurement and thorough mixing are essential. Weak concrete may break or fail too soon as a result of inaccurate measurements or poor mixing. You can help your concrete structures achieve the desired strength and longevity by adhering to best practices for mixing and curing.

You may make premium concrete mixes that are customized to your unique requirements by being meticulous and consistent. Knowing the fundamentals of concrete proportions will make a big difference in the success and longevity of your work, no matter how big or small the project.

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Dmitry Sokolov

Chief engineer in a large construction company. I have extensive experience in managing construction projects and implementing modern technologies.

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