Concrete drills: types, methods of use

Although concrete is a strong and adaptable building material, using it correctly requires the right equipment. Concrete drills are among the most important tools for any project involving concrete. These specialty drills are made specifically to handle the toughness of concrete, which makes jobs like drilling holes for plumbing, running electrical conduits, and installing anchors much simpler.

Concrete drills come in a variety of varieties, each ideal for a particular use and set of circumstances. The three most popular types of drills are impact, rotary, and hammer, and each has special qualities and advantages. The effectiveness and caliber of your work can be greatly affected by selecting the appropriate kind of drill.

Making the proper choice of concrete drill is only half the story. Using the drill bit and its bit life to their fullest extends both safety and longevity. This entails being aware of the proper drilling speed, using the appropriate pressure, and knowing when to cool the bit with water.

This article will discuss the various kinds of concrete drills, their intended applications, and practical usage advice. This guide will assist you in approaching your concrete projects with confidence and accuracy, regardless of your level of experience or interest in do-it-yourself projects.

Types of products

One characteristic of a concrete drill is the unique soldering, which is composed of an extremely durable alloy that is nearly as hard as diamond. These carbide tools are stronger than anything else available.

They fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Drill for a drill. The shank of the structure is made in the form of a cylinder or polyhedron.
  2. Drill for a hammer drill. The shank has the shape of a cylinder with notches, and on its surface there is a marking SDS MAX or SDS PLUS.

Not all reinforced concrete can have a hole drilled into it with a standard drill bit. A hammer drill is used for this, along with a drill known as an impact drill for concrete.

In order to visualize the differences between drills for various materials, it is helpful to familiarize yourself with the appearance of these instruments:

Drills in Table 2:

  • Has a sharp tip with which the tool enters the wood;
  • Has a medium metallic shade;
  • The angle between the working edges is within 90° — 100°.

  • With a conical tip without a sharp cutting edge;
  • Usually black metallic color;
  • The angle between the working edges: for steel — 140°;
  • With a tip to which a carbide plate is soldered;
  • Has a white metallic color;
  • A fairly obtuse working angle.

For anyone working with concrete, whether for DIY projects, construction, or renovation, concrete drills are a need. This article examines the various kinds of concrete drills, including hammer and rotary drills, and offers clear instructions on how to use them correctly. You’ll discover the best methods for drilling into concrete, how to select the ideal drill for your project, and crucial safety advice to guarantee effective and secure operation. Knowing these tools will give you the confidence to take on any concrete drilling task, regardless of experience level.

Criteria for choosing a tool

The volume and nature of the work to be done must be ascertained before selecting the appropriate drills for drilling concrete.

You only need to use diamond drills with a diameter of 6 to 10 mm to perform minor home repairs. It is preferable to bring thinner tools with a diameter of 3 mm to 5.5 mm if you need to hang an image.

The mounting hole’s depth depends on the drill’s diameter:

GOSTs state that all tools have markings on them that indicate their length and diameter. This makes it easier to select the correct drill size for a concrete screw when making a hole in a particular surface.

  • Drill 6 × 110 mm. This is the most versatile and indispensable tool when repairing your home;
  • Drill 8 × 600 mm. Such long tools are used for drilling deep holes;
  • Drills 12 × 200 mm and 12 × 460 mm are used when it is necessary to drill holes for fastening furniture and laying electrical cables;
  • Drill 24 × 460 mm. This is a fairly large drill, often used in the installation of water supply and heating systems.

These are the primary features to consider when selecting a drill. Watch this article’s video to learn more about the various tools available for boring and drilling holes in concrete, as well as how to select the best ones for a given situation. It is important to give special consideration to the manufacturer.

Both domestic and foreign manufacturers produce the drills used in concrete operations. The tool’s price is determined by how well-known the brand is.

How can I pick the best concrete drill?

Advice: When buying a tool, remember that a higher price usually translates into a higher-quality item with a longer lifespan.

Both foreign and Russian manufacturers produce high-quality and long-lasting tools. The table below lists the top concrete drills:

  • Use of a carbide plate VK8 significantly increases the drilling speed and increases the wear resistance of the drill;
  • The presence of a U-shaped spiral accelerates the removal of unnecessary material and reduces the heating of the tool;
  • High class of purity of cutting edges;
  • Sharpening angle – 130 °;
  • Hexagonal shank, which serves as a reliable fastening of the drill in the chuck, ensuring safe and high-quality work.

China is where products are made. equipped with sturdy carbide plates that hold up well when drilling through concrete, even if the drill bit strikes steel reinforcement. But you can’t use this drill to drill reinforcement.

  • Made of alloy tool steel;
  • The milled spiral has a U-shape;
  • The shank is cylindrical.

Advice: Depending on their financial situation, each person should determine for themselves which drills are ideal for concrete. However, it’s always a good idea to keep in mind that less expensive options might be fake, which is easy to spot when drilling concrete. Therefore, you should speak with the seller to determine which drills are best to purchase.

Drilling holes

The directions for completing the task are very straightforward:

  • Working tools are carefully selected. With a hammer drill, due to transverse runout, the hole is slightly larger in diameter, it is better to buy a drill of a smaller diameter. The diamond crown cuts concrete with minimal tolerances;
  • The surface for drilling holes is marked;
  • For precise positioning of the tool in the center of the hole, it is better to mark the starting point with a concrete punch or a dowel;
  • The tool is installed in the previously marked recess and a hole is drilled in the concrete with a hammer drill;

Advice: There is a lot of dust produced when using an impact or hammer drill. As a result, you should wear gloves, safety glasses, and a respirator when drilling holes.

  • Pressing with great force on the handle of the hammer drill, you need to gradually move deeper into the concrete;
  • When drilling a sufficiently deep hole with a low-power hammer drill, it is necessary to use several techniques, periodically cooling the drill;
  • For large holes, you first need to go through the center of the intended hole with a drill of a smaller diameter, and with a more powerful one, expand the cavity to the desired size;
  • Upon completion of the processing, the cutting edges of the tool are inspected;
  • If necessary, the drill is sharpened.

Sharpening the drill

Advice: It’s important to use a high-quality tool and to use it correctly when beginning to drill holes in concrete walls.

In this instance, the drill needs to be properly prepared, which includes sharpening it. Using a corundum whetstone and a grinder, you can accomplish this on your own.

Restoring the cutting edge of any tool that is comparable to it involves a similar technology, but with a few minor adjustments:

  • You cannot allow strong overheating of the surfacing. Exposure to high temperatures reduces the adhesion of the carbide and the steel base, which reduces the strength of the joint;
  • If the moment was missed and the drill became hot, it takes enough time for it to cool down so that the process occurs slowly. It is forbidden to lower the tool into water: due to the temperature difference, cracks will appear on it;
  • The drill is pulled on the cone, or on the spiral surface. In the first case, additional devices are not required;
  • When sharpening in conical shape, the edges must converge exactly in the center of the drill. When displacing the intersection of the edges: the tool will be taken aside in the process, moreover, one of the edges will become much faster stupid;
  • It is better to use screw sharpening when working on foam or aerated concrete, and to hide the working part of the tool is on a special assault machine.

Drill Type Method of Use
Masonry Drill Bits Ideal for concrete, use with a hammer drill for best results.
Carbide-Tipped Bits Great for drilling into reinforced concrete, ensure to use water for cooling.
Diamond Core Bits Used for making larger holes, often in professional settings with a core drill.
SDS Drill Bits Perfect for heavy-duty drilling, compatible with SDS drills for faster work.
Hammer Drill Bits Work well with hammer drills for effective penetration into hard concrete.

Any DIY or construction project involving concrete requires an understanding of the various types of concrete drills and how to use them. The correct drill and technique can make your work more productive and efficient, whether you’re a professional contractor or a do-it-yourself enthusiast.

Hammer drills and rotary hammers are the most widely used instruments for drilling into concrete. Hammer drills are better suited for lighter work, but rotary hammers are strong and perfect for heavy-duty jobs. Although they differ in terms of power, speed, and application, both tools hammer through the hard concrete surface.

It’s essential to use these tools correctly to guarantee safety and get the greatest outcomes. First, choose the right drill bit that is made especially for concrete and make sure it is sharp and in good shape. Wear protective gear at all times to keep yourself safe from dust and debris, such as gloves and safety glasses.

When drilling, apply consistent pressure and hold the tool firmly. It’s crucial to let the drill do its job without pushing it, as this could cause the bit to break or cause overheating. To keep a clean hole and extend the life of your equipment, drill in stages and remove the bit occasionally to clear out dust.

You can approach concrete projects with confidence and accuracy if you are familiar with the different kinds of concrete drills and the right drilling techniques. Drilling into concrete is made manageable and simple with the correct equipment and techniques.

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Anna Vasilieva

Journalist with a technical education, specializing in construction topics. I can explain complex technical topics in simple and accessible language.

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