Aerated concrete or frame house: choosing the best material for construction

One of the most important choices you’ll make when building your dream home is the type of construction material to use. Aerated concrete and frame homes are two well-liked solutions that frequently come up in this conversation. Each has special benefits and drawbacks, so choosing one requires some careful consideration. Knowing the qualities of these materials can help you make an informed decision, regardless of your goals—durability, affordability, or energy efficiency.

Aerated concrete is a lightweight precast foam concrete building material that is also referred to as autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC). It is well renowned for having superior thermal insulation qualities, which can keep your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Additionally fireproof and providing good sound insulation is aerated concrete. To guarantee that its advantages are completely realized, its installation calls for specialized labor and can be more costly than other materials.

In contrast, a steel or wood skeleton is used to build frame homes. This approach is renowned for being quick and adaptable. Frame homes are frequently less expensive and quicker to construct than solid concrete buildings. They are a good option in regions that are prone to earthquakes because they also provide exceptional seismic resistance. But over time, they might need more care, particularly if wood is used, as it can attract pests and moisture.

The final decision between a frame home and aerated concrete is based on your needs, your financial situation, and the climate where you live. Whether insulation, cost, or construction speed are your top priorities, each material has unique advantages to offer. Through careful consideration of these factors, you can choose the material that most closely matches your vision for a long-lasting, cozy, and effective home.

Features of frame house building

In order to perform a comparative analysis, one must fully comprehend the characteristics of both materials, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of buildings constructed using each material, and take into account the challenges and characteristics of construction technology.

Perhaps we should begin with a frame building.

Overview of the main types of frame buildings, depending on the construction technology

It is worth noting that the frame can be constructed from materials other than wood, as was previously mentioned.

Thus, frames are classified into the following categories based on the materials and technology used:

  • Frame-panel structures, which are characterized by particular lightness. The thickness of the wall, taking into account the insulation, is usually about 20-25 cm.
  • Metal-frame buildings are distinguished by the presence of a metal frame. They are usually insulated using basalt wool. The thickness of the wall does not exceed 20 cm.
  • Frame-panel houses, characterized by more intensive insulation using polystyrene foam. The thickness of the wall reaches 25-27 cm.
  • Frame buildings with an increased level of insulation, which are erected using glued beams and, at the same time, are subject to insulation. The thickness of the wall of such a building reaches 400 mm.

Advantages of the material and buildings erected from it

There’s no accident that frame homes are becoming more and more common. Let’s examine the qualities that ensure this technology maintains its top spot over time.

Among the benefits are:

  1. Economy in the construction and operation of the building. The fact is that it is possible to build a frame structure, if desired, with minimal costs. This applies not only to the base, but also to subsequent finishing and insulation. The price is attractive to many developers.
  2. The speed of construction is surprisingly high. Some contractors assure potential customers of the possibility of carrying out the work in just a few months.
  3. No need for a powerful reinforced foundation, and this is again a saving of both time and money.
  4. High heat-saving characteristics, the possibility of saving on insulation and heating.
  5. If the insulation is selected correctly, the vapor permeability of wood will provide the most comfortable microclimate in the room.
  6. Variability of finishing.
  7. The ability to do the work yourself.
  8. Repairability of the building and the possibility of internal redevelopment.
  9. The environmental friendliness of wood is the highest possible.
  10. No need to wait for shrinkage, finishing can be started immediately after the construction of the building frame.
  11. Seismic resistance of buildings erected using frame technology.
  12. High frost resistance grade.
  13. All-season work.
  14. Quite a wide range of finishing options.

Main disadvantages of frame houses

Frame construction typically has far more benefits than drawbacks, though these do exist as well.

Among them are:

  1. The main disadvantage is, of course, the flammability of wood.
  2. The main insulation used in the construction of a frame house is not environmentally friendly. This applies to chipboards. Resins are used as impregnation in their production, which can be subject to emission. The same can be said about mineral wool.
  3. Doubtful strength of frame houses. In order to destroy a wall, you can use an ordinary chainsaw.
  4. Low heat capacity.
  5. Vulnerability to biological impact, which is eliminated by processing with specialized compounds.

Keep in mind that practically every one of the aforementioned drawbacks can be overcome. CML or CSP boards, for instance, can be used in place of chipboard.

There are a few more drawbacks that could be discussed, but they are all connected to the decision about the finishing or insulation that comes after. In other words, the insulation needs to be able to do this in order for the house to be vapor-permeable. In any other case, this will be a drawback for the frame house.

Aerated concrete as a material for erecting walls

Now that the frame structure’s features have been taken into account, let’s examine the primary rival, the aerated concrete house, and determine which is superior: frame or aerated concrete? Let’s start by talking about the primary qualities of the substance itself—aerated concrete blocks.

Main characteristics

Cellular concrete, of which aerated concrete blocks are a kind, has grown in favor because of its porous structure, which endows the material with unique properties.

Their main drawbacks are their low thermal conductivity and low weight. In turn, strength is obtained by incorporating the necessary grade of cement into the mixture. This indicator is directly impacted by its concentration.

The chemical reaction of quicklime with a blowing agent, typically aluminum powder, results in the formation of cells.

Let us examine the primary characteristics that are significant determinants when a developer selects the primary building material for walls:

  • Heat-saving capacity is characterized by a numerical value of 0.9-0.34 W * mC. This indicator is quite sufficient to keep the room warm. The wall thickness for the average region of Russia can be no more than 40 cm, taking into account additional insulation.

  • The average density can vary from 300 to 1200 kg / m3. For the construction of a low-rise private house, a density of D500 is sufficient. This is a structural and heat-insulating gas block. Products of lower density – heat-insulating, are suitable only for the purpose of thermal insulation, since their density does not allow the use of the material for the construction of load-bearing structures.

  • Strength is directly dependent on density and corresponds to values ​​from B1.5 to B15.
  • Frost resistance can reach a grade of 150 cycles. The minimum value in accordance with GOST is 25 cycles, which is typical for products that will be in contact with the external environment, that is, used in the construction of external walls.

  • Durability of structures – up to 200 years. This is what the manufacturers claim, although it is not yet possible to verify this in practice.

  • The material is environmentally friendly, it does not contain harmful substances.

  • Aerated concrete blocks are fire-resistant, do not burn and are not susceptible to high temperatures over a long period of time.

Types of material and application features

There are numerous classifications for aerated concrete blocks, and each one is determined by a specific indicator or factor:

  • As already mentioned, the density of the products formed the basis of the classification and determined the scope of application of the material. Below, in the photo, the dependence of the average density and thermal conductivity of an aerated concrete block is shown.
  • Aerated concrete blocks are also distinguished depending on the technological process of production, or, more precisely, in accordance with the method of hardening the block.

Through autoclave treatment, which involves subjecting the material to high pressure and temperature, the autoclaved type, also known as synthetic hardening product, achieves brand strength in a comparatively short amount of time.

Under normal circumstances, a non-autoclaved aerated block (hydration hardening) takes 28 days to reach strength. To expedite this process, products are occasionally treated with heat and humidity.

The first kind is preferred by most developers. Another name for it is a gas silicate block. Higher numerical indicators like strength, density, resistance to frost, and durability define it. In addition, the products cost more money.

  • The gas block, depending on the accuracy of the geometry, is divided into products of the first, second and third categories. The best option, of course, is a block of the first category.

Because of its minimal allowable deviations, it can be installed with an adhesive composition that has a thinnest possible seam. If these requirements are met, there will be a notable decrease in cold bridges and consequently, the building walls’ capacity to regulate temperature will be enhanced.

  • The composition of raw materials and proportions also formed the basis for the emergence of classifications. So blocks are divided according to the type of siliceous component and the content of the main binder. In the latter case, these can be: cement, lime, slag, mixed binder, ash.

As a siliceous component, sand, ash, and other industrial waste can be used. It is important to note that aerated concrete blocks can be produced as wall, partition, or U-shaped blocks, among other products.

Aerated concrete is used to make floor slabs, wall panels, lintels, and block products. It can also be used in liquid form to make monolithic structures.

Distinctive positive qualities

There are many benefits to using aerated concrete. It is important to note at the outset that a large number of advantages can offset even serious drawbacks.

The following traits serve as a representation of the positive aspects:

  • High environmental friendliness of the material and fire resistance.
  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient while maintaining high strength indicators.
  • Frost resistance of the products will not leave any developer indifferent.
  • Ease of use will facilitate the construction process for a beginner and significantly increase the speed of building construction.
  • Low weight can reduce the load on the foundation of the building.
  • Attractive price makes the products available to a wide range of consumers.
  • Variety of sizes and types of products, wide scope of application of the material, choice of manufacturers.
  • Durability and high performance characteristics.
  • Large selection of options for finishing the facade and interior of the building.
  • Large dimensions are also a big plus. Laying one product replaces laying up to 14 bricks.
  • Possibility of independent production of non-autoclaved products and, as a result, the opportunity to save.
  • Simple block laying technology. The short instructions below will tell you more about this.

Disadvantages of gas block

Additionally, there are negative attributes:

  • The main disadvantage can be called the hygroscopicity of gas block, which absorbs moisture literally like a sponge. The indicator is 25%. That is why it is extremely important to follow the technology of finishing both internal and external. At the same time, the materials used for cladding the facade must be technically compatible with the materials used for finishing the walls from the inside of the building.
  • Shrinkage is characteristic of gas block. Often, developers complain about the appearance of cracks in the finished wall.

Kindly take note! This issue can be resolved. The same adhesive composition that was used to lay the products can be used to repair the gap.

Errors committed during foundation construction, floor installation, or laying technology violations can also result in the appearance of cracks. Avoiding these errors is the best course of action.

  • It is quite difficult to attach fasteners to an aerated concrete wall. Absolutely any will not fit. You will have to purchase highly specialized hardware designed for the characteristics of the material.
  • To fix heavy elements, planning and strengthening of coupling units is necessary.
  • The gas block needs to increase adhesion with the help of primers, reinforcement and the use of special plaster compositions.
  • The products are fragile, they are afraid of mechanical impact.

Comparison of characteristics of aerated concrete and frame buildings

Which type of house is better, aerated concrete or frame, using the table?

Table 1: A comparison between frame homes and aerated concrete

Name of characteristics, properties Aerated concrete or frame house?
Heat preservation It is not possible to clearly single out one of the structures in this regard. Much depends on the insulation method, wall thickness and some other factors. In general, both buildings: those built from aerated concrete and those using frame technology, will have a high level of heat retention.
Frost resistance Aerated concrete, as already mentioned, can withstand up to 150 cycles. Frame construction is also characterized by a high indicator. What they have in common is that these values ​​can only be maintained and even increased if construction work and subsequent operation of buildings are technically correct.
Biological stability In this regard, wood is inferior. In order to eliminate this disadvantage in a frame structure, you should take care to purchase and use a special composition that protects the material.

The video in this article, "Which house is better: aerated concrete or frame," will make it very evident what advantages each building type has over the other.

House Weight Calculator

Briefly about construction technology

We have already performed a comparison of the technical and operational characteristics. Why not gain a deeper comprehension of the characteristics of construction work in both scenarios? Perhaps this will serve as the last defense of a specific design?

Bill from gas block

Think about applying the following table for laying aerated concrete blocks:

It is necessary to monitor the seam displacement, which was approximately 25%.

Cut blocks are used to fill in spaces that don’t match the product sizes.

Hand stroobores, reinforcement, and solution are required.

Construction of frame structures

There are several steps involved in building a structure with frame technology, which boil down to the following:

  • After the foundation is arranged, waterproof is laid on its even surface.
  • The next step will be the installation of the lower trim, which is carried out using a bar, usually with a cross section of 15 * 15 cm. You can also get a binding using the board.
  • The connection of the beam can be performed in several ways: by direct connection (in half a day) or under the slope.
  • The gaps between the base of the building and the material must be sealrated. You can use polystyrene foam, for example.
  • Often, elements are attached simultaneously with the help of self -tapping screws and liquid nails. At the edges, for better fixation, the he overshadow or anchor is used.

Be aware that when the beam is attached, it joins the building’s base and each other as well. Anchors or studs are options. When employing the latter, pre-drilling holes in the beam and foundation is required.

  • Following, the beams are installed at a certain distance equal to, as a rule, about 600 mm. To the strapping are attached with a similar method.
  • Next comes the line of the draft. It is mounted using logs and edged boards.
  • The next elements will be the frame posts. They are placed at a distance corresponding to the dimensions of the insulation.
  • When installing the posts, they are temporarily reinforced until the upper trim is installed. The latter is mounted after all posts have been fastened.
  • At the final stages, the frame is reinforced with diagonal ties, and connecting elements are mounted.
  • When fixing, experts advise using metal hardware, steel corners. The use of nails is undesirable.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each material when choosing between frame construction and aerated concrete for your new home. Aerated concrete is a great option for longevity and energy efficiency because it provides good fire resistance, insulation, and durability. Conversely, frame homes are renowned for their affordability, ease of construction, and adaptability in design. Budget, weather, and personal preferences are just a few of the variables that will influence your decision, so knowing the main distinctions will help you choose what’s best for your needs.

Calculation of MZLF according to Sazhin

Criteria Aerated Concrete Frame House
Insulation Good thermal insulation Needs extra insulation
Construction Speed Moderate Fast
Cost Affordable Varies
Durability Long-lasting Depends on materials
Eco-friendliness Eco-friendly Can be eco-friendly
Sound Insulation Good soundproofing Needs extra soundproofing
Flexibility in Design Limited flexibility High flexibility

It is important to weigh the distinct advantages and possible disadvantages of each material when choosing between a frame home and aerated concrete for your building project. Aerated concrete is a great option for safe and energy-efficient homes because it provides good fire resistance, soundproofing, and thermal insulation. Its lightweight design streamlines the construction process and may cut down on labor expenses and time spent on it.

Conversely, frame homes, which are usually made of steel or wood, are renowned for their adaptability and flexibility. They are easily expandable and modifyable, and they assemble quickly. Additionally, frame buildings are typically less expensive up front, particularly in areas where wood is easily obtained. Over time, though, they might need more upkeep, especially in terms of weatherproofing and pest control.

In the end, your decision will be based on your personal requirements, financial situation, and climate. Frame homes provide more affordable options and faster build times, but aerated concrete is best for people who value durability and long-term energy savings. You can make an informed choice that supports your objectives and guarantees a successful construction project by carefully considering these factors.

Video on the topic

FRAME VS AERATED CONCRETE HOUSE. Which one to build? Comparing two popular technologies. TIMELINES and PRICES

Which is cheaper, aerated concrete block or frame? Calculation and comparison of construction costs, pros and cons

Which house is better to build? / Differences in houses: frame house, panel house, aerated concrete house and others


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Marina Petrova

Candidate of Technical Sciences and teacher of the Faculty of Construction. In my articles, I talk about the latest scientific discoveries and innovations in the field of cement and concrete technologies.

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