Aerated concrete D500 (aerated concrete block D500) – characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, scope of use

Aerated concrete is an intriguing building material that is becoming more and more popular in the building industry. It’s not only about its distinctive composition; it also provides a performance-efficiency balance. In comparison to conventional concrete, this kind of concrete has some unique qualities and is lighter because air bubbles are added to the mixture during the manufacturing process.

The superior insulating qualities of aerated concrete are among its greatest benefits. It can result in large energy savings by keeping buildings warmer in the winter and colder in the summer. Additionally, because of its lower weight, it is easier to manage and lessens the strain on building foundations, which is beneficial in some construction scenarios.

Aerated concrete does have drawbacks, though. Because of its generally lower strength compared to conventional concrete, it may not be as useful in structural applications. Additionally, it may be more costly, something to take into account based on your project’s particulars and budget.

Aerated concrete has found a use in a variety of applications despite these disadvantages. It is frequently utilized in prefabricated blocks, insulation, and wall panels. Determining whether it is the best option for your upcoming construction project can be facilitated by being aware of its features.

Characteristics Aerated concrete is a lightweight, insulating material made by adding air bubbles to concrete. It has good thermal insulation and fire resistance, and it’s easier to cut and shape than traditional concrete.
Advantages It’s lighter than regular concrete, making it easier to handle and transport. It also has excellent thermal insulation, which can help reduce energy costs in buildings. Additionally, it’s resistant to fire and pests.
Disadvantages Aerated concrete can be more expensive than regular concrete and might not be as strong in terms of load-bearing capacity. It’s also more susceptible to moisture absorption, which can affect its durability over time.
Scope of Use It’s commonly used in residential buildings, interior walls, and non-load bearing structures. It’s also used for insulation panels and blocks in construction.

Blocks of gas concrete brands D500

Lime, water, and quartz sand are added to cement to create D500 gas concrete blocks. Only in the factory’s conditions can high-quality and pertinent blocks of blocks be created. Aluminum paste is added in the proper volume after cement, ground quartz sand, lime, water, and kneading in a special mixer are combined (it is in the answer for the appearance of pores in the structure of the material).

The solution gains initial strength and expands in volume as a result of numerous pores forming in a warm, humid chamber. After that, the solidified mass is moved to the cutting machinery, where it is used to form blocks with perfect geometry. The material reaches its ultimate strength in an autoclave furnace, which exposes it to temperatures between +175 and 200 degrees Celsius and high water vapor pressure.

It is feasible to obtain durable and high-quality gas blocks that will exhibit all of the stated characteristics because high temperatures are used during production.

Known for its low weight and insulating qualities, aerated concrete has a number of advantages and disadvantages that affect its application in building. It is a great option for increasing energy efficiency and lowering structural load because of its air-filled structure. However, its applications may be limited due to its lower strength when compared to conventional concrete. This article will examine the special qualities of aerated concrete, evaluate its benefits and drawbacks, and go over where it works best in the building sector.


When compared to blocks of a lesser brand, D500 gas blocks are stronger and have a higher density. For instance, 15% more force is needed in D500 than in D400 to remove a dowel.

Additionally, there is a difference in frost resistance; the D500 exhibits lower heat saving indicators but is more resilient to cold weather. Up to five storey buildings can be constructed with success using this brand.

  • High level of mechanical strength, compressive strength
  • Low shrinkage rate
  • Good density, which allows building reliable and durable structures
  • Low weight due to the presence of a huge number of pores in the structure
  • Ideal geometry, which saves money on finishing
  • Good vapor permeability – the walls can breathe, mold and mildew do not appear
  • Relatively affordable price
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Simple and quick installation – due to low weight and precise geometry of the blocks
  • Fire safety, environmental friendliness, no toxic emissions
  • Excellent sound insulation
  • Ease of processing any type – gas block is easy to cut, saw, etc..
  • Minimal seam and excellent adhesion to other materials (provided that special glue is used)

Analyzing a building material’s characteristics entails weighing its advantages and disadvantages. It is important to note that aerated concrete blocks have certain drawbacks, including high water absorption (which can be reduced with proper finishing), the material’s fragility and the necessity of handling them with extreme caution. It’s also important to use the appropriate fasteners to ensure the necessary rigidity of the connection.

Characteristics and Application

The primary attributes of the blocks are extremely high; as a result, the material is growing in popularity annually. High strength and other indications are shown by D500.

  • Dimensions – thickness/width ranging from 75 to 500 millimeters, height 200 millimeters, length 500/600 millimeters
  • Density – within 500 kg/m3
  • Strength – corresponds to class B2.5-3.5
  • Thermal conductivity – 0.13 W/(ms)
  • Frost resistance – within F35-100 (the number of freezing/thawing cycles that the material can withstand without loss of properties and deformation)
  • Porosity – about 85%
  • Fire resistance – buildings made of aerated concrete blocks belong to fire resistance classes I/II
  • Weight – 24.7 kilograms with a standard block size of 60 x 30 x 20 centimeters

The material’s scope is sufficiently broad and is defined by its qualities. Therefore, blocks that range in thickness from 75 to 150 millimeters can be used to build interior partitions. Blocks with a thickness of 200–250 millimeters are used for external wall structures that have seasonal living during the warm season. For the exterior walls of buildings intended for year-round habitation, blocks measuring between 300 and 400 millimeters in thickness are appropriate.

Gas blocks are permitted to be used in the construction of a variety of structures in buildings up to five stories high because of their exceptional strength. Minimum thickness blocks are used for internal walls, and maximum thickness blocks are used for external walls.

Blocks are quickly and easily installed because they are placed on a unique adhesive material. Make sure the base is level and even before laying the first row. Level it if needed. Following the installation of temporary guides—you could use a wooden block, for instance—the mounted partitions are leaned against them.

The first row of blocks must be laid with special care; if done correctly, this will make the work go farther more quickly and easily. The butt and horizontal seams receive an application of the adhesive composition.

Make sure there are no level variations between the blocks in the neighborhood by aligning the surface of each row with a specialized grater. (this can cause cracks for the appearance of cracks). The second and subsequent rows shift a vertical seam by half of a block, forming a frame.

One distinctive building material that has its own advantages, disadvantages, and qualities is aerated concrete. Owing to its exceptional thermal insulation and lightweight design, it is a widely preferred option for various construction endeavors. Aerated concrete’s porous structure offers effective sound and heat insulation, which can reduce energy use and create a calmer living space.

The simplicity of handling and installing aerated concrete is one of its key advantages. Compared to conventional concrete, it is simpler to work with and transport due to its low weight. It can also be shaped and cut using common tools, giving designers and builders more creative freedom. This may result in shorter construction schedules and possibly cheaper labor expenses.

Aerated concrete does have certain disadvantages, though. Because of its reduced compressive strength in comparison to regular concrete, it might not be appropriate for all structural applications. Furthermore, if improperly protected, it may be more vulnerable to water damage, necessitating extra precautions during construction.

Notwithstanding these drawbacks, aerated concrete has a lot of uses. It is frequently used for floors, walls, and partitions in both residential and commercial buildings. Because of its insulating qualities, it is especially helpful in energy-efficient building. Builders and homeowners can decide if aerated concrete is the best option for their particular needs by being aware of its advantages and disadvantages.

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Building walls from aerated concrete blocks D500 375 mm

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Anna Vasilieva

Journalist with a technical education, specializing in construction topics. I can explain complex technical topics in simple and accessible language.

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